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Judge, Jury, Sentenced

Posted on Sat Jun 27th, 2015 @ 7:20pm by Lieutenant Commander Antos Lev & Lieutenant Raymond Benson & Lieutenant Commander Solis & Lieutenant Bajun Julisa & Chief Petty Officer Siri & Senior Chief Petty Officer Chelsea May

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: JAG Offices

Back at work after her bout of headaches and mind-boggling recall, Julisa found that thinking about other people's lives made her feel better. At least, she did, until there was a ruckus out in the waiting room. She wandered out and encountered a man with pale blonde hair standing with two Security officers and a medtech. In the midst of them all was a lithe blonde with large breasts. The blonde man was speaking at Siri, "Well, call him down here, then!" He paused on seeing Julisa and grinned, one eyebrow lifting suggestively at her.

Siri saw Julisa, rolled her eyes and said, "Ray thought this meeting was happening in Piper; these folks brought Ms. Crazy down here."

"Then call Ray and get him down here," Julisa parroted the blonde guy. "Go on, and quiet them down." She retreated into her office.

Siri huffed, but turned to do as her boss requested. When the blonde guy started up again, she said, "Uh-uh, don't you even start with me again. And roll that tongue back into your mouth." She opened a comm and started speaking into it.

While she did that and was occupied, the blonde scooted past her desk to Julisa's office. "Ah, excuse me... I didn't realize they let attorneys be as pretty as you," he smiled charmingly.

It was a smile Julisa recognized: "Oh gods, he procreated?" As the man's smile fell, she went on, "You're Earl's son, aren't you?" She looked horrified.

"Ah...well, yeah, you don't have to make that seem so awful." He was a bit put off flirting with her. "Do I know you? You know my dad, I take it."

"Ugh, crazy Earl Crane. Yes, I know your dad. Why are you here?"

He grinned, flirting again, even though she had called his dad crazy, "Well, I've been here helping a friend out with a little girl problem he's been having. Just a little," he held his fingers a centimeter apart and entered the office fully. He approached her desk, perching on the edge. "But, really--”

“Really what?” Solis had appeared in the doorway, leaning against it with his arms crossed. “Jules, I swear, I am going to go find Ophelia and take back everything good I said. Put your eyes back in your head and get them off my woman.”

From the outer office came a shout: "I'm your woman! Solis!"

Julisa sat up straight and slapped her desk with her hands, "That woman is here! And what good things have you been saying about me?"

Julian, who had jumped up like he'd been zapped with a bug light when Solis said his name and then backed off quickly when Solis had laid verbal claim to Julisa, cringed at Nikki's shout.

“He’s been eyeing Ophelia and so I put in a good word for him.” Solis clapped Julian on the shoulder, then rolled his eyes at the outburst. “Julian for the love of your mother, go shut her up till Ray gets here. Then she can talk all she wants.” He looked back to Julisa and shrugged. “Sorry. The good news is, her confession is on tape. She should be out of here in a few hours.”

"Confession? Tape? Solis, it's like you're speaking an alien language. What are you on about?"

Julian coughed, looked sheepish (a look in which Julisa again recognized Earl), and said, "We're meeting with Ray to wrap up the whole Nikki Gold is married to Solis situation. I got a confession out of Nikki--"

"By torturing her with Earl's style of flirting?" Julisa had folded her arms over her chest and was glaring at the two.

"No... What? My flirting isn't that awful. I'm not as bad as my dad, that's for sure." He shot Julisa a 'what the hell?' look. "But, no, I made her mad and--"

"That must have been easy, since you're Earl's son. The Prophets know Earl could anger a corpse," Julisa muttered.

"Stop interrupting me! Oo... you...! Attorney!" He shouted the last word and turned on Solis. "You like her? Are you sure? Nikki might be insane, but ....I'm sure she's nicer than this ...," he glanced over his shoulder and said, "attorney," like it was a filthy word.

“Go deal with your great-whatever grandchild.” He turned back to Julisa and smiled. “What this all means is that this mess is over. For good. She’s --” This time it was Solis who was interrupted by a cheery voice in the waiting area.

“Good afternoon, ladies,” he greeted Siri and Chelsea. “Are you still betting on my sex life?” Ray glanced at the group and smiled unapologetically. “They do, you know. If any of you want a piece of the action, odds are running about 5/2 as of this morning. Solis are you here?” he called out and passed right on through to his office. “Everyone, follow me.”

Julian was the first one out the door to follow Ray into his office. Still in her office, Julisa grabbed Solis' arm, "This mess... The marriage to Nikki... all done? Really?"

“It is. She confessed, as Julian said. Now, it’s all over but the shouting as they say, which is where Ray comes in. He’ll get it all tidied up and out the door.”

"Good. Leave her to me and I'd get her cleaned up via the waste recycler," she commented. "Go on then. I'll be here."

Solis leaned across the desk to kiss her, then scooted out the door and into Ray’s office.

“Siri, get in here,” Ray called out. “And Chel, a Commander Antos will be arriving any second now. Send him on in. The rest of you, sit down.”

Shrugging at Chelsea, Siri went into Ray's office as well. The medtech went in behind her, pulling Nikki Gold with him. "Here we are, Ms. Gold, just sit right here," he pushed her into a chair.

She leaned over towards Solis. "Babe, tell them what we did. We got married."

Ray held up a hand to stop Solis. “No, he won’t.” He placed a padd on his desk. Before he could activate it, Commander Antos entered the office and took a seat. Ray nodded and pressed the padd. In the quiet office, came the recorded conversation between Nikki and Julian.

Solis does not love you. He barely knows you exist. He’s ...married, yes, married to someone else!” It was Julian’s voice.

Then came Nikki’s reply. “You’re wrong! He does. I know he does. And he couldn’t have married someone else! I planted the certificate...,so he couldn’t!”

Ray stopped the playback and turned a steely glare on Nikki. “Well?”

"That's not me." Nikki shook her head placidly. Julian put his face in his palm and shook his head.

“I could play the video feed if you’d rather? And read the witness statements from Counselor Amani and Lt. Payne?”

"That doesn't prove anything. Holograms can be programmed," Nikki sniffed and tried her best to look haughty.

Ray slammed his hand on the desk and in the quiet office, it echoed. “Holograms can be programmed but people cannot, Miss Gold. Let me put it this way.” He glanced to Lev, then back. “We have the evidence. We have three witnesses who heard it. And perhaps you recall Commander Antos?”

She glanced at the Commander and sneered. "I do." It didn't seem like a good recollection. He's the one that had demoted her because she had deleted Solis' transfer request.

“Your first offense is a matter of record, Miss Gold,” Lev began. “You were demoted because of it. Are you aware of the consequences that will apply when this offense is added to your record?”

"What consequences? All I know is you're keeping me from Solis and our wedding bed!", Nikki shouted, not looking at anyone in the room.

Ray rolled his eyes and suddenly wished that he was a Klingon and could just kill her. He took a deep breath and when he spoke, his voice was little more than a growl.

“What Commander Antos means is that you have two options here. You can plead your case in a court martial but you will lose, and likely face prison time. What you have attempted to do here is no small matter. Your other option is to plead guilty, receive a dishonorable discharge, and go home. In either case, you will be signing a restraining order that will keep you as far from Dr. Solis and Lt. Bajun as is possible in the known universe. So...what’s it going to be? If you decide on a court martial, we have defense counsel for you, of course, but you may want to consider your next words very carefully.”

She glared at him, glared at Ray and started to turn towards Solis but saw Lt. Bajun in the doorway. She smiled ferally and said, "He's mine, and he always will love me first. You'll just be second." Before anyone could react, she added, "Fine, discharge me, send me home. I did it. I did him," she was still staring at Julisa, that smile in place. Julisa remained silent, but looked at Solis.

Solis fought down the urge to lunge over Julian and strangle the woman. A low grumble escaped him before he could stop it and Julian clamped a hand on his arm.

“Not much longer,” he said and Solis nodded.

“Wise choice,” Ray grumbled. He then pulled three padds from his desk and placed them before Nikki. “I need your thumb print on all three. This first one is the confession. These other two are the discharge order and the restraining order. Commander Antos is still technically your XO until he’s officially on the colony, so he will sign the discharge as well. You may proceed, Miss Gold.”

She licked her thumb and laid it on the three padds. The last one beeped and she frowned. "I just love him so much."

Julian rubbed a hand through his hair and shook his head. "There's a transport leaving in three hours, Dock 39. We'll get Nikki on it. Mr. Benson, are we done here?"

“Yes. Siri will arrange a security detail and I want them with her before she leaves this office and until she’s been secured on the transport.” Ray looked back to Nikki. “And just so it’s on the record here, this restraining order includes any of your computer monkeying around or any attempt in any form to interfere with Lieutenants Solis and Bajun.” He nodded to Siri. “Get Security and get her out of my office.”

Julisa had disappeared from the doorway and now the Security officers and medtech collected Nikki and took her out of the JAG's office. Julian smiled at Solis, "And there we go! All over." He clapped Solis on the shoulder.

Solis groaned aloud and leaned back in his chair. "Thank you Ray, Lev… likely saved me from a murder charge.” He managed a smile. “Let’s hope this is the end of it and Jules? Sorry that you had to deal with this.”

"Me? Whatever," he shrugged. "We know we have a little bit of crazy in our family. I mean...Dad and I aren't crazy like her, more like foxes. For foxy foxes." He grinned then sobered. "But I'm not really the Jules you should be apologizing to, you know?"

“We’ve had that discussion, and we’re good.” Solis patted Julian on the back, then shook Lev’s hand. “Thanks for coming. If the rest of you will excuse us, I need to speak to Ray on some business.”

“I have some time,” Ray answered.

* * *

The office had quieted down after the departure of all but Solis. Chelsea looked at Ray’s door, then over to Siri. “So, that do you think they’de talking about in there?”

"Dunno," the Bolian shook her head and frowned. She glanced towards Julisa's office, which was locked. "Better be good, though."

“I don’t hear any shouting, which is always good,” Chelsea answered. Just as she finished, the door opened and Solis emerged, smiling.

“Ladies,” he greeted them, then passed on to Julisa’s door.

Lt. Bajun Julisa
Nikki Gold
Julian Crane, MD
Lt. Solis
Lt. Ray Benson
Lt. Commander Antos Lev


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