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Tuxedo No. 2

Posted on Sat Jun 20th, 2015 @ 4:45am by Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD & Niall Sala Ph.D.

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Lady Ella’s - The Promenade

* Lady Ella’s - The Promenade *

As Niall approached Lady Ella’s, he decided he was glad that Adara didn’t work for him. She wasn’t telepathic as far as he knew but she certainly was a keen observer and read people far too easily. He would keep that in mind going forward. Right now, however, he was going forward in a much different fashion. He entered the jazz club, still dressed in a dark suit with a burgundy shirt and tie. The hostess, a young woman dressed in 1920’s style, smiled as she looked him up and down. He informed her that the Counselor would be arriving soon and was to be shown to his table. She nodded and led him to a corner table in the softly lit bar, not far from the stage, but not so close as to interfere with conversation.

“Thank you.”

“Of course.” She departed and Niall sat down, leaning back in his chair as the jazz combo on the small stage segued into a slow, lush melody. The music, the deep red walls, the intimate was all perfect. Glancing around he realized that while he could see people at other tables, he couldn’t really distinguish their faces. It was just what the doctor ordered. The thought brought a smile.

“Doctor Sala’s table?” Robin asked at the front entrance. He was immediately taken back to the table where Niall sat and, once alone, he smiled, unbuttoned his jacket and sat across the table from the good doctor. “I hope you haven’t been waiting long? I was trying to decide what to wear since I’d not been here before.”

He was telling the truth. Lady Ella’s was a fairly new addition to Starbase 900’s selection of entertainment in the Promenade. The staff were all dressed in the 1920’s style and, as such, Robin wanted to fit in, almost like attending a themed party. He’d gone through a few suits, some with jackets and some without, until he finally settled on a plain black tuxedo jacket and pants, white button up shirt but without a tie. He left it open at the top and, after spinning around in front of the mirror a half dozen times, deemed it worthy of a night out.

“You look great, in my opinion.” Niall smiled across at Robin. “And no, I just arrived actually. I had dinner with the incoming colony CO, who came in tonight.” He paused to look at Robin a bit more intently. “So, what’s your preference this evening?”

“I think I’d like to try the Tuxedo No. 2,” Robin replied and adjusted his seat closer to the table. “I did a little digging on some of the cocktails of this era and that one sounded nice.”

“I'll trust your judgment, then.” Niall raised his hand and the server appeared. He ordered and the young man hurried off. “Regarding the colony, I thought you might like to know that I did, in fact, get to work on a park design. We are extremely pleased with the end result, as is Commander Gunnar. And it’s thanks to your inspiration.”

“I’m glad I could be of some assistance, then. Do you think it will be a big hit there, or seen as superfluous since the planet itself has some interesting areas?”

“We discussed that and I think that, closer into the buildings, it will see a lot of use. Those venturing further afield will likely be looking for adventure, not just some grass and landscaping and a place to relax close to home. At the very least, it will fit in with the architecture very well so it looks like a colony, not a military outpost, even though it is.” The drinks arrived and Niall waited till they were alone once more before picking up his glass.

Robin nodded in approval. “I’m glad you’re working to make it a little more home-y, instead of just spartan, right from the start.” He picked up his own glass. “The Tuxedo No. 2 is a martini with maraschino liqueur and orange bitters, by the way. I hope you like it.” He chuckled. “Hell, I hope I like it.”

“Well if we don’t there’s more liquor where this came from, but it’s a good choice. I am very partial to gin. Salut.” Niall sipped the drink, then nodded his approval. “Goes down like silk, Robin.”

“This is fantastic!” Robin said then sipped more. “Oh, wow,” he said, looking at the glass, “where have you been all my life?”

Niall blinked at the question, then realized Robin was speaking to his drink. “In that case, remind me to stock up on gin.” Amusement lit his face now. He took another sip and decided he echoed Robin’s sentiment.

“Have you been able to wander around the station a bit more? Get out and see the sights a bit?” Robin asked. “I hope you’re not just working and nothing else.”

“Well, we are down to the last phases of the design and construction is beginning so it’s been a bit of a crunch. The park was the last new part so now it’s all in coordinating with the builders. What that means is that now, I’ll have more free time to do that exploring or maybe see the planet. What about you? I’m glad that I could spirit you away for an evening, whatever your schedule is like.” Up on stage, the combo began their rendition of Naima, a classic Coltrane song. The mellow saxophone brought forth a sigh from Niall.

“Drusilla will be back from her vacation-slash-honeymoon soon,” Robin replied, turning to see the group up on stage and noticing how much Niall seemed to enjoy the music. “I’ll continue seeing my patients for another week or so and then shuffle them off to other counselors so that I can take my trip. I’m excited for that.”

“Still planning to to go out under the stars?” Niall asked. “If so, enjoy, it sounds like a very relaxing trip.” He glanced to Robin’s glass and signaled the waiter for another round.

“I think it will be fun, and about time, to be honest. After discussing it with Lt. Amani, and you, I’ve thought more and more about it and realized that I’ve been working non-stop for several years now. A week or so away will be worth it.”

The server arrived with two more of the drinks and disappeared just as quickly.

“Exactly. And now you sound like Lani. If I’ve heard that once from her, I’ve heard it a hundred times. I always tell her that I will go when I have time.” A short laugh escaped Niall. “I don’t have to tell you how she took that one. Has Drusilla ever sent you to the doghouse?”

Robin laughed. “She’s barked a few times, but it’s never been that bad.”

Niall joined in the laughter. “Then you are a lucky man. Lani looks sweet but don’t ever cross her.” It was clear that despite his words, Niall held genuine affection for her. “She’d be jumping for joy if she knew I had a date this evening.”

Robin coughed up a bit of his drink. After recovering he asked, “A date, huh?” He left any other questions in reserve, curious to hear Niall’s reaction.

Niall was still for several seconds and finally, decided that his slip had opened up the subject, there was no backing down now. “She assumes every time I go out in the evening, it’s a date,” he answered carefully. He slowly twisted the martini glass in his fingers. “I don’t always share her optimism and often, she is just wrong in her assumption. But tonight...I...have to admit to sharing that optimism.”

After hearing that, Robin let out a deep breath through his nose. He wasn’t sure how to reply. Sure, he’d had fleeting thoughts about Niall and how nice and well put-together he seemed, but he was just so concerned that actually pursuing a relationship with him might wind up being wrong. However, he wasn’t just a man, he was a trained counselor for Starfleet. After taking another drink, he decided to play it cool and take a somewhat scientific approach instead of just running for the hills.

Trying to form his words, he stared at his half-empty glass before finally meeting Niall’s gaze. “Since we are admitting things,” he started slowly, “I will say that I had briefly thought about it myself. But I’m a bit concerned about my past--our past, coming back to bite us in the ass. Have you given any thought to that during your optimistic thoughts?”

“I have,” Niall admitted. “It concerned but but when I was sitting yesterday, thinking about...this...instead of finishing up the park specs that I farmed off on JL, I realized something. It was something you said,by the way. That past, at least our association, was never too involved and it was a long time ago. I think I was perhaps looking for a reason not to ask, than a reason to ask in spite of it, if that makes sense. And that, my dear Counselor, is why we’ve both been on our own too long instead of doing as you said and getting out and finding someone.”

Niall definitely had a point. Robin had been pointedly avoiding any romantic relationships since Stephen. Mostly subconsciously, but later he would question why he’d rejected someone or made outright attempts to sabotage what could have been a good thing.

Robin nodded. “You’re right,” he said. “You are right. I have been avoiding anything even remotely like this since Stephen.” He started to take another drink then put the glass back down. “Niall, I am very out of practice--just something I think you should know. Stephen and I, well, it was months before we even started talking about making things serious between us. Call me old fashioned, whatever, but I don’t move fast. And after having been out of the pool for so long, so to speak, I’m a bit shy about just jumping right back in.”

“I can relate to that, as you well know. Would it help if I said that I’ve been a bundle of nerves tonight and nothing ever makes me nervous?” He looked at his glass and realized he was still fidgeting with it. He held it up with a smile. “See? I’ve never been an overly emotional person, something else that was pointed out to me as he was walking out the front door. Maybe that was him and not me, despite his belief. Wrong person, wrong time.”

Robin couldn’t help but smile. “It seems that he didn’t know you at all. Focused on work and half Vulcan. There may be difficulties there, but as you say, wrong person, wrong time. And besides, when you’re not around your staff you seem as if you’re able to let go of that stringent work ethic and restraint of emotion.” He finally sipped at his drink again. “Maybe you’ve also grown a bit as well, allowing that sort of thing.”

There was a moment where they just looked to one another, nothing really being said. But in that time it was a deciding factor for Robin. “Okay,” he said, finally. “We can give it a shot. I’d be crazy not to. You’re charming, smart, successful and very easy on the eyes. But again, and fair warning, I may move a little slower than most.”

A slow smile lit Niall’s face. “Flattery will get you everywhere.” He sipped his drink, then set it aside. “I have no issues with that. It’s been a long time since I was in this position, of even thinking of a relationship. I may be feeling my way along. But can you give me one thing?”

“Possibly,” Robin replied, peering over the lip of his glass.

“Patience. He was not entirely right but there may have been a grain of truth in what he said. I do take work seriously and you seem to understand that. But that only goes so far. I fully expect a prod if I get too involved to the detriment of the rest.” Niall reached across the table to rest his hand over Robin’s. “Please.”

“That I can do. And may I assume this is to be kept quiet, at least from your staff? Or will you be loosening up on that as well?”

The question was a good one and he met Robin’s gaze, finally smiling. “Since that involves you, I think you should weigh in with your thoughts. Remember, my staff is half convinced I am an android. The rest of the time, they wonder if I’m not seeing you professionally for stress relief. What do you think?”

“That’s not something I can answer for you, Niall. But you have options. Don’t hide it and answer honestly if asked, try to keep it low-key and let it be known later or try to hide it completely.” Robin frowned. “Unfortunately, that last one never works for long. Word always gets out. But your decision will determine how I handle it on my end. If you’re close-lipped and I’m blabbing, it will get back to your staff eventually.”

‘I think Lani suspects what’s been distracting me, though she’s never said it and neither did I.” He pondered the question, then smiled. “You’d be blabbing?”

“Well, not necessarily shouting it from the rooftops,” Robin said with a chuckle. “But you know that I share things with Dru that you don’t necessarily share with Lani.”

“Then you should, if that’s what you want to do. Perhaps it’s time I confided in Lani. The other two, well, they can figure it out on their own, and they will eventually. She won’t tell them however, and I value her insight. That’s a big step for me, I’ll admit.” He was silent a few moments, then nodded. “That feels right. Besides, even on a station this size, as I pointed out to Adara earlier, people run into other people. We will be seen.”

“So, what happens now?”

Niall looked back at Robin, then past him to the musicians. Beyond their table, the small dance floor held a few couples dancing to a slow, sultry jazz number. Niall stood, still holding Robin’s hand and pulled him to his feet.

“We dance.”

Robin balked a moment, but decided to go out on the floor and enjoy it. “Okay, but I’m leading. I never learned the other way.”

“My pleasure.” Niall smiled as they reached the floor and Robin’s arm slipped around him. He took Robin’s other hand and they began to move across the floor. “I’m glad I followed your advice.”

“Sometimes I’m pretty good at it,” Robin said. “You’d almost think I get paid to do it.”

Niall laughed aloud, drawing a few looks from the other dancers. “You might at that.” He paused a few beats and when he spoke again, his voice was soft at Robin’s ear. “I’m glad you came.”

Robin couldn’t help but smile and noticed how he enjoyed Niall’s hand in his. “As am I.”

Niall Sala Ph.D.
Partial To Gin...And The Counselor

Lt. Cmdr. Robin Swift
Dipping Toes Back in the Pool


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