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All Roads Lead To... Nexus

Posted on Tue Aug 9th, 2011 @ 1:20am by Commander Patrick Leroy
Edited on on Tue Aug 9th, 2011 @ 1:22am

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Divitian Speaker's Quarters

"This is madness".

Ehr'Raal crossed arms on his chest with the last statement casting the Speaker a severe look.

The Speaker sighed with his captain refusal; it had been taken into good account anyway though.
Zee'Hrai had thought about the Chief Diplomat invitation: to enjoy a little free time in the Starbase lounge almost every day now and these last had been heavy on him. The reports coming from personnel deployed for the emergency had been less than comforting and keeping his retinue by the reins here to avoid any offense to Federation drained his energies more than he could have thought. He felt... Tired.

"I don't think it will be so bad. Just a couple of hours Ehr'raal. It will be good to bring the mind away from job for a while".

"We're far from home, in stranger territory. The mission is too important, Speaker. We cannot afford the risk to lose you now when so much is at stake..."
The captain spoke bluntly as it was his costume anytime the greater good of Divitia was brought forward. Zee'hrai stiffened while some sensible chords were touched by Ehr'raal words:

"Have I to remind you that we do not have a home anymore? That we're going to be in stranger territory for a long time to come?" the tone in his voice suddenly harsh "The Speaker has to be protected... The Speaker's too important... From the moment we've arrived on this Starbase I haven't heard of anything else."
Zee'Hrai turned without waiting for his captain's answer and strode to the replicator: "Katavian herbal tea. Hot."

"But you know that is true." Ehr'Raal insisted. "The success of the mission depends on the Speaker. Should something happen to you all we have done so far will be for naught."

"I'm starting too feel a prisoner... Detained by my own people." Said Zee'Hrai as he took a sip from the cup. "I want to taste normality again, for a little. I want to mingle with common people, to talk with them... Hear their words and their laughter. Have them to speak to me without that shadow of solemnity that permeates any talk with the Speaker of Divitia".

"The larr inhabiting this Starbase are not worthy to stay close to the Speaker of Divitia nor to speak with him."
Responded Ehr'Raal stolidly.

"Then there will be only Zee'Hrai the divitian." smiled Zee'Hrai "No one will know that the Speaker in person is there."

"I see that you're not going to be convinced by my words." Ehr'Raal said shaking his head "I will send twenty soldiers to the lounge to check for everything and provide for security. I'll personally interview the Lounge manager to see if we can trust him."

"No no... The lounge is not a fort to be garrisoned and we cannot make any move that can cause resentment in our hosts. We'll leave the matter in their hands. Also I don't want to have anyone interviewed about this matter... For what I've heard your last talk with the Chief of Security hasn't gone too well." Replied Zee'Hrai waving a hand in denial.

"Let me have the Nightsong hover close to the lounge. The locale will be screened in case of sudden attack from space should the larr be too slow to raise their shields."

"And do you think that people really would enjoy the evening seeing a battle-ready Divitian flagship peeking on them just outside the portals of the lounge?" Zee'Hrai responded perking an eyebrow. "You're worrying too much my friend. We have to trust them on this. It's a political matter. You see? I'm forced to work even when I don't want to." Ended Zee'Hrai with a chuckle.

"Let me have some soldiers escort you at least."

"Agreed. I will wear a plain uniform like anyone of our other soldiers coming with me pretending to be a complement of the Guard off-duty so in the remote case someone wants to take a bead he'll have plenty of similar targets. We divitians look all the same to foreign people. Is that enough for you?"

"No it isn't." Ehr'raal replied with a colorless voice "But we'll do as you wish".

"Why so serious?" Asked Zee'Hrai smiling now "You can come if you want. I'm sure it will do some good to you too."

Ehr'Raal saluted and turned to leave grumbling something unintelligible, words lost as the doors hissed close behind his back.

Too Human A Speaker

Too Stubborn A Captain

Quote: "Why so serious" - The Joker - from The Dark Knight movie ;)


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