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The Lawnmowers

Posted on Tue Aug 9th, 2011 @ 4:49am by Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Divitia Prime - Ministry of Science

***** Divitia Prime - Surface - City of Nakh'Vaar *****

"Please follow me." Said the tall divitian gesturing gently towards the big door.

Leroy had been transported to the surface with a couple of his staff members to encounter Minister Gettard. The procedure for having the shuttle land inside the first protective force field and the subsequent decontamination had been time consuming and a bit taxing on his patience.
For some reason unknown to him the minister didn't want to be contacted through standard communication devices preferring a face-to face meeting instead.

Commander qeraQ' had already advised him of the cold welcome reserved to the idea of having Federation science team poking around on divitian part and Patrick was prepared to have some arguing about priorities or task definition. Or at least he thought to be...

The big door opened to reveal a vast locale made out from crystalline material akin to quartz but with deeper and darker hues.
Inside, a semi-circular dais stood at the other end of the vast room, where a great desk could be found positioned in the center and flanked by four smaller ones, two per side. In each of them busy a looking divitian seemed occupied with everyday routine.

"The Federation Chief of Science has arrived, Minister." The voice of the divitian chaperone announced loudly.

The divitian seated in the center desk nodded slowly and gestured them to come forward: "Welcome to Divitia Prime." He said "Or better what remains of it. I am Minister Gettard High Scientist for Divitian Republic."
The other divitians raised their eyes from the desks to intently watch the newcomers.

"I'm honoured to be here." Started to say Leroy addressing the Minister "Albeit I would have desired to meet you in different circumstances."

"We all would have preferred that." Intervened the Minister underlining the obvious. Surely he wasn't trying to make it easy on Federation's team Patrick thought; still the situation didn't allow him to clearly speak his mind. It seemed to him that some mud-swallowing had to be undertaken.

"Minister." Patrick reprised "Our team has studied the information provided by your command and, although essential, my team has developed a number of theories about the origin of the catastrophe as a number of a more practical approaches to the current situation, to avoid further degradation of the planet's surface."

'essential' is the right word... instead of 'incomplete' or 'scant'. Wonder if Kh'ali would appreciate my beginner's skill at diplomacy...

Leroy motioned one of the ensigns following him to come closer: "In these padds you'll find all the results of our analysis." The ensign stepped forward handing him a couple of padds.
The minister nodded in the chaperone direction who eagerly retrieved the padds from a surprised Leroy's hands: "Well I thought to show you..."

"There's no need Commander, Our scientific team will make good use of any precious analysis is contained in those instruments." The voice of the minister had become even more aloof and cold if possible. "What we're going to discuss now is how to insert your team in the ongoing project to save Divitia Prime."

It was about time.

"If I'm allowed, minister..." started Leroy.

"Let me say that we are glad to use all help we can spare" the minister interrupted him "And that the effort for saving the planet is on time as per schedule for Divitian science is second to none in this quadrant."

Hell... There was really need to say that? Pompous arrogant... thought Leroy as the final reserves of his patience started to vaporize.

"I'm sure of that, minister. But..." Leroy replied trying to seem as cooperative as possible.

"As per diplomatic agreement with your government your team will be attached to this Divitian Ministry of Science and given tasks accordingly to the standing priorities as set by the ministry itself." The minister paused for a moment browsing his terminal "Your team will be assigned to the following task: 414-B of the schedule already provided to your government."

"Wha..." Leroy gasped in disbelief "But that is about reforestation and oceans decontamination... One of the lowest priorities at the moment, until the degenerative process of the catastrophe is coped with..."

"You and your team will be assigned a laboratory structure on the planet surface to use as you see fit if you don't want to stay on your starship." The minister kept talking as if Leroy wasn't even there "In a few hours you'll be communicated the name of the divitian scientist that will act as a liaison between your team and the others, and with this ministry too."

Patrick was feeling blood rushing to the head veins pumping in his temples. "I beg your pardon, Minister. In our studies there is something very specific that should be..."

"As I've already said, every information provided in the devices entrusted to us will be perused by the assigned teams. You're dismissed now."

"As you wish, Minister." Leroy replied stiffly, straightened his uniform and walked away from the room. The ensigns behind him, accelerating to keep his pace.

"I thought they wanted help." Ensign Carlson spoke following Leroy down the corridor "Isn't their behaviour odd, Commander?"

"Haven't you heard?" Leroy snapped "The world burns and we have just to play gardeners."

Lt. Cmdr Patrick Leroy
Pissed Off Chief Gardener Officer

Starbase 900


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