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Riley's Gift

Posted on Fri Jul 3rd, 2015 @ 8:41pm by Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Ensign Reva Madhava & Lieutenant Riley Sukotav

Mission: Further Challenges

"...we've been trained to deal it," Darwin asserted. That was bullshit. He had 'trained' himself to handle a good dose of Orion pheromones, mostly by giving in to them and having his way with Seyla, or, rather, letting Seyla have her way with him. Either way, he had enjoyed it. But Security as a whole wasn't trained to deal with the pheromones.

And Reva called him on it: "You're touching me and I'm a touch-telepath. So don't lie. You've been having sex with Seyla"

"Shh! Don't say that so loud," he glanced around the corridor. "You make it sound... dirty and wrong."

"I did not! Or is it the word you don't like? Sex, sex, sex? Sexy sex?" She was on an even keel again and wasn't trying to seduce him. She hadn't understood what had happened there until Seyla's influence had worn off and Darwin told her a tiny bit more about pheromones, hence their conversation.

"I like the word... and the activity... Let's not discuss this!"

She laughed as she caught more of what he was thinking. "Why, Lieutenant, I do believe you like me," she teased him.

"Like you? No, not really. Think you're hot? Yes. Thank the Gods you don't have pheromones," he muttered. "Riley Sukotav, you said. His quarters are up around the corner."

"I know. And yours are...," she led into the thought and smiled when she could complete the sentence, "Deck 16, Starboard 2335. Those must be nice."

"Maybe I should have let Gilroy pick you up for yesterday's antics. He'd have found a suitable punishment, I'm sure."

"Yes, I doubt he'd take me over his knee, though," she said, laughing.

"Dammit," he blushed, cursed and pulled his hand away from her arm then, for good measure, took a step to the side to prevent any part of him from touching her. He was thrilled when they were finally in front of Riley's door; he pleaded with the Gods to let Riley be home. He then rang the chime.

The doors parted and Riley stood there in just a pair of jeans. “Hi Reva. Darwin? What’s up?” It wasn’t every day your girlfriend appeared at your door in the company of station security.

Darwin looked at Reva, "You wanna tell him or shall I?"

She scuffed her shoe against the deck plating before asking, "Can we come in, Rye?"

“Of course, where are my manners?” He moved out of the door to let them in. “Have a seat.” He crossed to sit on the sofa, sensing that perhaps he might be glad he was sitting down.

Reva sat next to him and Darwin stood in front of them, near another chair. "Lt. Sukotav, you were exposed to a toxin yesterday that might have changed how you react to certain... ah, stimuli."

"Geez, Darwin! You make it sound like I poisoned him!" Reva exclaimed. "Don't scare him."

“A toxin,” Riley repeated. “What exactly? And while we’re at it, where and how?” He looked from Darwin to Reva. “Do you know what he’s talking about?”

She nodded, but Darwin spoke. "Ensign Madhava has been hanging out with Seyla, the Orion who runs the biggest escort service on the Station. Based on a report from a concerned citizen, it seems that Seyla laced Reva with Orion pheromones yesterday. Just before her dinner with you."

Reva gave Riley an apologetic look. "I didn't know. I'm sorry, Rye."

Riley frowned a moment. “Wait..pheromones? But Reva, wouldn’t you have noticed? Or smelled it or…” He stopped and shrugged. “It’s okay, honey, but why would she do that? It could’ve caused issues for other people too.” He smiled for a moment. “I wonder how many people at Bubba’s hurried home after we left.”

"Seyla's only interested in Seyla; that it could have caused problems for others wouldn't have crossed her mind," Darwin said. "Anyway, I just wanted to make sure you were aware, Lieutenant. Not that I think you can control her, but, if you can, keep her away from Seyla. She was there again just now, so if you start feeling...," Darwin looked at Reva and then at Riley and changed what he was saying, "Never mind. Good luck."

“Thanks, Darwin,” Riley replied, then smiled, catching the direction of Darwin’s thought. He’d been feeling that way around Reva for ages, he didn’t need pheromones where she was concerned. “I’ll do my best.”

"Good," he could see Reva was bursting to say something, but was holding her tongue. He took his leave before she let loose. "Good night, then. Stay hydrated," he said to Riley as he departed.

Soon as the door shut, Reva burst, "You can't keep me from seeing Seyla."

“It’s not my place to tell you who you can and can’t see Reva,” Riley answered. “Well, unless you tell me you’re running away with Bryce or something and then we might have a long talk.” He smiled. “However, I think this is a good indicator that you need to be careful around her if she’s playing with you like that.”

"She did us all a favor, the way I figure it," she took his hand. "But I'll be careful about what she does. I think it was in my hair." With her free hand, she touched his bare stomach.

“That’s a good idea.” He smiled back at her. “You know, if Suresh hadn’t left when he did, we’d likely have ended up fighting in the Arboretum. The urge reared its ugly head for a minute there.” He took hold of her hand, kissed it, then put it back on his stomach. “So, since you’re here, stay for dinner? Then dessert?” He winked at her.

"Let's negotiate: how about dessert, then dinner?" She smiled and leaned in to kiss him. "Would you really have fought Suresh?"

“That’s a common reaction when two men are hit with those pheromones.” Riley laughed at the thought. “He would’ve kicked my ass I suspect.”

“Oh, then I can see the problem with what Seyla did. I’d hate to have to rip his ears off after he did that.” She laughed with him and kissed him. “I’d really like dessert... how about you?”

“Oh absolutely.” He lifted her hand from his stomach and moved it down to his zipper. “Now’s very good.”

Lt. M. Darwin

Lt. “Lucky” Riley Sukatov

Ensign Reva Madhava


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