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Beachy Day

Posted on Fri Jul 3rd, 2015 @ 11:58pm by Lieutenant Bajun Julisa & Lieutenant Commander Solis

Mission: Further Challenges

* Archadia III *

A day had passed since they’d left the Station. Julisa had avoided Niro’s hands and avoided having him in her pants, too. Right now, she didn’t have pants, so she wasn’t too concerned about keeping him out of them. Instead, she was enjoying the feel of sand under her ass and the sun on her skin. She had a small bikini on and was just starting to think about going into the water. Sweat trickled down her side, making sure more sand stuck to her.

Niro had mostly let her stew and chew on whatever was passing in her head regarding Solis. It was a strange situation in his opinion, and given his usual life, that was saying a lot. He’d made contact with one of his crew on 900, who’d informed him that Solis was no longer on the station. Niro assumed that this peaceful interlude would soon end but he kept the information to himself. Now, he moved down to the beach, a bottle of water in hand.

“Here, drink this.” He passed her the bottle. “Or would you prefer I pour it over you?

“Depends. Did you put something in it?” She took it from him, briefly touching his hand, then cracked open the bottle and drank some. “This is odd, Niro. Having you serve me like this. Being out in the sun like this, away from the office. Pretty fantastic, though.”

“Thinking of retiring already? After one day?” Niro laughed and settled down on the and beside her. “You know the peace and quiet won’t last. You’ll either have to leave with me and send Wegener a Dear John letter, or deal with the situation.”

“Eh. I’ll deal with it. I sort of expected Solis would have shown up earlier, like last night.” She sat up on her elbows and played with the sand under her fingers. “You’re being strangely altruistic, you know. I mean, rescuing Nico was generous, but I’m not family... not that you’ve rescued me. Well, you have... I suppose. Sort of.”

“Perhaps I hoped you might change your mind,” Niro answered. “Sure I could change it for you but I have plenty of women like that. None of them are you and perhaps you are an enjoyable enough challenge that it’s worth my time. How long do you intend to run? Not physically but emotionally?”

“Oh, if you had said that on the Station, I could have set you right. For as much as I suck at dealing with the realities of Solis and Solis being in my space, my quarters, my life, I really do like him.” she patted Niro’s hand. “So, yeah.”

“Does he know this?” Niro turned to look at Julisa. “Why do I get the feeling I know more about your relationship and feelings than he does perhaps?” He reached over to dust some sand off her thigh and his fingers lingered once it was gone. “Perhaps I am neutral and no threat to your shell there my darling.” He smiled and let his fingers roam a little higher on her leg.

“I told him I wouldn’t leave him. He might not believe me, though.” She sighed, and not just because she was thinking of Solis. In her mind, perhaps as part of Niro’s doing, it was Solis’ touch on her thigh.

“Because you are gone. Would you believe?” His voice had turned hypnotic, the strokes on her skin slow circles.

“He can read me, as well as you can,” she shifted, a memory of Solis rose to the forefront, and how he’d touched her how Niro was just now. She caught his hand in hers. “Perhaps a swim. Do you want to join me or stay dry?”

A hint of a smile lit his face. “Oh, I’m coming.” He stood and offered his hand. When she took it, he pulled her to her feet, then lifted her in his arms and began to wade into the surf. His thought brushed hers, sensing her emotions and twisting them just a little. “What is it that you really want Julisa? If you had no limits.”

“No limits? I’m not sure I understand. What limits do I have now? As a Federation citizen, I could go do anything I want. Travel instead of work.... raise a family....” She knew his intent was to get her out over the water and drop her; she could read that in his thoughts. When he let go, she was ready and hung onto his shoulders and neck. “Brat!”, she laughed.

“I meant personal limits. If nothing was stopping you right this minute. Would you stay here? Go home to Solis? Take off to see the quadrant and enjoy your time with me? What would you really want?” He slipped his hands under her ass and lifted her a little so she wasn’t strangling him. “Well?”

She knew he could easily read what she wanted right then - but that it’d be just sex. “You’d be Solis. That’s what I want.”

Niro tickled her mind once more and she let go abruptly, splashing into the water. “Then tell him, not me.” When her head popped back up above the surface, he pointed to the shore. There, on the sand stood a lone figure, his long black hair stirring in the breeze.

Surprised, both by her dunking and Solis’ appearance, Julisa sputtered and shoved her hands through her hair. She glanced once at Niro then hurried to the beach through the water. “Solis!” She smiled and headed for him, hugging him once she was close enough. “I missed you!”

He hugged her tight, taking in both her good mood and the thoughts he could read spinning within her. “I was afraid you wouldn’t be speaking to me.”

Her words came quickly, “We have things to discuss, and I’ve been talking with Niro. He’s different from when we were on Bajor together.” She kissed him and let him read her thoughts more thoroughly, let him see how she had felt just now in the water with Niro. “I was angry, Solis, about Nikki Gold.”

He lost himself in the kiss for a moment, then nodded. “I know and I’m sorry, for all of it. But you have to tell me Julisa. I’m a guy with few restraints. I’m stupid. You have to hit me over the head sometimes.”

“I’m not good at that, Solis, but I’ll try. You know I’m angry with her, not you, right? I mean, she’s a nutcase; how dare she come after you and try to ruin what we have?” She glanced out at Niro. “He thinks he knows more about us than you do.”

“Does he?” Solis looked out to where Niro floated on the waves. “I know it was her but I was determined to keep her from doing that. I’ve been without you too many times to let it happen again. You know I’d do anything for you.”

“I know. Sometimes, that scares me. ‘We’ scare me.” She smiled now and kissed his cheek.

“Why?” Solis managed a small smile. “Not being ‘we’ scares me. We’ve had some hard times Vina, and it wasn’t always easy for us to be the ‘we’ that we wanted to be but we kept at it anyway in spite of those things. The way is finally clear.”

“So it is. It scares me because I was alone for so long. I can’t have this taken away, but sometimes, it’s easier to be alone.” If it sounded messed up, it was because it was messed up. She smiled and shrugged slightly.

“What do you want?” Solis asked. “Me? Him? No one?” Wariness haunted his expression as he asked the question.

“You, Solis. There’s no question there.”

“Then come home,” he whispered. “We’ll have the Admiral make it official and get back to being us. No crazies, well aside from Earl, neither of us flying off to parts unknown. We’ll finally be what we were meant to be.”

“Yes, Love.” She nodded against his shoulder. “Though... did you have to get Ray to write that certificate up? I could have had Siri do it. Much quieter.”

Solis shrugged. “I was already in his office and he was handling the case details. It made sense at the time.” He glanced back out to the water. “What are you going to do with him?”

“Let him soak? There’s not much more to do with him. I know he wanted to change my mind; at least with me, he was willing to see if I’d change it voluntarily rather than... well, you know.” She waved at Niro and motioned that he should come join them. Before he did, she looked at Solis and said, “Really? Earl wants us to have invitations sent out? Could we compromise and just have a party after a little ceremony?”

“That’s what he said. I’m all about your way, trust me.” He watched as Niro made his way into shore. “Do I need to tell him thank you or kick his ass for taking you away?”

“Both?” she laughed and kissed him. “Probably give him a pass, though, since he let me talk some things out.” Niro came closer and she waved slightly. “You remember each other, obviously.”

Niro looked Solis up and down. “I most certainly do. Delighted to see you again Solis.”

“And you,” Solis greeted him. He fell silent and his eyes widened. Then he snorted. Finally, he spoke. “If you don’t mind, I’ll be taking Jules back to the station. I suppose we’ll see you there?”

Niro nodded. “Of course you will.”

Standing with her hip against Solis and her arm around his waist, Julisa couldn’t miss why Solis’ eyes had widened. She also couldn’t help feeling a lot closer to naked than even the bikini left her (and it didn’t cover much to begin with). “Niro! You have no manners,” she admonished him as she blushed.

Niro shrugged and laughed. “I merely make known what I want.” He winked at Julisa. “See you all back at 900. I’ll bring your things if you’re going directly.”

She looked up at Solis and nodded. “Okay. We’ll see you back home, then.” She and Solis started to stroll away and she asked him, “If I start making my wants known the way he does, any objections?”

Solis began to laugh. “Much better from you than him. In fact...wonderful coming from you. I’ve done the same to you for some time now.” He stopped to kiss her once more, then hit the comm badge in his pocket. “Get us out of here Earl.”

“Package retrieval coming up!”, came Earl’s voice from the comm badge even as the transporter caught the two.

Lt. Bajun Julisa
Lt. Solis



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