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No Rest For The Weary

Posted on Tue Aug 9th, 2011 @ 2:59pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Kh'ali's Quarters

* * Kh'ali's Quarters * *

Sleep proved elusive for Kh'ali in the wake of her conversation with Patrick. She tossed and turned, argued with her pillow, cursed the sheet that insisted on tangling around her legs, and finally climbed from the bed with a grumble. Her body was tired but her mind refused to settle. It was just too early. She'd been up around the clock it seemed since the Divitians arrived but even so, her internal clock refused to let her snooze when it was supposed to be dinner time.

She shed her nightgown, slipped on a casual skirt and sleeveless t-shirt and set out for a stroll. Maybe that would allow her thoughts to work themselves out so she could finally get some rest.

~ One Hour Later ~

Kh'ali re-entered her quarters, glad to be back home. The walk had mixed results. The concerns regarding Harrison and Patrick had run their course, replaced by the odd feeling that she was being followed. She's been unable to spot anyone, however, and finally gave up and called it a night.

She slipped off her shoes by her desk and noted there were no messages. Moving on across, she entered her bedroom and had her shirt halfway off when she saw it and froze. Lying on her pillow was a large white calla lily. Someone's been in here. It took a millisecond to tug her shirt back down before she was checking her closet, under the bed, in the bathroom. Empty.

"Computer, who has entered these quarters in the past two hours?"

=^= Kh'ali, Lieutenant Commander, Chief Diplomatic Officer.=^=

"That's it? really?"

=^= Please restate request =^=

"Did anyone else enter?"

=^= There were no other recorded entrances of these quarters within the requested time frame =^=

So how did the lily get here?

Kh'ali touched her comm badge. "Kh'ali to Zeferino. Oz, something strange had happened in my Quarters. I went out for a walk and when I returned, there was a lily lying on my pillow. I'll leave it as it is for you to check."

Oz's voice came back to her, though her tone sounded off. "Acknowledged. I'll be around shortly."

Apparently sleep was still a ways off and Kh'ali moved back through to her kitchen and ordered a double raktajino from the replicator. She'd just raised the mug to her lips when her chime sounded.

"That was quick." Moving over to the door she opened it, but the visitor was not Oz.

The Divitian guard nodded to her as the door opened: "The Speaker has accepted your invitation to the lounge of the starbase. He's made himself available anytime you wish to spend a refreshing evening there. Please be so kind to let him know day and hour with some advance notice." The soldier then paused for an instant as if uncertain: "Ma'am." He politely added in the end.

"Oh." Kh'ali was caught by surprise, seeing the Divitian guard. "Tomorrow evening should do very well. 2100 hours. And thank you for coming, please give the Speaker my regards." What a crazy night it had been

"I will deliver your answer at once, ma'am. Have a good night." responded the soldier before turning and walking away down the corridor.

Kh'ali watched him go, then closed the doors. That prickle at the back of her neck came once more. And now she had a date with the Speaker. Kahless help her, she hoped she could pull this off.

Lt. Commander Kh'ali
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Amazed & Confused

Divitian Guard
(By LTC Patrick Leroy)


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