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Turning The Corner

Posted on Fri Jul 10th, 2015 @ 5:47pm by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Ensign Six of Ten & Lieutenant Tess Rutheridge
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2015 @ 7:17pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Galileo Science Center

* Galileo Science Center *

Following breakfast with Suresh, Six had taken the turbolift back up to her quarters to change into her uniform. It was a bit of an inconvenience, but it would never do for anyone to see Six in a uniform exiting Suresh’s quarters. Besides, this was the last morning she’d have to do this for the foreseeable future. That thought set loose a storm of butterflies in her gut as she entered the science center. This morning was it. First Riley, then Tess, then…..a whole new way of life for a while that included some very dangerous people.

She waved to her colleagues as she passed through the main area and into the smaller, climate controlled room that contained the slab. Sitting down and picking up the brush, she wondered what Tess had thought of the file she’d sent him yesterday. She also was curious what Riley would think and she paused, ordering the computer to grant access to the translation files and records to him. Then she set to work, doing back over that section and waiting for his arrival.

A few minutes later, the main doors opened and Riley entered, a smile on his face and a spring in his step. Six watched him through the transparent wall of her room and smiled as well. She could sense his mood and could also make a good guess as to the reason for it - Reva. She was glad to see that Marcus hadn’t caused any serious issues, at least it didn’t seem so. Six certainly intended to ask when she saw Reva later. He waved to Six and made his way over to the room. Once inside, he sat on the extra stool and rolled over to Six’s side.

“Good morning Six, How’re you?”

His good mood boosted her own and she smiled wider. “Great, actually. It seems like you had a most pleasant evening. Riley, if you were any happier, you’d be glowing,” she teased.

“Yeah, well….okay, you got me,” he answered. “Things are good. Reva told me about the night out you two had and what all happened. Sounds like you missed all the excitement. Or did you?”

Six gently brushed away a spot of dust on the slab as they talked. “You mean Owain? No. He walked me home is all. He had this idea that there’s all sorts of miscreants, even in the officers’ quarters that I needed to be protected from.” She laughed and Riley joined in.

“He knows you’d squash them in a second, right? Are you seeing him again?”

Six shook her head. “No. It wasn’t like that, Riley.”

He studied Six a moment, then nodded. “Ahh, I see. Can’t compete with Suresh, huh?”

“Nope.” Six smiled and motioned him closer. “This is what I sent the message about. I’ve been cleaning this off and deciphering it. The translations are all in a file that I’ve given you access to. It’s Iconian, and as usual, a history document. I’m placing the age somewhere around 198,000 BC, by the Terran calendar and the physical analysis I asked Ian to do confirms that, give or take a decade. That would place this just a little over three centuries before their civilization was destroyed. ”

Riley leaned in closer to examine the tablet. “Fascinating,” he said. “But I don’t read Iconian.”

“You don’t need to,” she answered. "I’ve read in the translation for the last part so that’s all done. What I wanted you for is this.” She pointed out the area she had translated the previous day. “This part here. I sent it to Tess to read yesterday and this is what you’ll be dealing with.” She laid her brush aside and pulled up the file. “Here, Riley. This parts talks about some...weapon? Tool? Instrument? The word for all of them is the same, depending on the context, but it seems to be some ancient instrument that was a highly guarded secret, protected by some small cult of the Iconians in this area whose sole job was to be the watchers and guards of this thing.”

Riley’s eyes widened as the looked at Six. “And what does this thing do?”

She shrugged. “This slab is vague but it would see that it was a time turner. These characters here,” she pointed to an area of the slab with her brush, “are a bit vague but indicate that it can turn time back or change….undo...that is a little more accurate I think.”

Riley gave a low whistle. “So it makes sense why they’d want it hidden. Why not destroy it? Something that powerful would be seriously dangerous.”

“It would,” Six agreed. “But it seemed to be an object of reverence. They didn’t want it used but didn’t want it destroyed either. Weird, huh?”

“Big time. So whatever happened to it? Does it say?”

“No,” Six shook her head. “But this thing is so old, it likely it was finally destroyed when they were. Here’s the interesting thing though.” She pointed to a line on the computer screen. “These coordinates would place this thing’s resting place in Dendrian space.”

Riley blinked. “Wow, really? I could probably chase down those coordinates. Given the cast amount of time that has passed, they may be a little off now, but you never know. It would make for an interesting story at least.”

“There’s some description of the place made to house this thing,” Six added. It’s all in my notes, so you can puzzle it out. Tess knows and when we spoke yesterday, he agreed that the command staff on the colony should be informed. It’s a great historical note if nothing else, but stranger things have happened where the Iconians are concerned.”

Riley picked up on the change in her tone and lifted his gaze from the stone to her face. “Why?”

“Why what?” she asked.

“You’ve been working on this since you got here, why are you passing it on to me?” His eyes narrowed. “Talk to me Six. What’s up?”

She laid her brush aside and rested her hands in her lap. “It’s been made clear to me that I cannot expect to continue in my present position and see Suresh as well, given his...associations down below. Basically I was also told I had to choose between my job and my personal life. I’ve done a lot of thinking on this Riley and --” She stopped mid-sentence as Tess emerged from his office and began to walk in their direction.

“And what?” Riley had a bad feeling he knew where this was going. He turned, following Six’s gaze to see Tess approaching.

“And I’ll finish when Tess gets in here. He needs to hear this too.”

“Good morning, chaps.” Tess greeted them as soon as he spotted them in the room. In his hand was a padd he kept scrolling even as he walked close to them and the slab. “I’ve given a thorough reading of your work Six. I’m amazed. If the translation is accurate, And I’ve no doubt it is, we could have uncovered something big.”

Stopping in front of them he looked first down to the slab, brightly lit by a series of spotlights, then up to Riley and Six “It would seem we have a great deal of work to do here. By the way Riley what are you doing here?”

“I asked him to join us so I could get him up to date on what I’ve found and explain some things he’ll find in the translation file. The location it gives? He is going to chase it down and see how close and how accurate it still is, given the extreme age of this slab.” Six smiled up at Tess. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. But I think Mr. Sukotav is currently busy on another project, am I wrong?” Tess replied casting an interrogative look at Riley.“Why would he be chasing down this secret?”

Six licked her lips, debating how best to approach this. In the end, her usual direct approach won out. “Because, other than me, he’s the best you have in this department for this project.” She looked from Riley to Tess. “I wanted a little time to show him what I’d found and give him an idea of where to go from here because….” She paused a moment, then rushed on. “I’ve made the decision you asked for Tess. It was difficult to choose, but I will not sacrifice my personal life for a job. I’m sorry.”

Silence fell on the trio, Rutheridge’s jaw clenching as he took in the full meaning of Six’s words. Slowly he left the padd on the desk beside the slab, its soft clatter almost echoing in the room.

“So… It has come down to this.” He said, his voice even. His gaze turned to meet Six’s eyes “This is sheer folly.” He stated then shaking his head in disbelief “Recovered from Borgs, given a home, given a future… Given a life worthy to be lived and now… You turn your back on all of this and for what?? For a criminal… What a waste.”

“Easy, Tess,” Riley said, doing his best to keep his voice level. “I may not agree with this either, but there’s no need for such harsh words.” He turned to Six, who now stood. A deep flush of anger colored her cheeks and he could sense the storm brewing. “Are you sure about this?” he asked.

She nodded, and it was with some effort that she kept her voice down. “I’ve already spoken to Captain Hawke. Last night.” That was true, at least.

“Stay out of this Riley.” Tess replied dryly “The XO? And what of it? Did she perhaps advise you into taking this new course?”

“She did not advise one way or the other, she simply listened to what I had to say,” Six answered. “It’s not like I am bound to the Fleet with no free will.” She took a deep breath to steady herself. “And I finished up what I needed to finish and have made provisions for the future of this project.”

“So be it then.” Tess responded keeping his gaze on her. “Riley you’re in charge of this new project starting from now. And you, ensign, are relieved from it as per your choice.”

Six nodded. “Thank you for all your help,” she said to Tess. “Take care and get out of the lab sometime, Tess.” She smiled finally. “I stand relieved. I’ll see you later on tonight Riley. Now, if I may be excused?” This last was directed to Tess.

“Not yet, Ensign.” Tess responded his face now a stony mask. He stepped close to her his hand outstretched. “Your pip. If you please.”

“Oh, of course.” She reached up, removed the pip from her collar and placed it in his hand.

Beside her, Riley watched silently, still not quite believing what he was seeing. He reached out to squeeze her hand, then let it go.

Tess regarded the pip in his hand for some instants then clenched the fist and looked up to Six again “We’re done here. You may go now.”

Six nodded once more, then turned and departed the science center. Back in the room with the slab, Riley sat, looking at the main doors for a moment, Finally he turned his attention back to Tess. “Well, I didn’t see that coming.”

“Nor I.” Tess replied his voice heavy with sadness. Without another word he turned, recovered his padd and walked out of the room.

Ensign Six of Ten
Cutting The Cord

Lt. Riley Sukotav

Lt. Tess Rutheridge
In Bitter Defeat


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