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Doozy Of A Dose

Posted on Sat Jul 25th, 2015 @ 6:02pm by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Lieutenant Commander Solis & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Ensign Reva Madhava

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Piper Medical Center / Reva's Quarters

Smiling, Reva watched the long haired, Vulcan-eared doctor and licked a lollipop she'd grabbed from the pediatrics area of Sickbay. "So... Solis, was it?"

“That’s right,” Solis answered. “Dr. Harding was due to go off-shift so you get to deal with me.” He looked up from the padd with her information and the latest test results on it and smiled at her. “He said you might be anxious to get out of here.”

"Perhaps I am. Perhaps you could go with me?" She flirted heavily with him. "We could test whether this new inhibitor actually works."

Solis perked one eyebrow at her in perfect Vulcan fashion, then began to laugh. “Sorry, no offense intended, Ensign, but when Dr. Harding said I’d see the problem he was right.” He lowered the padd to his lap as he looked back at Reva. “There are several issues he was looking into and I think we may have the solution to the problem. As for your suggestion, I must decline. I suspect my wife would hunt us both down.” The corners of his mouth twitched again as he resisted another laugh.

"Hmm...," she frowned, "must be tough to be married to a ball and chain." She leaned forward and was about to ask something, most likely something highly inappropriate, when Darwin entered.

He glowered at Reva, then changed his expression for Solis. "Hey. Sorry, Ophelia had to look up where she'd gone off to. Did Harding fix her?"

"Just about to,” Solis answered. “How’s it going Darwin?” Solis put the padd down and pulled out a hypospray. “This is the adjusted formula that should keep our inhibitor levels regulated and offset the effects of the other pheromones that were causing the problem. Now, there is one thing you need to do without fail. You need to be back here in forty-eight hours so we can do a quick scan to make sure it’s working. Without fail.” Solis’ tone was firm. “Otherwise, I will come find you.”

She laughed and eyed him. "I'll make it easy, then. Come find me--"

"No worries, Doctor Solis, Security will have her back here. Forty-eight hours," Darwin interrupted her.

She gave Darwin a sour look. "Should I expect any side effects?"

“You’ll likely experience some lethargy for a few hours while this new blend gets things regulated and slows down the...ahh….issues you were having. Pull your hair back please,” Solis instructed.

Glaring at the two men, clearly ready to argue with them about the necessity of this, Reva didn't. Darwin noticed, cleared his throat and took a step toward her. She pulled her hair to one side. "You call them issues. I called it fun."

Solis shot a look to Darwin but remained silent. He pressed the hypospray to her neck and there
was a soft hiss. “There, that should do it. If you’re still feeling sluggish or overly sleepy after eight hours, come back. Any other questions?”

Glumly, she shook her head. "If there are any, I'll contact you," Darwin said, sounding more like a concerned boyfriend now than a Security officer. "Is she free to go?"

“She is,” Solis nodded. “Is she still under house arrest? If so, it will make it easy to monitor her in case of problems with the inhibitor.”

"Oh, she's very much under house arrest. If we had a doghouse, she'd be in it," Darwin assured him. "I'll see her home."

“Good enough. Take care Ensign Madhava.” Solis pocketed the padd and opened the door to let them go out first.

Reva hopped off the biobed, smiled at Solis, briefly kissed his cheek and, as she headed out, said, "Thanks, Doctor. Give Harding a kiss for me!" She laughed and headed out.

Darwin paused long enough to say, "No kisses from me, Solis. But thanks." He caught up to Reva.


"Take off your pants."

"Oh, Darwin, I always knew you wanted me...," Reva moaned.

"Just..!" He stopped when she pulled him down for a kiss. He had to admit, the kiss was good and the invitation better. Just as he was grappling with the ethics of it all, though, he realized that Reva had stopped kissing him. He backed off and looked at her: she was out like a light. "Huh. Lethargy? Well, this works, too. Possibly better."

He did what needed doing then pulled a sheet over her. Leaving the bedroom, he nearly jumped out of his skin. "Riley! Shit, man. I wasn't expecting to run into you."

“Everything okay?” he asked. “I take it Reva’s home from sickbay?” He unfastened his tunic and shrugged it off.

"Yeah. Harding and Solis worked up a new inhibitor blend. It should make her immune to Seyla's pheromones. Too bad it won't make her immune to the woman's influence." Darwin looked at Riley. "Things should be calm for a while. I reinstalled that anklet... Oh, you weren't there. Reva picked the locks on the first one."

Riley shook his head and smiled. “Now why does that not surprise me?” He ran his hand through his hair as he considered the rest of what Darwin had said. “As for things being calmer? Let’s hope so, Darwin. Everything has its limits, no?”

"Yeah. If there are any problems, call Solis. Just now, she conked out." Damned good thing, too, since Riley would have come home right in the middle of things, Darwin realized. He nodded, "Well, you'll see that for yourself. I'll see you later.... Preferably no sooner than forty-seven hours, when I need to make sure she's back in sickbay." He headed for the door.

“Thanks Darwin. Wait, why forty-seven hours?” Riley asked. “I can take her back if you need me to.”

"Solis said forty-eight from the time he dosed her. He wants to run a scan of some sort. I tend to think of it as a countdown - so its now about forty-seven hours. If you can make sure she gets there, that'd be great." He grinned at the idea of two days Reva-free.

“Will do. That will be right after my shift day after tomorrow.” Riley smiled finally. “Thanks for all your trouble, and keep your fingers crossed.”

"I am, Riley," Darwin assured him and left.

Riley tossed his duty tunic on the chair, then peeled off his undershirt. Next, he took a peek in at Reva, who was sleeping soundly. All quiet on the Deltan front, he thought and laughed a little. Finally, he grabbed a beer and settled down on the sofa to unwind with a movie.

Ensign Reva Madhava

Lt. M. Darwin

Lt. Solis

Lt. Riley Sukotav


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