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Cutting The Orion Loose

Posted on Fri Aug 14th, 2015 @ 12:25pm by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Niro & Ensign Reva Madhava

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Riley's Quarters / Seyla's Quarters

*Riley's Quarters*

Reva was feeling pretty lame: the night before, Darwin had taken her ankle shackles off and she could have gone anywhere. She had gone to bed. Dressing slowly in jeans and a plain T-shirt, Reva waited for a return call from Riley. She had left a message for him earlier, because she wanted to see him - but he had, as Darwin said, 'declined to see' her. Finally, his call did come, inviting her to his quarters. She practically ran there and was slightly out of breath when she leaned on his doorbell.

The doors opened to reveal Riley in a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt. He looked a little tired but otherwise normal.

“Hey, come on in.” He stepped back to let her in and waited for the doors to close. “Sorry about sickbay. The last two days have been really weird.”

"Tell me about it," she smiled slightly then tackled him with a hug and a kiss. "I missed you, Rye! And was worried about you. Where were you?"

He laughed softly and shook his head. “That’s what we all want to know. Apparently I was yanked from this living room via a rift and somehow ended up on Archadia drugged and out of it. No one seems to know what happened between leaving and waking up.” He led her over to the sofa and settled her on it.

"Maybe I could help? I mean... I don't like that you were in a brothel...," she hung her head and picked at a seam on her jeans. "But maybe I could take a look, telepathically?"

“I don’t like that I ended up in a brothel either, especially with no memory of going there. Something is weird about all this, as I told Darwin.” He paused a moment, watching her. “I don’t know, Reva. I think maybe there’s been enough in my head lately. I apologize for the circumstances, though. It wasn’t intentional and it makes me look a little hypocritical.”

"No, it doesn't." She chuckled. "It shows that I am. I'm feeling a little possessive and jealous because you... were with someone else." Looking at him, she smiled and reached up to smooth his hair back.

“I’m not so sure I was, that’s what is so strange. At least not willingly.” He shrugged. Her touch would easily reveal the awkwardness and unease that filled him. “The last I really remember was after work and coming home after my shift….the day that Niro turned up.”

"I know." Worried about him and what he was feeling, she shifted to turn towards him more fully and caught his hands in hers. "That's one reason why I was so worried. I thought that... maybe, Niro had done something to you. I was so happy when Darwin's comm said you'd been transported to Piper." She read him and knew he really did have a black hole in his memory.

“Niro….he’s part of the problem but not the Archadian one.” Riley sighed.

Problem? Frowning, she realized she hadn't told him an important detail: "Oh! I told him I didn't want to see him again. That same day - that's why I thought he might have hurt you. I told him you are important to me; that he was nothing and to go away. Rye, I'm sorry about him and Marcus."

Riley sighed aloud and stood, uncertain just how to address the subject. He paced before her for a moment and when he opened his mouth, the words just poured out.

“Why didn’t you stop to think about me when the temptation arose, Reva?” he asked. “Instead of worrying about the fallout after?”

"I wasn't very rational at the time," she said, swallowing a hard nut of fear. "Since seeing Doctor Harding, though, I've been good."

He stopped before her and his expression was intent. “Because of the inhibitor. What happened to self-control, Reva? I was so patient….I waited so long for you and I did it because that’s what you wanted. They appeared and within hours you were off to bed. Do you understand what that did to me?”

"Well... But..., Riley...? I wasn't having sex with them while making you wait. We had sex, thanks to Seyla's pheromones.... And then I ...," she stopped, frustrated. "You said you were okay with it!"

"I thought I was," he answered, his voice quiet. “The reality of it, though, when Niro showed at the made me realize that I wasn’t. I wasn’t enough if you needed them. I can’t be one of the stable I guess. I’m sorry.”

"You aren't. You're the only one, Rye," she reached for his hand. "That's why I told Niro to go away." Her stomach churned, though, as his message started sinking in, as she finally let his emotions and thoughts sink in.

“I understand that but I should have been the first thing you thought of, not the afterthought.” He rubbed his eyes and grumbled. “This is so hard for me too, Reva, but it’s what I have to do. I can’t be living in fear that there will be a next time.”

She couldn't argue that. "You're breaking up with me?" She just wanted to make sure she had the message correct; her confusion and hurt was obvious. "You go missing, end up in a brothel and then come back and break up?"

He nodded. “Yes. To be clear though, I wasn’t what took me there. I think maybe I should have Darwin use one of their telepaths, maybe a counselor, and see if they can figure it out. You know me, I wouldn’t have just hopped down to some Archadian brothel. There’s never been anyone but you.”

That only made her feel worse. She had treated him badly; she'd told Niro that. She wanted to make it up to him, though she didn't know how. She recalled what Seyla had said about Orions and how they corrupted and hurt the men around them. "Perhaps it's best that we not date. I'll only hurt you, Rye. Again.

He was silent for a few moments, but finally he nodded. “Yeah. I’m sorry, Reva.”

"I already have," she said and stood. Leaning towards him, she kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry, too. I'd better go." She didn't want to start crying right there. Or in the corridors on her way back to her quarters.

Riley watched her go and as soon as the doors closed, he settled on the sofa and ordered up a movie. As it began to play, his thoughts turned from Reva to someone else he suddenly needed to see. He ordered the computer to send a message to Six, then turned his attention to the movie.

*Seyla’s Quarters*

Halfway back to her quarters, Reva had decided that, since she was no longer confined to her quarters, she didn't want to go back there. Instead, she detoured to Seyla's, taking a longer way around that let her avoid being in the Pit area. The last person she wanted to run into right now was Suresh. Suresh or Six. Or Darwin. Realizing that she could think up quite a long list of people she didn't want to run into, Reva slipped into Seyla's quarters. And ran into one of the people on that list.

"Hey! Look who's back!" Owain beamed at her, wrapping her in an enthusiastic hug. He immediately frowned and held her at arm's length. "Oh, honey, he broke up with you?"

She glared at him: it was her way of not crying. Besides, she didn't appreciate being read without being asked. "He did. Is Seyla here?"

"No, just me today." He pulled her to the couch then went to pour her a drink. While he had his back turned, he sent a text message out. Returning to her, he voiced his sympathy and handed her a drink. "...can't believe he'd do that. Really... he's dating the most eligible and beautiful - besides Seyla - Orion on the Station and he dumps you? Just because you had a couple of playmates? What is he thinking?"

"That I hurt him," she answered and started crying. Owain was nice enough to shut up and lend her a shoulder.

A few minutes later the door chime rang. It was only a few seconds and then the doors opened and Niro stepped in.

“Good afternoon Owain…...Reva?” His tone shifted immediately, seeing her tears. “What’s happened?”

"Riley dumped her," Owain answered, intentionally insensitive.

Reva smacked Owain's arm and wiped her eyes. "Riley is back but instead of a reunion, he broke up with me."

That news clearly surprised Niro. He shot Owain a glance and one word. Perfect. He hurried to sit down beside her and wrap her into his arms. “His loss, sweetheart,” he murmured. “But I’m sorry that you are upset. He doesn’t deserve you.”

Over Reva's head, Owain smiled at Niro then wisely withdrew from the room. "I don't deserve him," Reva corrected Niro. "I hurt him and he's absolutely right to break it off."

“He just doesn’t understand who you are and what you need,” Niro answered. He kissed the top of her head and hugged her closer. “You need someone who does get you, not someone who wants to fence you in. I am glad they found him though, so at least you know he is safe.”

"Yeah...," she nodded. "It's weird, he was in one of Seyla's houses on Archadia. He doesn't recall anything from the time he disappeared to when he woke up there." Sitting up a little straighter, she looked up at Niro. "I read him; he has a black hole where those memories would be. I've never seen anything like that."

“Strange,” Niro mused. “I hope they figure it out, for his sake.” He tilted her face up and smiled. “So what do you want to do now?”

"I wanted to see Seyla. But now...," she shrugged. "I think I'll go home and nurse my wounds. I have a duty shift tonight, anyway."

“Stay here with me,” Niro suggested. “You still have several hours. I’ll be glad to keep you company.” He brushed his lips along her temple. “Stay.”

Although she did want to go home, she found herself nodding, agreeing to stay. Then she shook her head. "No, I'm not... I won't be good company, Niro. Perhaps tomorrow - I have the day off."

“You sure I can’t twist your arm? I’ll be a good distraction,” he laughed softly. “I’ll definitely take you up on tomorrow too.”

"I'm sure you'd try, but I was honest when I told you Riley is important to me. I'm going to go home and nap a bit before my shift."

“I understand.” This time Niro’s lips brushed over hers, though the kiss was brief. “Tomorrow, I’ll make it up to you, I promise. Do you wish to use Seyla’s bed? I’ll stay out here in case you need anything.”

She backed off from his kiss. "No, I should go home, get back above the Equator." Extricating herself from his embrace, she squeezed his hand briefly and stood. "I'll be in better spirits tomorrow."

Niro nodded and walked her to the door. “I’ll see you then. Be careful going home.”

"Yup," she hesitated on the doorstep, clearly recalling the last time she had left Seyla's - that was the night she'd been beaten. "Bye!" She waggled her fingers at him and, with a quick look around outside, disappeared to head home.

Niro stood in the door and waited until she was gone, then he spoke. “Come back in Owain.”

He did, nearly skipping. "What a gift, right?"

Niro smiled wickedly as the doors closed behind Owain. “A most generous gift. Who knew Riley had so much backbone?” He reached for Owain, pulling him close. “And such good timing that Seyla wasn’t home. Things are looking up, O.”

He kissed him. "That's why I called you, not Seyla. Now... as for the idea to use Seyla's bed? How about we do that?"

“I’m free.” Niro smiled once more as he led Owain across the living room. “Then I intend to find Riley and take a peek. I want to see what happened.”

"You really didn't have anything to do with that, did you?" Owain had had his doubts.

“Nothing, which is why I am so curious. Something’s heard her mention he had a hole in his memory? That isn’t just a hangover, Owain. But we’ll see.” He pulled Owain into Seyla’s room. “Close the door.”

Ensign Reva Madhava

On A New (But Not Improved) Course


Pleased As Punch


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