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The Order of Operations

Posted on Fri Aug 14th, 2015 @ 7:19pm by Commander Sakkath & Lieutenant Norval Tigan

Mission: Further Challenges

=^= Starbase 900 – Operations =^=

Norval was sagging in his chair in Operations as the tail end of Beta Shift came to a close. All he wanted was to go home, pour himself a drink, and get out of his uniform. He could think of other pursuits, most of them unsuited for polite company, but mostly they involved Eric being at home – as opposed to on the other side of the Quadrant with Eli and Chance.

As his thoughts wandered, he was more than surprised to hear the clearing of a throat behind him. The Trill very nearly leapt from his seat, spinning to see Sakkath standing there, his hands draped behind his back.

“Mister Tigan,” the Vulcan said simply.

“Sakkath!” he gasped. “You nearly gave me a heart attack!” Most would have followed up with ‘Er, sir, I meant!’ and stood, but Norval had known the Commander far too long to stand on ceremony, and had lived too many lives beyond that.

“I sincerely doubt you have entered a state of cardiac arrest,” the Vulcan countered.

“It’s a figure of speech,” Norval grumbled under his breath, turning back to his station and appearing to look busy. “You’re off duty. What are you even doing here?” the Lieutenant wondered. He had assumed he would be home with Li, given the length of time they had just spent apart.

Sakkath stepped up next to his Trill friend, regarding his work station and even reaching out to enter a command or two of his own. Things were running smoothly, much as he had anticipated. “I wish to go out,” Sakkath said simply. “I was hoping you would join me.”

More than his superior officer appearing in Ops at the end of his shift, Norval was shocked to hear that Sakkath – THE Sakkath – wanted to go out. Sure, he had his occasional outings with Li to the Nexus Club, but Norval assumed those were driven by Li herself, or perhaps by invitations offered by Jackson Banning. For him to want to go out himself… and to invite one of the most promiscuous personages on 900 to go with him?

Well, it didn’t happen often, but Norval Tigan was speechless.

Sakkath stood unperturbed by the silence, allowing it to linger far too long for Norval’s taste.

And it went on.

And on.

“Yes, of course!” he blurted into the stillness. “We can go out. My goodness, is this how you convinced Li to date you? It’s intolerable!” The Trill tossed his hands into the air.

Sakkath, for his part, only lifted a brow.

“You’re the worst,” Norval grumped after a moment.

“As it pleases you,” Sakkath countered, free of emotion. “Let us be off then. I have made arrangements for Mister Magnusson to provide your report to Gamma Shift.”

“What, you knew I’d say yes?” Norval wondered aloud as he stood and followed Sakkath to the turbolift.

It was only once they were both inside and Sakkath had turned to face the portal that he replied. “I did,” he offered, quite simply, before the doors hissed shut.

* * *

If Norval was stunned previously, he was moreso when Sakkath had called not for the Promenade but for the Pit.

“You realize we are both of us in uniform,” Norval asked, he still in his full duty tunic and Sakkath in his usual, Starfleet-issue vest.

“That is something of the point, Norval,” Sakkath replied, dropping formality now that they were no longer in Ops. “I wish to send a message.”

It was the Trill’s turn to quirk a brow. “This isn’t about going out, is it?”

“It is and it is not,” Sakkath countered. He reached out and touched the turbolift’s control panel, pausing their descent.

“Tell me, how familiar are you with the recent personnel changes on the station?”

Norval leaned back against the bulkhead of the halted lift, crossing his arms across his chest. “Pretty familiar,” he admitted. “I am the assistant chief, and personnel are resources for Ops to manage.”

“Quite right,” Sakkath replied with a satisfied nod. “And of all things on 900, what stands out to you the most?”

The Trill paused a moment, taking the time to truly consider his response. It didn’t take too long to run through the list of potential answers Sakkath was fishing for. There was Madhava, and her sudden rebellious streak. Sukotav’s disappearance (and those of quite a few others since). Edana’s sudden transfer to more active Intel duty. But there was only one truly shocking thing.

“Six of Ten,” he concluded.

Sakkath nodded with approval. Norval was well aware of what had occurred with Suresh, as close as he was with both Sakkath and Li. To see a gifted scientist leave the Fleet for what he knew was no crime lord.”

“It is, or rather was, the province of she who is my wife to ensure that the intelligence department of this station is well informed and operating to the benefit of all,” Sakkath began, reaching up to rub the side of his chin as he paced the turbolift. “But as executive officer, she is primarily responsible for its personnel. Too often of late, our personnel have not felt safe in their own home. This station,” Sakkath’s voice almost took on a possessive tone. He was proud of 900, as much as any Chief Engineer would be of his or her ship. “This station is the home of every person who serves her; is Starfleet property regardless of deck number or status… below the equator,” he said with mild distaste. “I want it known that her Second Officer and her Assistant Chief of Operations do not walk with fear. I want it known that an attack on Six of Ten or on Ensign Madhava will not discourage her brass. I want it known…”

Sakkath had lifted his fist and stopped only when Norval had reached out to grab his forearm. Had he not, he may very well have left a dent in the wall of the lift with his Vulcan strength.

“I want it known that Connor is not forgotten,” he finished, lowering his arm.

Norval was frowning as he lowered his own hands with Sakkath’s fist, but he finally offered a nod.

“Then Saturnalia is our first stop,” he said with a resolve that rivaled the Vulcan’s own. “And we’ll drink to Connor’s memory, and make sure that the Pit doesn’t forget that she lives at 900’s discretion.”

All Sakkath do was offer a consenting nod as he resumed their journey down below.

Lieutenant Norval Tigan
Commander Sakkath

Bearing the Order of Operations


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