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Scrambled Orders

Posted on Wed Aug 19th, 2015 @ 8:53pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Brig

After Darwin's call, Gilroy had immediately gone to the brig, where Riley had been transported after his attempt on Six. While the Brig Doctor saw to Riley's head wound and other minor scrapes and scratches, he contacted and briefed Nico on the situation. "How did you not see this when you looked at his head?", the non-telepath demanded.

Nico was silent for several seconds, then muttered a string of curses. “Because, Gil, if something was planted they took great pains to make sure it wasn’t found. Do you recall what I said about controls that can remain invisible until a specific set of events takes place? That would be my best guess. Do you want me down there?”

"Yes, I want you down here to take another look," Gil confirmed. "He's being treated by Doc Eisley at the moment, but then we need to interrogate him. You need to be here for that, Nico."

“Very well, I’m on my way.” Nico closed the channel and hurried to get dressed.

*The Brig*

Nico arrived at the Brig and was directed into Pod A, secure section. As he reached the gate and waited for Gil to arrive, shouting erupted from beyond the gate. It was a man’s voice but the words sounded like gibberish from this distance. Reaching out mentally, Nico realized it was Riley.

"What the hell is going on down there?” he asked when Gilroy appeared.

"Come on," Gilroy said, opening the gate. "That's Riley. He's... distressed about what he's done."

They hurried along the corridor, soon reaching Riley’s cell. The doctor had entered the cell, along with a security officer and the two were doing their best to subdue Riley. As they watched, the doctor managed to get a hypospray to Riley’s neck. Within a few seconds, he stopped struggling and his body visibly relaxed. They waited to make sure he would remain calm before exiting the cell. The security officer reactivated the force field and they departed.

Nico frowned as he turned back to Gilroy. “You said that Bryce was there and saw the attack?”

Nodding, Gilroy watched Riley, "He was. He's at Piper, waiting for word on Six. Darwin's there, too."

“I’ll find Bryce later then.” He took a deep breath and nodded. “Alright, let’s do this. I’ll need to go in. I think you should too, so we can seal ourselves in. Sedative or not, I’d rather be cautious, given what’s happened.”

Turning slightly, Gilroy gave orders to a crewman then readied himself in case Riley tried something. After a moment, the force field dropped. "Riley, we're here to ask some questions," he said, stepping into the cell.

“Hello...Nico.” Riley looked from him to Gilroy, but the movement was slow. “Gil. Is it true?” He closed his eyes and discovered that while the drug had calmed him down, it had also taken his usual self-imposed limit of sifting through the minds of others. “I see. I was afraid of that.”

"It is," Gil answered. He motioned to Nico to join them, then for the field to be reactivated. "Did something happen to cause you to attack Six of Ten?"

Nico entered and leaned against the wall, listening as Gilroy began his questions. He was simply monitoring Riley at this point, but watching for signs that violence might be returning.

Riley stretched out on the bunk, looking up at the ceiling. “I..remember we were at Cravings..with Bryce. We’ve done that often, you know? I kissed her, did he tell you that? On the cheek but don’t tell Suresh. She hugged me when I left and I remember seeing in her mind that they were going to the Arboretum. Something clicked and I knew I had to get there before they did.”

"Why?" It wasn't just that he didn't understand, but that he needed it on the record. Glancing at Nico, Gilroy gestured at the one chair in the cell.

Nico nodded and pulled the seat closer to Riley, then sat down. What he’d just said, about something clicking in his mind, worried Nico. It also hinted that his original assessment about the method of planting the command in Riley’s head was correct.

Riley licked his lips and his voice broke. “To kill her. I had to stop her you see? There was a a box in my quarters that I had to use. I was supposed to break up with Reva, go see Six...she’s my best friend...she would comfort me….and then I had to kill her.”

"Why did you have to kill her, though? What's the reason for that?" Gilroy pressed the matter.

As Gilroy’s questions grew more detailed, Nico ceased his surface monitoring and pushed fully into Riley’s memories. Gil’s last question had started something of a tempest in Riley’s thoughts and he shot a glance to Gilroy as he probed deeper.

“They ordered me to,” Riley answered. “He was in my head and laid it all out….told me exactly what I had to do so she wouldn’t find it. It’s what we do, you know. And now I am supposed to confess so that you’ll put me away. Julian is next.”

"She? So who wouldn't find it?" Gilroy knew there had been a recent issue with Julian Crane; he made a note to follow up with him.

“The coordinates,” Nico said softly. “Is that right?”

“Yes,” Riley answered. “Too dangerous….keeping it secret is worth far more than the life of a Borg. It’s in my notes in Science. You can find it there.”

Gilroy made another note. "The box the knife was in, where did it come from? Is it still in your quarters?"

“Should be.” Riley nodded. “I don’t know. It wasn’t there the night I was taken away, but when I got out of Sickbay, after was there in my bedroom. On the dresser.” The thought of the box brought to mind the vivid image of the Arboretum and the knife in his hand. When he spoke again, his voice broke, then a sob escaped him. “The knife. Test it. It’s ...different. Something….I could see Six there in the trees and it was in my hand. Then I was running at her’s like I was watching myself do this terrible thing and I couldn’t stop myself.”

Nico reached up to massage his temples and frowned. “I have enough, Gil...I need to get out of his head.”

Nodding, Gilroy signaled the crewman, who dropped the forcefield. "Go ahead, Nico," he said. Then regarded Riley again. There was something definitely very wrong here.

Nico wiped his eyes and stood. “I’ll wait outside for you,” he said to Gilroy, then looked down at Riley. “I can help you, once this all settles down. Take care Riley.”

Riley gave a lazy wave as Nico stepped out and the force field was restored. “Sure thing.” He laid his arm over his eyes to hide the tears there. "What else do you want to know, Gilroy?”

"Nothing for now, Riley. But now comes the formalities: Lieutenant Sukotav," Gilroy spoke softly, "you're to be held here until this matter has been thoroughly investigated. Counsel will be assigned to you...," he ran through Riley's rights then joined Nico outside the cell. As they walked down the corridor, he asked, "Well?"

Nico grumbled. “His head is an absolute mess. Now that the programming has run its course, that block is gone and the parts they planted are all together, including the plot against Julian. From what I can see, Riley was supposed to hit Six when they were alone but something made him jump too quick. If he hadn’t, we may not have known till Julian was hit too.” He frowned as he looked at Gilroy. “But using Reva to set it all off? Someone knew far too much about Riley’s life and just what to do to turn him into a loaded gun.”

"That's vile, taking advantage of a relationship...," Gil frowned, aware it was a common tactic. "Too dangerous and worth far more than a Borg's life? And the coordinates? Did you see where those are?"

“All that is in the science records, based on what he said. Given that Six was there before she came to us, it must have to do with that project she handed off to Riley, don’t you think? I don’t know how much you all have looked into that, but it’s the only tie that I know of, other than their friendship and that wasn’t the cause,” Nico answered. “But I have to admit I am really curious now.”

"As am I. Darwin spoke with Rutheridge right after Riley went missing. He didn't have the coordinates, or didn't know whether he did yet. He said he needed some time to look over Riley's work. We'll need to follow up with him about that." Gilroy sighed. "We haven't figured out how or why Julian Crane is involved. He hasn't had any dealings with Six, Riley or the Iconian slab."

“What about ties to the colony in general?” Nico asked. “We might want to warn the colony crew, just in case.” He paused as Riley returned to mind. “I know what it’s like to have your brain scrambled and messed with. It’s going to be a difficult road back for him. If we become certain this was caused by outside interference, will he be prosecuted?”

"Commanders Gunnar and Antos are aware. Security will inform them about this latest development," Gilroy assured him. "That depends upon Ray and Julisa. It's not up to us decide about charges. Julisa is telepathic, she might be the most sympathetic to Riley."

Nico smiled for a moment. “If he can get Ray on his side as well, he should be home free. That pair is frightening in their intensity when they are determined. Admiral Azoulay found that out the hard way.”

"Yeah," Gilroy chuckled. "Having been in his head, Nico, do you think we need to have any restrictions on him, other than keeping him here?"

“Suicide watch,” Nico answered promptly. “Gil, he’s utterly horrified at what he did, especially considering how much he cares for Six. I think that can be worked out eventually but at least for the next several days definitely. Have you considered putting him in a psych safe room?”

"We can, yes. And the doctor gave him improvaline." He debated the next question, but asked it anyway, "What about visitors?"

Nico shrugged. “I don’t know. They may help, they may stir him up needlessly. I’ve picked him clean though and now that his programming is complete, there are no anomalies in there, just the scrambled remains of Riley. I suppose it’s up to you and him if he wants to see anyone.”

"Okay. I doubt Ray or Julisa will see him tonight." They had reached the gate and Gilroy paused. "One of them will contact you about this. Likely, Robin will as well."

“Certainly, and please call me if Riley needs me for anything and I’ll be here.” They had reached the gate and Nico waited while Gilroy pressed in the code. “I’ll check with you tomorrow.”

"Okay," Gilroy opened the gate to let Nico out then closed it and stood watching the Enaran walk away.

Lt. Gilroy
Lt. Commander Nicolao
Lt. Riley Sukotav
In A Hard Place


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