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The Turning Point

Posted on Wed Aug 19th, 2015 @ 9:05pm by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Jackson Banning V & Niro & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Ensign Reva Madhava

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: EFS Korenna / The Nexus Club / The Brig

"Oh, I love it! It's smaller than I thought it'd be, Niro," Reva looked at him, innocent and guileless. She laughed suddenly and said, "Good thing we're not in bed, with that comment." They had been in bed, for hours, after drinks at Saturnalia and after dancing at Kaleidoscope. At the moment, Reva was wearing a short casual dress Niro had replicated for her after she'd insisted he show her his ship.

She looked back under the Korenna's figurative hood and leaned over the engine core, visually tracing the lines of input and output. "Hey, you're not running at full capacity. Is that intentional?", she asked, speaking up so he could hear her out of the compartment.

Niro leaned against the wall and smiled like the cat who ate the canary. “She’s due for a tune-up and some diagnostic work,” Niro answered. “I have it scheduled but if you’d rather have the fun of taking care of it, that would be great.” He knew the way to this Orion’s heart.

Jerking up and out of the engine compartment so quickly that she nearly ripped her dress, she turned toward Niro and eagerly said, "Really? Won't your engineer get pissed? I mean, I know how Chief Jenkins is about the Station's power cores, and how Chiefs are about their engines on starships."

“I’ll cover it with him. Actually, he might enjoy working with you. It’s rare he gets to talk tech with any of us. Don’t worry. I’ll give you free reign to have fun.” He smiled and slipped his arm around Reva. “Anything for you, my darling.”

She went up on tiptoe to kiss his cheek; at this moment, he was what she needed: something uncomplicated and happy. Something to keep her from thinking about Riley. As thoughts of him tried to surface and strip away her surface calm, she turned a sultry look on Niro and said, "Think that engineer would get upset if the ship's owner had sex on the engine?"

“Who says he has to know, hmm?” Niro laughed aloud and moments later, Reva’s dress was history. The sanctity of the engine was gone as well.


Reva hadn't taken Niro up on his offer to let her tinker with his engines. Instead, she'd stayed near him, letting him entertain and distract her. "Hey, can you dance? I mean swing, foxtrot?", she asked him.

“Would you believe me if I said yes?” He didn’t explain how he’d been required to learn at official request some years ago. “Are you thinking about the Nexus? If so I have to warn you, I look great in a tux.”

"I am," she said, snuggling against him. "Are you saying that you might draw attention the way I did last night?" Humor laced her voice.

“Maybe. And likely some of them will assume I am Nico.” He smiled as he turned his head, then kissed her. “Let’s go tonight.”

"Oo, you could be getting your brother in trouble," she laughed. "Where is your crew? They're all staying in guest housing on the Station?" This curiosity came up since they were naked on a table in the crew mess hall.

“They are. Most wanted to spend some time on Archadia too, for various reasons. The beach and the women, mainly.” He laughed. “They would be envious of me if they were here now.” He shifted a bit to look down at her. “Do you want to replicate something here to wear or go home to change?”

"Need some time to recover?", she teased him. "I could go for a bit and meet you at the Nexus."

“No way. If you can do it here, then you will. That gives us a little more time, and I don’t have to be without you.” He grinned and rolled her over on top of him. “Computer, lock the door.”

She gasped, "I thought you did that earlier!" Laughing, since it didn't matter now, Reva found other ways to make them both gasp.

* Nexus *

Smiling broadly, Reva tapped her glass against Niro's and sipped the champagne he'd ordered. "You do turn heads in a tux," she admitted with a sly grin. She knew she'd also turned heads in a long, slinky dress that looked like liquid silver had been poured over her. Niro had given her a necklace, silver with a stunningly sparkly diamond pendant, and she'd styled her hair up to show it off.

“I think it’s all you, Reva. You are simply stunning.” He smiled and sipped the champagne. “You have taken my breath away.” He reached over to take her free hand. “I am a lucky man, and from what I am reading, the envy of many here.”

The waiter appeared with a fresh bottle of champagne and as he uncorked it and settled it in the ice bucket, he looked to Reva. “If it’s not an interruption, Jackson has asked for a moment of your time at the bar?” He nodded and moved away.

Her brows dipped together as she wondered why the Nexus owner would want to talk to her. "Is it okay if I leave you alone a moment? I can't imagine what he needs."

“Of course.” Niro smiled and kissed her hand. “I’ll be waiting."

She stood and kissed his cheek before heading to the bar. Spying an open spot, she headed for it and waved to catch Jackson's attention. With a touch of disappointment, she noticed Vic wasn't on duty.

When he saw Reva arrive at the bar, Jackson excused himself from his conversation and hurried over. “Good evenin’ Reva.” His tone was uncharacteristically serious. “Sorry ta pull ya away from yer dinner but I need to talk to ya for a minute.” He led her off to the side of the bar where the noise level was lower. “I promised Vic I’d pass the news along. Six is in Piper. She was attacked in the Arboretum earlier - stabbed he said, and just got outta surgery. They said she’ll be fine but they almost lost her from what I understand.”

Blinking rapidly as she took all of his news in, Reva felt her stomach drop. Mentally, she clutched at the statement that Six would be fine. Anger rolled in right over her worried sick feelings. "It's because of Suresh, isn't it? Someone tried to kill her to get at him!" She stood abruptly. "Which of his cowardly enemies did this? Where the hell was her guard?" She was asking the wrong man, but he was the only one she could ask right now.

Jackson took hold of her shoulders gently and shook his head. “Hold yer horses, kiddo. It wasn’t what ya think...not because of him. It was….it was Riley who did it. So in answer to yer question, Bryce was with ‘em and the three of ‘em were in the Arboretum. That’s all I can tell ya for now.”

She must have misheard him. Riley? Her Riley? Had attacked Six? Her gentle, calm, kind Riley had stabbed Six? What universe were they in? Suddenly unsteady, she felt her stomach drop lower and she leaned into Jackson as her knees went weak. "That can't be right," she whispered.

“I’m sorry honey.” Jackson wrapped her in a hug and when a waiter passed by, asked him to bring Niro over. “I know this is hard ta hear. Vic said he’d call ya later and give ya an update. Try not ta worry, she’s gonna be alright.”

"That's good, but what about Riley?" Already feeling sharper after the initial shock, she looked at Jackson. "She's going to be fine, but where is he?"

“In the brig as far as I know. None of it makes one damn bit o’ sense. I am havin’ a hard time seein’ him doin’ somethin’ like that.” He shook his head and muttered. “I guess we’ll have to see what happens.” He looked up as Niro arrived at the table. “Well, I’ll leave you two. If Oz or I can do anything, call us Reva.” He patted her on the shoulder and moved back to the bar.

Niro sat down by her, immediately reading the shock and Jackson’s news in her thoughts. He pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her. “What can I do?”

"I need to go, Niro. I'm sorry... I... just need to go." She'd have jumped up, but she simply wasn't moving fast at the moment. It wasn't Piper she wanted to go to, either; it was the Brig. "Riley would never...," she shook her head, unable to even voice what he was accused of, "He adores Six."

Niro nodded. “Even I know that. It makes no sense.” He sighed aloud. “At least let me get you there to see him. You’re a little shell-shocked, Reva, and don’t need to be wandering around alone. Please.”

She nodded. "I agree, Niro," she said and slipped from his lap with his help. Holding his arm, she walked out of the Nexus with him.

*The Brig*

The officer at the front booking desk looked both Reva and Niro up and down. They were a little overdressed for this area of the Station. "Here to bail someone out?", she asked, figuring it'd be their kid, though the Orion looked a little young to have a kid old enough to be in the brig for something. More likely it was the guy's kid and the Orion was a girlfriend.

“No, Ensign Madhava is here to see one of the inmates - Lt. Sukotav,” Niro informed her.

"Oh. Take a seat. That's a special case," the crewman replied, then comm'd Lieutenant Gilroy and told him Sukotav had visitors.

A few minutes later, Gilroy ducked slightly as he came through the gate to the Brig's secure area. "Ensign," he addressed Reva, though he looked at Niro. It was uncanny how much he looked like his brother. "Niro, interesting meeting you. Your brother was just here. I'm Lt. Gilroy."

Reva's spirits sank a little further on seeing Gilroy. She was sure he'd find a reason to not let her see Riley.

“My pleasure, Lt. Gilroy. Sorry I missed him, though I’ll be having dinner with him and Dru tomorrow.” He reached for Reva’s hand. “Can she go in to see Riley?”

"Please, Gilroy? Ah, Lieutenant?" Reva very nearly touched Gilroy, a move she'd picked up from Seyla. But she didn't, sensing that Gilroy was already prickly about her.

Like the front clerk had done, Gilroy looked her up and down. She was right: if he could think of a reason to refuse her access to Riley, he would. But he couldn't think of any. "Both of you or just you, Ensign?"

"Just me, Lieutenant," she was quick to answer. Then she glanced at Niro, silently apologizing.

"Come along, then," Gilroy motioned her towards the gate.

No need to apologize, sweetheart. Go ahead, I’ll be here when you’re done. Niro smiled up at Reva as she turned to follow Gilroy.

* Pod A *

Once inside the gate, Reva had asked, pleaded really, to be allowed a contact visit. Gilroy had initially said no, but then relented, so long as she agreed to remove all metals. So it was that Reva's hair was down and she had no jewelry, no shoes and, essentially, nothing but her dress on as she followed Gilroy to Riley's cell. Thankfully the dress wasn't real silver; it was just a luxurious material.

"Lt. Sukotav, you have a visitor. An insistent one." Gilroy announced.

Riley lay curled on the bunk, his back to the force field. “Go...away.” His voice was hoarse and he sounded noticeably unsteady. He knew who was there without looking. Reva’s mental patterns were very distinct, even in his medicated state.

"What have you done to him?", Reva demanded of Gilroy, sounding worried. Not waiting for an answer, she spoke to Riley, "I'm not going away, Rye."

Gilroy's brow rose slightly. He'd be the one saying whether and how soon she left.

"Open the cell!", she urged Gilroy.

“I...said...NO.” Riley still hadn’t looked at them, or moved. “Not….safe. Clearly. You want to end Six?”

Reva glared at Gilroy and used a loud whisper to insist, "You said I could if I obeyed all your little rules. I did. Besides, how dangerous could he be with no weapon? And you standing right here?"

For once, the Orion impressed Gilroy. He keyed in a code and the force field dropped. "I'm right here, so no funny business." His warning wasn't to Riley.

Hurrying into the cell, Reva touched Riley. "Rye?"

He shrank back from her touch, edging closer to the wall. “Go..home..Reva. Niro’s waiting. Go back to your dinner and leave me.” He cleared his throat. “Nothing you can do here.”

She sat on the edge of the bunk, turned towards him as much as she could. "I'm not going away," she glanced at Gilroy, "yet. Rye," she leaned in and touched his arm, wanting to hug him and make him safe. She was also about to cry. "This doesn't make sense. Why would you hurt Six?"

“Does it matter?” His voice hitched as he continued. “I….did it. They all saw me. Bryce….was there. Is she….? No, I can see she pulled through. Good...that’s good.” He was still another few seconds, then finally turned his head slightly, enough to look at her. His eyes were slightly unfocused. “Bright.”

Touching him as she was, she smiled at that. He meant her dress, which was bright under the brig's lighting. "Six did. I was told she'll be fine. I'm more worried about you. People might have seen you do this, but... It isn't ... I mean, you're not someone who... would do a thing like this."

“But I did. Nico is worried about something he saw in my head. Something wrong that made me do it. You may not be safe, Reva. Should go. Gil….” he called out, then stopped. He studied her a moment and shook his head. “Too late, isn’t it?”

Pulling back from him like he'd burned her, she blinked back tears. She knew exactly what he'd just read; she loved him, had loved him for awhile. It just wasn't something she'd ever dwelled on or thought to say. "I suppose it is, isn't it?" She stood and recalled Darwin's comment that Orions don't love.

“I tried to kill our closest friend, Reva. I’m...damaged. I may be here a very long time. You should…..move on.”

"You just said Nico found something wrong in your head. Medical and Security will figure it out," she argued. She swallowed and blinked back tears, "When they do, you'll move on because I'm toxic for you."

“Medical’s already been here.” Riley tapped the side of his head. “Improl...Improvaline.” He pronounced the word carefully. “I kinda freaked out when I regained...consciousness and ...yeah.” He watched her for a moment, then carefully reached up to stop a tear at the corner of her eye. “You’ll be okay. Go.”

For just a split second, she hated him for cutting her loose so easily. And yet... It wasn't so easy. She'd read his emotions clearly (more clearly than her empathy let her read him while he was drugged). Add in that she really was toxic - Seyla had told her as much - and she was doing him a favor by leaving him. "Goodbye, Rye," she said.

There was something he felt he should say but the words got lost between his mind and his mouth. Instead, he reached out, touching her thoughts so easily, now that the drug had relaxed his normal control.

Take care...and..I’ sorry...tell Six…. It wasn’t what he wanted to say but it was better this way.

"I will," she said, then found that tiny piece of hatred she'd felt and used it to leave his cell with dry eyes. "Thank you, Lieutenant Gilroy."

Gil, who had watched the whole scene and was a romantic at heart, cleared his throat and nodded. He had expected trouble from Reva, not what he'd seen. He closed the cell and walked Reva back to the front gate, where she collected her things and went out to Niro. "Hey, do you have a tissue handy?", he asked the property clerk. She produced one and he took it, wiped his eyes and blew his nose.

When Reva appeared, Niro stood. He was silent, but looked her over, sensing her mood, and knew it had been a difficult visit. He waited for her to speak first so he could react accordingly, though his first instinct was to sweep her up and hold her tight.

Stepping through the gate, Reva had smiled slightly at Niro. She paused, putting her shoes on, then put her necklace on and moved forward again. With a very Seyla-esque shake of her head, one that made her hair swing and shake loose down her back, Reva seemed to lock away what had just happened and let her anger with Riley grow a bit larger. Taking his arm, she said, "I'm starved. How about a light snack?"

“Want to pick up something and take it back to my quarters?” he asked.

"How about back to your ship?" She smiled, thinking of how they'd been making progress on having sex in just about every common room on it.

“Sounds perfect.” Once they were out of the Brig, he stopped and pulled her close. He said nothing, just held her there, letting his thoughts mingle with hers, letting his intentions be known. He sensed the anger with Riley and it brought a quick smile. “Let’s get you home,” he said.

"The sooner, the better," she agreed and passed on some risque intentions of her own. A few involved the engine room.

Ensign Reva Madhava
Crushed but Still Standing

Reva’s ‘Safe’ Harbor

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Bearer Of Bad News

Lt. Riley Sukotav
Locked Away

Lt. Gilroy
Closeted Sentimentalist


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