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Lack of Control

Posted on Sun Aug 23rd, 2015 @ 8:14pm by Ensign Reva Madhava & Ensign Ian Bren & Niro & Owain

Mission: Further Challenges

* Sciences *

"Oh my gosh, Ian! They're huge!" Reva gasped as she bent over Ian's workspace to look at the spiderlings in their individual habitats.

"Uh-huh," Ian breathed. His eyes weren't on the spiderlings. They were on Reva and the neck of her t-shirt. Well, down the neck of her t-shirt. Standing where she was, as she was, he had a good view....

"Ian?" Reva smirked, having realized he hadn't heard her question.

"Huh? Um... sorry, what?"

"How many times have they molted already?" She repeated and straightened up a bit. She had replicated a shirt at Seyla's that matched the one she'd been wearing when she left Niro's ship; she was still mystified about how that one had gotten ripped.

"Oh, five times. They're growing rapidly, particularly these three," he pointed to three larger containers. "I think they might be the females, but I haven't attempted to sex them yet."

"Wow, Iggy will be thrilled when she gets back!" She impulsively kissed Ian's cheek, "Thanks for calling me and telling me about them." She wasn't aware that her pheromones were perfuming the air.

Ian grinned, "Anything for you, Reva." He touched her arm.

Her eyes went wide as she read his suddenly amorous thoughts. One made her blush a deep green. "I'd better get going, Ian. Thanks!" She disengaged quickly and nearly ran for the door.

* EFS Korenna *

"You're letting her control you with her pheromones?" Owain glared at Niro. "I had credited you with being smarter than that!"

“I’m letting her play a little,” Niro corrected. “It is harmless and an important step in convincing Reva that this life is what she wants, that’s all. She has to learn to control them somehow and this will wear off in another day.” He leaned back against the counter in the galley where he’d found Owain and drew the man into his arms. “You have nothing to worry about, I promise.”

Owain knew that was a lie. He could read Niro's thoughts, see where Reva had told him that Owain had to go - and he saw Niro's response: 'He means nothing compared to you.' "Really? She'll twist you in a knot, just like any other male."

“Are you so sure?” Niro smiled back at Owain. “Who’s twisting who here?”

"You think she has me ...?" He frowned and broke away from Niro's embrace. "She's a diva, like Seyla. She'll demand you give her everything she wants."

“And if she does? What she might want would be little trouble, Owain.” He held out his hand. “Come back here.”

"You told her I'm nothing compared to her," Owain pouted.

“What the hell else was I supposed to do? Agree with her? Admit she’s right and blow this whole thing out of the water?” Niro shook his head. “I couldn’t. We’re at a critical point here and I know it’s not easy for you, O. It will all work out and be worth it.”

Owain let Niro draw him back in, even though he knew the Enaran was not telling the entire truth. "Fine. You're telling tales to everyone, it seems. How did your recovery of Marat go?"

“Reva cannot know how much you mean to me, not yet.” He brushed his lips along Owain’s temple. “Marat is safely on Archadia and that transport pilot is on his way to the Beta Quadrant with no memory that Marat ever existed. He’s beyond grateful and will make a nice addition to the crew. And you, my darling, are completely safe.”

Owain smiled and kissed Niro. "Thank you. Now, would you like to take a bit more repayment from me?"

As he asked, the ship's computer chimed softly and announced, "Reva Madhava has entered the port side hatch."

Owain cursed.

“Our relationship is no longer a repayment, O,” Niro murmured. “You’re all mine now. I’ll find you later.” He spoke louder now. “Computer, notify Reva that I’ll meet her in the lounge.” There was a beep from the computer and Niro kissed Owain. “Soon.”

“Yes, soon,” Owain smiled.

Niro returned his smile and hurried out, already too pre-occupied with thoughts of Reva to read anything into Owain’s answer. A few minutes later, he reached the lounge and hurried in. “Reva! Did you get everything done that you needed to?” He scooped her up in his arms, realizing his happiness to see her was genuine.

She laughed. “I did. Ignatius’ babies hatched and I went to see them. They’re enormous!” She kissed him. “And Darwin introduced me to Nico.”

Niro looked a little less pleased than he had upon seeing her. “I see. And why did he feel the need to introduce you to Nico?”

She looked a little puzzled. “I’m not sure. Because of you, maybe? Darwin knows we’ve been involved. Didn’t you say you were going to have lunch with Nico and his wife the other day?”

Niro nodded. “It was put off, Nico was tied up now that he has returned to duty. No matter, really. I can stop in anytime. I am still amazed that a wonderful woman like Dru was drawn to him. He’s rather...remote don’t you think?”

“We didn’t talk long. Really it was just an introduction and Darwin warned me not to get into trouble,” she laughed. Reading him, she paused, “You’re a bit jealous of Nico, aren’t you?”

Niro shrugged. “At times, I suppose so. He’s had a hellish life and if it hadn’t been for me and...some others….he’d be dead now. Even so, he’s managed to find a woman who loves him, and has turned his life around. Not that I envy him the Fleet life with its regulations but he is truly happy. Now that you’ve dropped into my life, I’ve gotten a little taste of what he has.”

“Sometimes, you’re so sweet, Niro.” She kissed him. “What would you like to do tonight? Maybe dinner at Saturnalia then the casino, like we set out to do last night?”

“Certainly. I can introduce you to Palaxia...and did you know he has holosuites in there? We might take a little sidetrip through one.” He smiled down at her, then tugged at a lock of her hair.

“That could be fantastic!” In her excitement, her pheromones triggered, flooding the room. “Maybe you could show me Enara Prime? Your favorite place there?”

“Certainly but…..” He pulled her close once more as the pheromones began to affect him. “First things first. Let’s enjoy the scent….before we are out in public.” He tilted her head back and brushed his lips along her throat. “Computer, lock the door.”

Ensign Reva Madhava

Ensign Ian Bren
Almost Tangled in a Sticky Web

Talking Out Of Both Sides Of His Mouth

Ready to Stake his Claim


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