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Back To Life

Posted on Sun Aug 23rd, 2015 @ 7:55pm by Commander Ehlana Winter & Lieutenant Commander Antos Lev & Commander Adara Gunnar

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Temporal Affairs

"I've entered his death into the record," Adara announced to the others. She knew there'd be an official inquiry, but that couldn't be helped. She had, after all, deprived the man of oxygen until he was dead.

Straightening up, the medtech who'd been transported in to declare Brother Adrian dead, held up a tiny chip. "Biosensor. It'll have sent notice of his death, too." She dropped it into an evidence bag. Then reached over to her kit and activated a device.

Brother Adrian sucked in a huge breath and coughed. When he could breath normally, he saw Adara and yelled, "What did you do?"

"I killed you. You asked for it." She glanced at Lev.

Lev passed Adrian the padd that contained his message. “Remember now? We likely saved you from a more permanent death at the hands of your cohorts.”

"I remember just fine! I didn't think you'd do it so quickly!" Adrian sat up and felt his limbs and face, checking that everything was there and that he had feeling in them.

Adara shrugged. "No time like the present. Now tell us what you know."

"I know that Julian Crane had to be taken out to protect the secret,” he answered. “I assume you are aware of that stone slab.” Looking from one to another, he nodded. “Yes. According to our research, Crane becomes one of those on the team who discovered its resting place.”

"Who else is on that team? What does this thing do that is so scary?", Adara asked, worried about which of her Colony residents would be targeted.

“Two science officers were also discussed but Crane was the early plan and I was sent back to deal with him before the other plans were in place. I suspect any of your colony crew is fair game. Given a small core staff, any of them might be tapped to help out but I'd look to Security or your Marines first.” Adrian shrugged. “This ‘thing’ as you call it has the power to undo time, something the young Borg discovered.”

She sighed. "Station Security and Sciences already knew this." She turned toward Lev, "Anything you want to ask?"

“I’d like to know where it is. It might save us some trouble searching, don’t you think?” Lev crossed his arms as he looked back at Adrian. “It might also save some lives, given your original objective.”

Adrian shook his head. “I don’t know where it is. Nor do the Elders. They know it is found, but the actual discovery of it is ...unseeable.... But they knew that the Borg found coordinates.”

“Great,” Adara said and pulled Lev and Ehlana aside. “Riley Sukotav took over that project from Six, but has anyone been working on the coordinates?”

“With what happened to Riley?” Lev asked. “That’s a good question. I can check with Science and see, or Security. They’ve likely asked the same question.” He paused and frowned. “Don’t you think it strange that he doesn’t know where this thing is?”

Ehlana nodded and looked back to Adrian. “Are you telling us that none of you know its location, you simply spend your time monitoring the time stream to look for anything connected to this thing?”

“Oh, yes,” Adrian nodded. “And someone used it, to catastrophic ends! That is why we cannot allow you to find it.”

“Someone uses it? In the future?” Lev gave a low whistle and looked to Ehlana. “Have you gotten anything on that?”

She shook her head. “Nothing yet. How far into the future Adrian?”

“I don’t know... but I think it’s just a few weeks from now, based on the Elders’ concern.” Adrian hung his legs off the biobed and swung them back and forth. “That’s all I know.”

Watching him, Adara frowned. She had the feeling he knew more, but didn’t know he knew more. “I killed you for that?” She shook her head. “That’s a ton of paperwork for not much information.”

Adrian shrugged.

“I think you will be coming with us to the colony,” Lev informed the man. “Both so we can pick your brain some more and to keep you alive. Isi can take a look at you. We’ll make room.”

“Great...,” Adrian cheered unenthusiastically.

“For now, though, you’ll remain in the cell in Temporal Affairs,” Adara glanced at Ehlana. “We’ll come get you when we’re leaving.”

“It will be the best place to keep you from getting their attention,” Ehlana agreed. “For now.” She turned and led the way back along the hallway to her office. “Well, it’s not much but it is a little more than we knew previously. I’ll send the information on to Security.”

“Thanks, Commander,” Adara said. “We’re leaving for the Colony within the week; I’ll keep you updated on our schedule for that.” She was bothered by all of this; what if Isi were one of those on the discovery team?

“Good luck, you two. I may be out there soon as well, while we try to get to the bottom of this.” Ehlana smiled at Adara and Lev. “Take care and don’t let my son drive you crazy.”

“Will do.” Lev turned to Adara. “Ready? I am meeting someone for dinner, believe it or not.”

“Oh? A date?” She grinned, waved at Ehlana, and strolled out with Lev, discussing his date.

Commander Adara Gunnar

Lt. Commander Antos Lev

Brother Adrian

Commander Ehlana Winter


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