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Posted on Thu Aug 27th, 2015 @ 4:20pm by Major David Lorenz & Marine Captain Quentin Harrison & James Holbridge

Mission: Further Challenges


The creatures that were held at bay by John Franklin via an energy shield were released. The Marines, dug in and braced for a fight, looked on in horror as the hairy beasts made tracks towards their positions. Sgt. Georgia Crouch, one of the first to notice the creatures, was the first to fall, torn limb from limb in a messy fashion as the howling marauders stormed their way towards the Marine gun line.

"Open fire!" Quentin shouted and the dug-in platoon fired several volleys into the advancing creatures, dropping them in their tracks with precise holes in or near their torsos.

"Lieutenant, I have a possible bearing to the signal used to control those creatures!" Randall Crouch shouted, overcoming the gruesome death of his sister.

"Don't keep it a secret, laddie!" Quentin replied, firing at a cluster of creatures attempting to savage a position.

"One-three-one, east-southeast, sir! Twenty five klicks!"

That's outside the shield, boyo!" Quentin shouted.

"True enough, sir, but we have company in the air!" Crouch shouted, then let out a cry as he was yanked out of his position by a clawed hand. The sickening crunch of bone told Quentin one of the beast had just munched his coms officer. With a snarl of anger, Quentin pulled his 3p from its holster and stood up, letting loose a Celtic war cry and charging the creature that killed Crouch.

The beast looked at Harrison with red eyes, then lifted his lips in a snarl as he charged Harrison. Queint aimed at the creature's head and fired at point-blank range, drilling the beast in the forehead. The creature instantly went down.

A furry fist suddenly crashed into his skull, knocking the big Scot to his feet and sending his 3p flying. Another beast had sucked-punched Harrison, leaving the big Scot at its mercy. Harrison closed his eyes and waited for the beast to finish him, but opened them in shock after the ground seemed to shake. Quentin looked up to see two shuttles and a gunabout strafing the hell out of the enemy beast formations. A smile formed on Quentin's face as he realized Lorenz and the cavalry had arrived.

Quentin got to his feet and picked up his weapon from where it had fallen. He looked up to see Dave Lorenz and the CSAR team running up to the site of the fight.

"You okay?" Lorenz asked, looking Quenitn over with concern, noting the orange blood smears.

"Aye, one of those things sucker punched me! How the hell did ye get through the shield?" Quentin asked.

"Sgt Crouch relayed your position right before coms went out. We locked on and came in smokin'!" Dave grinned. "Where are the Crouch's?"

"Both of 'em, dead," Quentin said quietly.

Lorenz waved Quentin over to a secluded clearing. "I got a message from JD Holbridge on 900. Tricia Holbridge was killed in a shuttle accident."

Quentin looked up, his face draining of color. "If this is a joke..."

"It's not. Jim threw her out of the house, and she confessed as to you and her still seeing each other. She boarded a prototype shuttle to the surface of Archadia Prime and it exploded as it left the launch bay."

Quentin's shoulders slumped. "There's too much death, Davey..."

"That's Major Lorenz to you, lieutenant!" Dave snapped. "You told me you and Tricia were done, and now this comes to light! When we return to base, you will be confined to quarters pending an Article 15 hearing!"

Lorenz walked away to see to the Marines, leaving Quentin alone in his misery.


David Lorenz walked over to where his friend sat, idly staring at a padd. "How's the food in this dump?" Dave asked playfully as he sat down across from his friend.

"Better than that damned prison garbage we had to eat," Jim replied dully. "Did you come to tell me to 'keep it together' or some such bullshit?"

"Yup, exactly that. JD told me everything that he knew and I figured you might want to talk about some stuff with me rather than Dr. Swift." Lorenz said in a low voice.

"My wife died, my son blames me and won't speak to me. Anything else you wanna know?" Jim replied stonily.

"Come on, Bouncer, don't give me that shit! I know she confessed that she was still seeing Quentin...."

"Ain't love grand?" Jim raised his voice. "She lied to you, me, and everybody so she could get laid by some kilt-wearing, muscle-bound psycho in uniform! Pardon me if I don't break into a cha cha in celebration!"

Two orderlies made a move towards where Holbridge and Lorenz were seated, but Dave warned them off with a glare. Turning back to his friend, Dave pressed his attack home. "No one's asking you to do a dance of joy! What people want form you is to lead them! You founded three businesses in the Delta Quadrant and turned a nice profit with all three. Don't blow it all now!"

"What the hell does it matter, Dave? MY WIFE IS DEAD AND IT'S MY FAULT!!!" Jim put his head into his folded arms and began sobbing loudly.

Dave rose to his feet and put a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder. "It was an accident, buddy. Patrick smith reviewed the data and concurred with the shipyard's assessment. Power coil failure."

"She's still dead, and my kids don't have a momma no more! All because of me!"

Dave shook his head. "They have you, and that is more than a lot of folks have. I talked with the attending pshrink and you are being released tomorrow. We need to get arrangements made for Tricia's funeral and memorial service. I want you to schedule some appointments with a counselor, and I am told by your board members that if you do that you will be reinstated as Chairman of your company again."

Jim looked up at his friend. "I'll think about it."

"That's all I can ask. See ya tomorrow!"


In the hallway, Quentin fell into step beside Lorenz. "Well?"

"I think you better put in for a transfer to safer duty. I think Valhalla Colony may need a Marine with your qualifications. I'll run it up the ladder to the head shed and see if we can get you off station before Jim kills you."

Quentin shook his head. "I didnae plan for this to happen, ye know,"

"Nobody plans for these things, big man. Shit happens and we have to clean up the mess."

"What about my Article 15 hearing?" Quentin asked

"Not enough evidence to warrant action. You go back on duty immediately."

"Fair enough."


David Lorenz
Savior & Counselor


Quentin Harrison


Jim Holbridge
Resting In A Psyche Ward


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