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Scene From An Italian Restaurant

Posted on Tue Sep 1st, 2015 @ 1:36pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Vic & Falasin & Mamu B'yaga

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Mamu's Curios / Valentino's

"Falasin, please be certain to dust the third shelf on the far row," Mamu directed her sole employee. Directions from Mamu were rare.

“Oh, sure.” Falasin jumped off the stool where she sat behind the counter and pulled the stool with her as she went. Reaching the far row, she hopped on the stool, on her knees, and began to carefully suat the shelf. She was curious, given Mamu was rarely so specific. “Someone coming in who needs this shelf?”

"Perhaps," the old crone said, which meant 'yes'. With Mamu, 'no' meant 'no'; anything else was, more than likely, a positive answer. "Be here soon, he will." She pulled herself onto a stool behind the counter and sat, waiting.

“I see.” Falasin stood on the stool and did one more pass on the shelf till it was clean as a whistle. “Well, whoever he is, everything here looks perfect. There’s some real goodies on this shelf, Mamu.” She didn’t ask where the items came from. She had no idea where anything in this whole shop came from, though the shelves always seemed full, despite steady business. Everytime she dusted, the things on the shelves were different. Such was life with Mamu.

"Now we wait," Mamu smiled at Falasin and patted the air next to her, her common signal that Falasin should come settle next to her. "Unless you would rather go to dinner?"

“And miss whatever’s about to happen? You’re kidding, right?” Falasin hopped down from the stool and carried it back behind the counter and sat down. She found it hard to sit still, however, and began to fidget. “How long?”

"Today? Tomorrow? Next week?" Mamu's face scrunched inward and she shrugged. "Patience is a virtue, young one."

“Huh.” With a huff, Falasin crossed her arms. No sooner had she done so than the door chime sounded. She turned to see a tall, muscular man with brown hair enter. “Oh wow, lookit him!” she whispered to Mamu.

Mamu stood on her stool, using Falasin's shoulder to steady herself, to see him then nodded. "He is pretty," she agreed. "Young man? There is a wonderful selection of items on the far row. You should browse there." She sat down; from the man's point of view, she just suddenly disappeared.

Vic stopped, looked around, then moved over to the counter. He looked at Falasin, then leaned over the counter and spied Mamu.

“Oh, hello. What’s that about the far row?”

"Look there and you will see what you see," Mamu said.

Vic shrugged and smiled at the Andorian. “I’ve seen you around here and there. I’m Vic.”

Fal turned a deeper shade of blue and smiled. “Hi Vic! I’m Falasin. Nice to meet you.” She heard Mamu clearing her throat and pointed to the wall. “Third shelf, all the way down.”

Vic shrugged. “Very well.” He left the counter and strolled along the wall to the shelf as directed. There was a jumble of items on it but a deep purple cube covered in sparkling gold stars caught his eye. It certainly was a lovely box and it seemed to be inviting him to open it. He reached for it and lifted the lid with the small gold knob that sat on top. The inside was lined with black velvet and the recessed lighting overhead caught something within. A brilliant sparkle flashed and, laying aside the lid, he reached in and pulled out what was tucked inside. It was a bracelet, latinum apparently, and set with a solid single row of purple stones. The light caught the full bracelet now and it shot out orange fire that danced on the wall. It was breathtaking.

“…” he murmured.

"You are seeing what you will see, yes? Perfect, no?" Mamu called to Vic. "You wish for her notice? That will help."

That caught his attention immediately. “What’s that?” Catch her attention? That sounded like...surely not…..He put the bracelet back into the box and hurried up front to the counter. “Explain.”

"Explain what?" Mamu blinked at him and her tongue, forked and dry, slipped out to lick her lips. "Beware: explanations cost much."

“You said ‘wish for her notice’. How do you know about that?” Vic’s tone was wary. The old woman’s forked tongue wasn’t helping to put him at ease. “That’s supposed to be…”

“A secret?” Falasin finished for him.

“Well, yes,” he admitted.

"Do not worry, child. What Mamu knows, no one else does." She smiled and held up her hands, "The contents of this old head are one of the many mysteries of the universe."

That was likely a good thing, Vic reflected. But it was a gorgeous bracelet and already in his mind, he could see it dangling from Six’s wrist. It was perfect. And looking at it, likely outrageously expensive.

“How much?” he asked.

"Precisely what you can afford, child. You will know the price when you see it." Lately, it wasn't often that Mamu dropped into this cryptic, rather annoying manner; however, every once in a while, something came over her and she was a different creature. "It is a trade. You may have this now; bring me what it is worth later."

Vic blinked in disbelief at the ancient creature before him. “Bring it later?" His eyes narrowed as he considered it. “What if I don’t figure it out?”

"You will, do not be concerned." Mamu took the box from him and hopped from her stool then disappeared behind a curtain. When she came a few minutes later, it was wrapped in a piece of silk with a ribbon around it. "Here you are." She presented it to him with both hands.

Vic was still having a hard time with this bargain, considering how expensive the bracelet looked. He looked from Mamu to Falasin, who smiled.

“Go on, take it,” she said. “It’s perfect.”

Funny how her words echoed his thoughts and so he took the box from Mamu and smiled. “Thank you. It’s….amazing. I don’t know if it will do what you want, but she should have it anyway.”

Mamu smiled smugly.

“I think she’s here,” Falasin informed him and pointed to the promenade outside the large shop window. She took a closer look and her eyes widened but she remained silent.

“Oh, yes. Thank you. Thank you so much.” Vic smiled and hurried out.

Once the door had closed, Falasin turned to Mamu. “Do you know who that is?”

"Indeed. The girl he wishes to notice him," Mamu nodded.

Falasin looked down at Mamu and shook her head. “You really need to get out more Mamu. That’s Suresh’s...girlfriend? Woman? Whatever you want to call her.”

"I know that, Falasin. But it is not relevant to that man. He wants her to see what is before her." Mamu shook her head. "It will confuse her. From confusion comes clarity." She hopped down and started towards the back of the shop, adding, "Eventually. Sometimes," as she went.

Falasin watched her go and shook her head. “Oh boy….” she mumbled.

Outside the shop, Six had arrived and taken a seat on the bench. She wore a silk skirt that was sheer and flowing and a strapless top, both in a deep burgundy, with her hair left down loose. She’d seen Suresh off earlier for his trip to Archadia with Seyla and Edana had come as far as this Promenade level before taking off to Darwin’s. She could see Vic inside the shop talking to a rather vividly dressed Andorian that Six recognized from seeing her at Java with Ophelia. As she watched, Vic took a small package from the tiny old woman, then stepped out through the doors.

“Hi Vic.” She smiled up at him.

He jumped then smiled, hiding that she'd startled him. He was still puzzling over the little creature in the shop. How was he supposed to know what payment to bring her? It? He focused on Six. "Hi, Six. Ready for dinner?" He offered his arm.

“I am.” She stood and looked from his arm to his face, hesitating. She wasn’t at all sure they wouldn’t be seen, but it was his arm, what could it hurt? She rested her hand lightly in the crook of his arm as they began to walk. “So where are you taking me?”

"A place that serves Terran cuisine, Italian, pasta and such, Valentino's," he said. He didn't mention he'd chosen it because of the private, curtained booths. When they arrived, the hostess showed them to one immediately, explaining that if they needed their server, they could hang a card from the curtain. Seated, Vic smiled at Six. "The food here is pretty good - the privacy is even better."

“So I see.” Six looked from him to the curtain and back. “Better for you…..well both of us since it prevents anyone misinterpreting appearances doesn’t it?”

"Correct. No one will wonder why we're here." Their server came and took their drink order and, a few minutes later, brought those drinks. Vic set the wrapped box on the table. "Along that line, no one will wonder about this gift." He slid it toward her.

Six blinked in surprise as she looked at the present. “Vic? What’s this for?” She reached for it even as she asked the question.

"It isn't for anything. It's just for you." He smiled.

She untied the ribbon, then let the piece of silk fall to the table. After a few seconds to admire the box, she lifted the lid and looking in, gasped aloud.

“Oh my god, Vic!” Carefully, she lifted the bracelet and the soft light once again sent fire sparking from it. Six was in complete awe. “This is….wow.” Slowly, she turned it this way and that, mesmerized.

He watched her, thrilled that she was pleased with it. "It is. Put it on," he said.

Six slipped the bracelet onto her right wrist and then held out her arm to admire it. “It’s perfect. You know these stones? They are found on the Brenari homeworld. They supposedly enhance the telepathic ability of the natives and are not often seen off-world. They keep a close grip on who can buy them.” She ran a finger over the stones, then reached out to take his hand. “It’s amazing. Thank you.”

"You're amazing, Six." He hadn't recognized the stones for what they were. "You're welcome. Now, let's order. I'm hungry."

“Order for me.” She squeezed his hand and was glad of the curtain that hid them from sight. This was the sort of thing that would give Farco a coronary if he’d been spying on her. “I’ve never had Italian food so I trust your judgment.”

"Really?" He grinned. "That's great! A new experience." The server came and he ordered more food than the two of them could realistically eat. When the order came, he taught Six how to spin spaghetti on a spoon.

That took a little effort for her as she tried to wrap her mind around the idea of eating something long and skinny with a spoon.

"This sauce is incredible,” she exclaimed between bites. “And the bread! I could make a meal from it I think.” She reached for the parmesan and scooped more onto her pasta. “Good thing you are eating this too. Garlic self-defense, Bryce calls it.”

"Yup, that goes right along with onions, harissa, and jalapeños," he laughed. She had a bit of sauce by her mouth; without thinking, he leaned over and kissed her, licking that sauce from her skin.

Six’s eyes widened at the intimate touch and her hand tightened around his arm. The images that flooded her mind suddenly were erotic and swept her away for a moment, visions of the two of them completely uninhibited and.... Where had that come from? An instant later she thought of the bracelet. “Oh my.”

"Ah, yeah. Wow," he blinked, trying to cool his thoughts and the physical reaction he was having. "Were those mine or yours?"

“Yours...I think,” she hedged. But that wasn’t entirely true. Another image rose in her mind of her and Vic in his quarters, of her leading him down a hall….but she’d never been there. Then she recalled the day in Intel when he’d told her of seeing her in his living room. “Oh dear. I saw it. Your quarters.”

He recalled that night easily. He'd wanted Six incredibly that night and had been disappointed ever since that she had disappeared so suddenly. But then, if she hadn't, would he now regret having done something? He looked at her and asked, "Is that normal? Did you just pull that from my memories?"

“Or mine, I’m not sure. That ability normally only happens when I’m not conscious. Maybe this,” she held up her arm to show the bracelet, “maybe it’s helping, giving me a boost. It certainly showed what’s in your thoughts.”

"Yeah, it did, didn't it?" He laughed off the embarrassment of having her know exactly what he'd like to do with her. "Interested in dessert?" He shouldn't have said that: he had thoughts of chocolate sauce on her skin.

She sucked in her breath and blinked back at him. “ I’ll never look at chocolate the same way again. Ever.” She did, however, sense one innocent thought. “Tiramisu. That’s what you want. Here anyway.”

"It's one of my favorites," he nodded. He hung the card for the server and, when he came, ordered tiramisu and cannolis. You'll like these, I think." The server brought the desserts; Vic moved them close to Six. Have at 'em."

She tried the tiramisu first and moaned softly. “This is incredible. Coffee and cake all in one. It’s like the perfect dessert.” She scooped a bit of the cream from the top and left it on Vic’s nose. “Delicious.”

Cross-eyed, he looked at the cream on his nose. "I can't lick that off, you know. And it's a waste of good dessert!"

Without thinking, Six rose and leaned across the table, drawing close. She smiled, then licked the cream from his nose. “Better?”

"Mmm," Vic smiled. "I regret not moving faster, Six."

“You mean before Suresh?” She settled back in her seat and reached for a cannoli. “Or now?”

"Pre-Suresh," he said, polishing off the tiramisu.

Six nodded slowly. “And yet, you are determined to change my mind I see.”

"Can you blame a man for trying?"

“No, and I….” Six paused and moved the dessert plate aside, then took his hands in hers. “You’ve given me a lot to think about.”

"Yeah, like whether cannolis are better than tiramisu and whether lasagne should have meat in it." He kissed her hands. "Joking aside, you have so much ahead of you. You don't need to rush into anything with anyone."

“I know but do I do that?” She frowned a moment. “I’m not asking that right. How do I do that without hurting anyone? That’s closer.”

He winced slightly. "At this point, I'm not sure. If you delay marrying Suresh, that's one thing and might not hurt him. But if you backpedal completely and say you want to test out other ideas or see other people...." He shook his head. "That'll hurt."

“I know.” She wasn’t sure, either, that she wanted to see other people. “We haven't decided when.”

"Then just hold off. No reason to do it tomorrow or next week or even next month," he suggested.

“Maybe.” Six was dancing around the real question and she knew it. “So what now? I have to admit something.” She leaned closer and her voice quieted. “It’s really nice being unseen and not on display like I am everywhere these days. There’s always so many people watching.”

He nodded and looked at the curtains. "I thought you might like the privacy. Always playing a character gets old."

“As does having your every move scrutinized. You know Suresh’s men watch closely to make sure I am behaving.” She shrugged and a thought occurred to her. “You do it too, you a part. As bartender.”

"Sure, but I can change without any penalty. One night, a great listener, the next an aloof ass, if the patrons warrant it." He shrugged. "It's not like your situation where somewhat hostile folks are watching you for a slipup."

“True. Watching me in a way they think a man who isn’t really who he seems would want them to. If that makes any sense at all,” she laughed. She lifted her arm and ran her fingertip over the bracelet. “How do I explain this?”

"A trinket that you bought for yourself," he suggested. "You've been up on the Promenade, shopping, that's all." He held her hand, letting her feel his understanding of her situation.

“He’s seen that shop, I don’t think it would surprise him that I found something interesting there,” she agreed, then fell silent. Holding his hand, and thanks in part to the bracelet’s stones, Six could see clearly what he felt and thought. “I’ll figure it out, I promise,” she whispered.

"Okay. Let's get you back, shall we?" He patted her hand.

She nodded and slipped from her seat and stood next to the table. “Edana is meeting me on the Promenade to go back down below with me.”

He slid from the booth and took her hand again, kissing it lightly. "I'll stay with you till we find Ed," he led her out of the restaurant and along the Promenade. Ahead, he spied Ed and waved to her. "And there she is, my dear."

“Thank you, Vic. For the bracelet, the evening….everything.” She kept a bit of distance since they were out in public now but she knew he’d read how impressed and touched she was with it all. “It’s been wonderful.” And so comfortable too, she realized.

"It has been. Let's do this again soon." A they approached Ed, he nodded, tapped Six's arm and said, "See you." It was the most casual end to a date he'd ever had.

Mamu B'yaga
Frustratingly Cryptic

Starting To Sound Like Mamu

Making A Good Case

Ensin Six Of Ten
Glad to Be Out Of The Spotlight


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