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On The Road

Posted on Tue Sep 1st, 2015 @ 8:59pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Captain Li Hawke & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: USS Hammong

Relaxing in the Hammond's forward lounge, Oz smiled as she sipped her cocoa and watched the stars zip by. This was the life: traveling beyond light speed, safely hidden away from parents, responsibilities, and other assorted pests. The only one she might miss having with her was Jackson. Yes, she definitely missed him, and after only a day. It was worth it to not have to worry about where - or when - her parents might suddenly appear.

Not all responsibilities had been left behind: some followed her no matter where she was. She picked up the padd in her lap and again read the most recent report and request from Darwin. She tapped in a reply: "Denied. Send Carter." She sent the message then looked out the window again.

“You know they’ll be waiting to pounce the second you get home, right?” Li had slipped in silently as Oz was lost in thought. “And they will want details of everything you did on your ‘vacation.’”

Oralia laughed. "And they'll understand when I say that all I did was sit and watch the stars go by," she smiled up at Li. "You know, the last time I was on a ship, Connor was alive."

“At least one this size and not so...rugged? Is that a nice polite term for that ship we took to Eden?” Li laughed as she moved over to the replicator and requested ice water.

"Oh yeah," Oz chuckled, rubbing her chin lightly, "it took weeks before I recovered from those beds! Granted, being stabbed and shot didn't help. I don't recommend the Eden Adventure as a vacation option." She looked out the window again. "Besides, this is the way to travel around and see the sites. I look forward to seeing the Colony."

“Me too.” Li brought her glass of water over and sat down next to Oz. “We get a little down time and Ricky is having a field day in the captain’s chair.” Li smiled indulgently. “I thought it might take his mind off Hope and El’Shar being gone so long.”

"Yeah, a trip all the way back home. Man, I can't imagine it." Oz shook her head. "Ricky, huh? I can't quite wrap my head around calling him by his first name. Even though he's the one that taught Iggy some of her words."

Li shrugged. “He helped raise me. Odd isn’t it? Needless to say, between him and Dad, I had a very interesting childhood.”

"I'll bet. You've told me a few things about when you were a kid." Oz smiled.

“See what I mean?” Li finished off her water and returned the glass to the recycler. “Ready to take a stroll up to the bridge?”

"Yep," Oz nodded, gathered her padd and stood to join Li and head toward the bridge.

As the doors to the bridge opened, they heard Rick on a little tirade. But he was still having fun.

“...because I don’t want to go straight there, Ensign,” he said with a sigh. “I want to explore a bit on the way--you know, that thing that Starfleet is famous for? Exploring?” He heard the door and turned to see Li and Oz sauntering in. “Ladies! For some reason, Ensign Nachtel is rated as being the best pilot in his rank but doesn’t want to have any fun while doing it. What’s up with that?”

Li smiled. “Station life leads to needing to be” She looked over to Natchel. “There’s a small nebula about thirty light years out from the Pre-Warp Cradle that might be worth a look.”

“Ensign, change heading for that nebula, warp six. And put a little flair into it, son! Enjoy being able to fly around the universe.” By this point Rick had made his way to the back of Nachtel’s chair and had patted his shoulder, ensuring the young man knew he wasn’t actually fussing at him.

“Aye sir.” Natchel smiled for a moment. “Warp six, pedal to the metal is, I believe, the correct phrase?”

Oralia smiled, feeling for the young Ensign. "That's it, yes, Ensign." She approached the tactical officer, who let her look over his shoulder at the console. "Looks like clear sailing from here to there, Admiral. Routine traffic in commerce corridors," she reported.

Rick had returned to the center chair but remained standing, hands behind his back. With a big inhale and exhale, he looked at Oz and then Li. “Damn, I miss this.”

Li glanced over to Oz with a smile, then spoke. “Us too, to be honest. I notified the Order that we were coming out. Once we’ve seen the colony, they would like for us to stop there for a visit.”

“I think we can take a little time to schmooze with the Order once in a while.” Rick finally sat. “Hear that, Nachtel? We need to slide in there with a little panache. Dignity, respect and awesomeness. Think you can handle that?”

“Always, sir. We’ll be approaching the nebula shortly. I've altered course a little to take us in on the far side. From what I can tell, the view is far better there.”

Sitting back in his seat, Rick smiled broadly. “That’s what I’m talking about. Spend a little time with the Old Man and you’ll learn a thing or two,” he announced, to no one in particular. More likely just to hear himself speaking.

"Old Man? I thought you liked the Big Kahuna better, Admiral. Less ageist," Oz commented dryly.

“Big Kahu--” Rick stopped halfway through. It clicked in his mind where that had come from. “Uh, that’s a, uh…” He cleared his throat and stood again. “I think I’ll go stroll around the ship. Get a good look at her,” he said, heading for the nearest turbolift. He went coolly, but he wasn’t looking back. It wasn’t lost on him that he’d taught Iggy quite a few colorful metaphors, and not that long ago. He’d heard stories of how she’d curse like an old-time sailor and laud the Big Kahuna for her increased vocabulary.

Li watched him go and managed to hold in her laughter until the lift doors closed. “Oz, I think you finally managed to get the better of him. That’s not an easy thing to do. Last time I did it was when I mentioned….” She stopped and smiled. “Perhaps later.”

Oz laughed. "Definitely later."

Admiral Ricky Wegener
Not Letting Oz Get Him Down

Captain Li Hawke
Tour Guide

Commander Oralia Zeferino


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