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Just a Small Riot

Posted on Tue Aug 23rd, 2011 @ 8:13am by

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Divitia Prime, Starfleet sensor array


The Divitians were certainly well-organized for a planet on the brink of extinction., Lorenz thought to himself as he reviewed the placement of his Marines throughout the capitol center. The use of atmospheric forcefields was a nuisance and slowed down security operations, but David was not there to tell the Divitians what to do, he was there to keep the science geeks alive. Each egghead had a squad of Marines located a discreet distance away, ready to be called out if a mob of screaming aliens appeared. Lorenz had been in discussions with Divitian constables over the settings of the Marine phaser rifles, arguing over stun settings until finally Lorenz had stunned a junior-level technocrat to demonstrate his point.

Patrol 2-5, nothing on this sweep. Request permission to bring hookers, sir?

Lorenz caught the transmission. "Negative, 2-5, hookers would wake us up and we don't want that! Maintain and report. Central out." Lorenz cut the channel, wishing there was some action his boys could sink their teeth into. Marines were not garrison troops, they were commandoes. The goddamn tactical dorks on the base were more the speed for this operation, but the brass was worried about Hell breaking loose. So why in hell do the put the Devil-Dogs in charge of Hell's Gates he wondered to himself.

Central, this is Patrol 4-20, there is a large group of Divitians in close proximity to a Starfleet site and they don't look friendly. Repeated attempts to warn them off have failed. Requesting clarification of rules of engagement.

Lorenz nodded to himself, approving of his junior officer's course of action. This kids is rattled, but he is keeping cool. I better help him out. "Stand by, 4-20, I'll be there in thirty seconds."



Lorenz's command Argo pulled up next to the Starfleet equipment site. A mob was forming, and just like the younger officer had reported it was getting a tad bit unruly. Lorenz motioned to the kid to take his post, then flicked on the PA system. "I am Captain David Lorenz, Starfleet Marine Defense Officer for this planet (Dave didn't know what his actual title was, but he needed to sound important). You people have assembled next to a classified Starfleet activity area. You will disperse immediately."

"What gives you the right, Starfleet?" a young man in the mob shouted.

Lesson Number One in Unruly Mobs was to never try to reason with the instigators because they were just there to try and fan the flames Lorenz thought to himself. "I am giving you two standard minutes to disperse." Never make threats

"You can't do a damn thing to us, Starfleet!" a young woman shouted. "We are not citizens of your Federation!"

Lorenz turned to face the young woman. "Indeed, we cannot take any punitive action against you. However, as you are a member of a numerically larger, hostile force it is within my purview to stop your advance through any means short of lethal force. Marines, weapons to heavy stun!"

Several loud clicks sounded, but the loudmouths in the mob were not deterred. Lorenz quietly spoke into his radio and several dozen Divitian constables, all dressed in riot gear and brandishing shields and clubs, came into the area. "Marines, form up on the constables in standard Phalanx-cover formation!" Lorenz quickly switched channels. "Lorenz to base, the situation here is getting tense. A sizeable mob has gathered next to a geometric sensor array with hostile intentions. I have several dozen Divitians in riot gear along with two squads of Marines. Will advise, out!"

Lorenz stepped out of his Argo and walked up to the loudmouthed male of the group. "What is your malfunction?" he demanded.

"You don't belong here! This is our planet and we'll solve our own problems!" was the snotty reply.

David snickered. "Not to cast dispersions on your ability to solve problems, buddy, but you look to me like an angry young man trying to incite others into doing something foolish so you can feel better."

The younger man glared hatred at Lorenz, his dislike of the off-worlder obvious in his eyes. "What do you care of our problems?"

"Starfleet cares enough to dispatch a science team to this planet to assist your world's scientists in solving your world's crisis. Starfleet is a scientific exploration and peacekeeping agency, not a war machine."

"Hmph, a Marine is hardly a peacekeeping soldier!" the younger woman sniffed.

"Absolutely right!" David agreed. "The Marines exist because there are races of beings who wanted to conquer us years ago and failed, and that was before the Marines existed. Granted, I am the first guy that wants to fight, but this is not the time or the place for combat. This sensor is monitoring your world's life data and transmitting it to us so we can decide bet how to proceed. You destroy it; and you will only be dooming yourselves."

The younger man was about to open his mouth again when a glint of black metal in the young man's hand caught David's sharp eyes. Lorenz's hand flashed and a stun beam leaped from his pocket phaser, enveloping the younger man and sending him crumpling to the ground. "Tag him and bag him," he said to the Marines. He turned quickly to the Divitian crowd. "You will disperse now or I will give the order to stun the lot of you!" Lorenz went over to where the young man lay and retrieved an odd-looking device with an emitter at the end. He handed it over to the sergeant of the Divitian constables.

"That's a high-frequency pulse emitter used by herdsman to move large herds of stock. The emitter array can be modified to shoot a modified disruptor blast. These are illegal in the cities." The sergeant said, examining the device.

Lorenz nodded, keeping his eyes on the crowd who seemed less defiant now. "I am giving you one last warning to disperse!" he shouted.

The crowd immediately broke up and began to grow smaller. Lorenz went over to the young mouthy woman who was also instigating people. "You are being detained for questioning along with your friend." The young Marine officer said as he patted her down.

"Fine job you did, captain." The sergeant said admiringly.

"Couldn't have done it without you, sarge. Let's RTB!"

a post by:

MCPT David Lorenz
Marine Force Commander, Divitia Prime
Starbase 900


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