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Lets face the music... And dance

Posted on Tue Aug 23rd, 2011 @ 2:29pm by Captain qeraQ'

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: USS Hammond

Waiting was not fun, almost as bad as doing nothing but without the freedom to choose the next activity. Klingons were especially bad at waiting, patience was not one of their strong points, except perhaps in matters of revenge. qeraQ' sat on the bridge waiting for communications and reports from the surface teams. So far the reports were not encouraging. His scientists had been marginalised and from the marine reports Public opinion did not seem to be on their side.

Initial reports from Commander Sakkath had been more encouraging and it seemed that he was coordinating well with the ground troops. He was yet to hear from Frost, but given that he was assembling systems for the Marine staging posts outside of the protective sphere of the main city that was expected. Marcinko had also been... Quiet... And from what he understood of the man that could mean anything.

Science was a poor enemy, he realised. You couldn't trick the planet into exposing it's weaknesses any more than you could fix a warp engine with a batleth. It frustrated him beyond belief, and the rest of his bridge crew had become used to the occasional mutterings that emanated from the centre seat.

"Sir, we are receiving a transmission from the surface, President's office."

qeraQ' steeled himself. Diplomacy... And twice in two days, this really wasn't turning into a fun mission.

"On screen"

The image of President Atanatar appeared on the view screen as he stood and straightened his uniform. To say the man looked angry was an understatement.

"President Atanatar, how may I h-"

"Commander," the president interrupted, "We allowed you here in good faith, and you respond to our request for help by sending a Borg advance party to invade and assimilate our world. How is that keeping the peace? How is that helping us? I demand that you withdraw all of your so-called assistance immediately!"

He looked at the screen shocked and unsure of how to respond, Borg... On the surface... It was impossible...

"Mr President, I can assure you that we have not -"

"Commander I have eye-witness reports of a Borg drone working to install a large scale communications system in a shielded compound outside of the city perimeter."

Realisation dawned at last. Frost.

"That would be Commander Frost. He is certainly not a Borg drone despite outward appearances. He is the best engineer in this sector and will be of more assistance to you than any other single member of my staff given your current situation. His appearance is due to a failed assimilation attempt, of which I will share the details provided you can assure me that things will go no further."

"I will not have ANY Borg on the surface of my planet!"
"I will say this again. Commander Frost is not a Borg. This is a misunderstanding and I apologise for not making you aware of it ahead of time. There is no connection between Mr. Frost and the collective, and no reason for you to be alarmed."

"I need proof of that before I will let any of your people remain on the surface."

"I will arrange for the report into the incident to be sent to you, for your information only. I will also ask the Commander to be more... Discreet."

The president looked slightly calmer if still at the end of his tether.

"Very well, assuming that all you say is true I will allow you to remain here."

qeraQ' looked at the man, he would be key to any future arrangements and from the reports he had received from the surface, he seemed the most progressive. A key leaver to get access to the more sensitive areas and to get at the information. Quickly he made a decision, he was not a skilled diplomat, he needed someone on the ground to help manage the politics.

"President Atanatar, if I may make a further suggestion? I would like to dispatch my ranking diplomatic officer to act as a liaison between you and the Federation. it will prevent any further misunderstanding between us and hopefully help us to speed up our efforts to help you."

"A politician to spin lies?" scepticism seemed to be taking hold.

"No, merely someone to help explain our methods, cultures and actions and respond to any queries you or your cabinet may have. I will remain available to you at any time to address anything that my officer cannot."

"That may be... Useful. An Ambassador of sorts. Very well dispatch your officer."

"He will be on the next transport. Hammond out."

The President nodded and the screen went back to a view of the planet. qeraQ' breathed a sigh of relief and sat back down, turning to his acting first officer.

"Have Lt. Dobry on the next transport, inform him of the situation and that I expect him to help smooth the waters down there and keep me informed of any further issues. As soon as you regain communication with Frost I want a full report."

((tag all, happy to JP with any reports from the surface))

Commander qeraQ'
Commanding officer
Divitian rescue detachment


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