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Onion Powder In The Ointment

Posted on Thu Sep 10th, 2015 @ 2:07pm by Matt Collins

Mission: Further Challenges

1125 HOURS

It was called escort duty, but Matt Collins viewed it as shit-detail. He was a top engineer, scouted by no less than Tor'Vault himself, and almsot a genius; yet here he was in a goddamned gunabout escorting thirteen million tons of dilitium crystals to the colony dump site! It was a far cry from ground action guarding the Federation Consulate on Romulus, about as exciting as watching the paint dry!

"Headbanger Two, Lead; you see anything out there?"

=/\=Negative, Lead; it's like we don't exist,=/\=

"Thanks, Two. Let's spread out to a fifty-five grand action spread." Matt steered the gunabout to the right,, putting more space between himself at the dilitium freighter.

=/\=Headbanger flight, this is Conestoga, I'm showing seven fast moving contacts closing on us, bearing one-four-four,mark zero-four-four; sublight closure.=/\= the freighter's coms officer radioed.

"Thanks, Conestoga. we take care of 'em. Headbanger Flight put about on an intercept heading. Weapons tight, shields up!"




"This is Commander Matt Collins to unidentified approaching small craft, identify yourselves or be destroyed. I am authorized to order the use of deadly force." Matt called on the radio as the flight of four NGSC fighters raced towards the contacts, without a response. "I say again this is Commander Matt Collins, in the lead of four armed starfighters closing on your bearing. Come to a heading of zero-one-one mark one-niner or you will be fired upon! Headbanger Flight, target their engines. Weapons free on my mark."


=/\=Three =/\=

=/\=Four =/\=

The approaching fighters stayed on their heading, making no attempt to change course or communicate with the Matt or his escorts. "Okay, guys, light 'em up!" Matt pushed the pickle switch on his control stick and twin pulses of quantum phaser cannon bursts jumped towards the approaching fighters, who oddly enoufg did not change course. Matt watched as his shots slammed into the engine housings of the enemy ships, then his pride changed to horror as the enemy fighters exploded.

=/\=Lead, Two, did you just see that?=/\=

"That wasn't even at full power!"

=/\=Incoming transmission!=/\=, the Conestoga's Ops officer radioed.

=/\= This is Rab Harmon, flight leader of the Harmon Security fighters you just destroyed! You will power down your weapons and follow the control ship back to our base where you will be detained until such time...=/\=

"Harmon, this is Commander Collins! We will not do any such thing your drones were on approach squawking no ident or offering any coms of any kind. I suggest you have your drone pilots brush up on their etiquette for next time."

=/\=Collins, Harmon, our company was contracted to provide in-close escort services for the Conestoga and all Fleet ore-carrying ships until such time as NGSC was functioning again.=/\=

Collin's face went slack with astonishment. That fucking guy is canceling our contracts? "Until I can confirm this, we will remain on station with Conestoga. Collins out." Matt hurriedly switched channels. "Collins to Elliott, what the hell is going on with our contracts?"

=/\=It seems that Mr. Kell is either outright cancelling all of NGSC's contracts or reassigning them to other PMC's in the area. Jim ceded control of NGSC to Holbridge Industries a few months ago. =/\= Sam Elliott replied testily. =/\=Come on back to 900 and we will see about salvaging what we can. Elliott out=/\=.


Sam Elliott was busily working when the doors to his office slid open admitting Woodwin Kell and two aides. "Mr. Elliott, I regret to inform you that your employment within Nebula Gold Security group is terminated, along with all of the personnel currently working here. You will issue a company-wide recall of all personnel and equipment to Starbase 900 or Archadia Prime." Kell's smile was wide.

"No," Sam said simply, continuing to work.

Kell simply stared at Sam, his expression hardening. "I advise you to comply, Mr. Elliott. I am not in the mood to call my security forces in here to remove you, but I will if you force the issue."

"You heard him, fuck off!" Matt sad as he came into the room, leading a squad of armed NGSC operators. "You have no authority over NGSC or any of the subsidiaries. The contract binding us to Holbridge Industries was not signed by all of the signatories."

Kell's smile vanished. "You don't understand, in the absence of the company owner, the company is classified as 'in limbo' and open for acquisition. I acquired it, end of story."

"How?" Sam demanded.

"Federation Commerce Guild decree," Kell stated, handing Sam a padd.

Sam took the padd, then flung it at Kell. "You don't own this company, Kell. You are only interim CEO, not authorized to make any changes to the structure of this company!"

"I will do what I want to this bloated corporation!" Kell said tightly. "You're company is hereby dissolved! Get out of this suite in an hour!" Kell and his aides left quickly.

Matt gestured to the guards, who left immediately. "He can't do that!"

"Relax, kid, I think it's time we activated the SWORD Protocol." SWORD Protocol was a quick evac protocol designed to quickly and efficiently evacuate NGSC from any situation deemed too hazardous. "Have everybody set the beacons we beam out in twenty minutes. Get the Specter ready to receive cargo."


The dismantling of Holbridge Industries was going like clockwork. Once HI was gone, Kell could move his company in and assume his place at the forefront of the private military companies in the quadrant. It was his right and destiny. He was sure that the planned disasters he had planned for the shipyards would....

The station suddenly rocked noticeably. "Mr. Kell, there has been an explosion in the shipyards!" an aide called out.

"Wait twenty minutes, then begin containment protocols." Kell ordered.

The aide looked stunned. "If we wait that long, the cleanup will be virtually impossible. There are hurt people out there..."

"Do as I say!" Kell shouted, sending the younger man scampering away.


Sam Elliott
Packing Up The House

Matt Collins
Flustered Flyboy


Woodwin Kell
Determined To Screw Things Up.


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