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Something To Talk About

Posted on Wed Sep 9th, 2015 @ 11:46pm by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Chance & Eli's Quarters
Timeline: Current

* Chance & Eli’s Quarters *

Eli was hot. A rivulet of sweat ran down over his temple from his hairline and he swiped it away. The light in the room was dim and he knew they were in the bedroom. Opening one eye, he could see that it had been thoroughly trashed. Vague memories surfaced of just how the room got that way, which brought with it images of the living area. He groaned aloud. His own thoughts were pretty chaotic and somewhere, the recollection arose that via the mating bond from Chance, the pon farr would affect him too. He reached out to search Chance’s thoughts and they were no more ordered than his own. Contact, however, stirred the overwhelming desire that had taken them over almost as soon as they got home.

“Chance?” he mumbled, and reached over. His fingers brushed Chance’s bare back and a low, guttural growl came from Eli.

Laughing, Chance rolled over and kissed Eli. "Complete emotional abandon is pretty nice," he murmured, only partly coherently. "C'mere," he pulled on Eli's arm, moving him to a better position. "Don't move... Hang on," he groaned.

“Hang on??” Eli took hold of Chance, pulling him back for another kiss, one that was almost savage. “I don’t think so….unless Iggy’s on the wall.”

"She's not," he assured Eli before holding him down and kissing him. His hands did more than simply hold Eli down, though, wandering the young man's body and arousing them both.

Eli’s fingers clamped onto Chance’s shoulders and dug in as Chance began to explore. Rational thought was there and gone, the sensations wiping away anything but Chance. Until the chime rang.

“Ignore them,” he gasped. “They’ll go away.”

They didn't go away; the chime rang again. And again. Chance willfully ignored it, intent on Eli's body. Sweat dripped from his chin but he froze when he suddenly heard his mother's voice, "Chance! Station Security told us you boys are home!"

A lower voice spoke, quietly enough that the words couldn't be heard by Chance and Eli, but it was enough to have some clarity hit Chance. He scrambled off of Eli and reached for a pair of pants. He yanked them on, not noticing that they were too small - they were Eli's.

“I’ll go,” Eli grumbled. He crawled out of the bed, stopped to kiss Chance and grabbed a towel. He wrapped it around his waist as he staggered to the door and opened it. “Umm...hi.” He ran a hand over his hair and knew it was such a mess there was no hope for it. “Yeah, we’re home.” He was trying his best to be polite but his shattered thoughts and raging desire didn’t make it easy.

Chance followed right behind, pulling on a shirt. He'd swapped pants and now handed Eli his. "Mom! Dad! Hi," he nodded at them, out of breath from having been interrupted and then quickly dressing.

Nadia looked the two over and laughed. "You'd think you two were the ones who haven't seen each other in ages."

Chance's dad shook his head. "I told her we shouldn't have just barged in, Chance. So this is Eli?" He held out a hand to the young man.

Eli wiped his hand on the towel he wore, then shook Zefron's hand. “Sorry, we didn’t know…I mean Chance is….” He left it at that.

Looking delighted, Nadia enthused, "Oh! Your first pon farr has hit? This should be a good time for you two! I remember when your father was in his--"

"Mom!" Chance, embarrassed, nearly barked the title at her. "He probably doesn't want you talking about it," he added. "And I'd really appreciate not talking about it." I'd rather be acting on it, he shot to Eli.

Eli snickered. Oh hell yes, he sent back and his hand sneaked around to Chance’s ass.

Zefron cleared his throat and put a hand on Nadia's shoulder. "We'd like to see you two for dinner. When circumstances permit, of course. Your sister headed off with the Station Admiral, but Jackson has been entertaining us."

Nodding, Chance tried to focus on his dad's words. He frowned at the idea that Oz had abandoned the pair, leaving them alone when they had come here to visit her. "Hopefully she'll be back soon. We just need...," he glanced at Eli, "A bit before we're really ready to be social."

"Of course!" Nadia laughed. "With your father, it was a good twelve--"

"Mom! Please!" Chance interrupted her again. "How about dinner at the Nexus? Tomorrow?"

“We may be out by then,” Eli murmured. His hand left Chance’s backside and wrapped around his waist. “I am so...sorry to cut this short but…..” He shook his head to try and clear it. It didn’t help.

"Yes, we'll go." Nadia kissed her son's cheek then let Zefron direct her out of the boys' apartment.

Chance sagged with relief then yanked the towel away from Eli. He grinned. "Nice, how quickly you recover...."

“What do you mean recover? It never left.” His dark eyes held Chance’s for a moment, then he took him by the arms and pressed him back against the door. “I think we’ll start here…..”

Cadet Junior Grade Eli Ziyad
Cadet Junior Grade Chance Conradi
Otherwise Engaged

Nadi Conradi
Zefron Zeferino
Cold Water


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