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What A Party!

Posted on Thu Sep 10th, 2015 @ 5:38pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Aros & Commander Patrick Leroy & Lieutenant Nick Marcinko
Edited on on Sat Oct 3rd, 2015 @ 12:26am

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Qo'nos

* Qo’nos *

Kalim stumbled in behind Patrick and leaned against the door frame. It took a few seconds for him to focus on his drinking buddy who was now lying prone on the floor. He nudged Patrick with his toe.

“Is he dead?”

Aros knelt down and took a closer look at Patrick. The alcohol fumes drifting up from him were enough to make Aros’ eyes water.

“No, he’s not dead, but he’ll likely wish he was come morning. Patrick?”

Patrick’s eyes opened. He looked up squinting them a little to better focus the moving shadows before him. Then a large smile formed on his lips followed by a long chuckle finally ending in a slurred speech that was in no way intelligible to anyone and, much to Aros’ astonishment, his thoughts were just as slurred.

“Well, that’s a first.” He looked up at Nick. “His brain is soup. What did you give him Kalim?”

“Oh...just...some drinks in small glasses….”

“Small glasses?” Aros frowned, thinking that unlikely. “How many?”

“Umm….seventy-two. I think.” Kalim dissolved into laughter.

“Wish I’d been there for that,” Nick grumbled, “instead of babysitting. Regardless, we need to get his ass up off the deck before Kh’ali gets back and sees him like this. He is most likely to be targeted while here, well...after the baby. Can’t have him walking around the Klingon homeworld drunk as ten motherfuckers.”

Nick grabbed an arm and forced Patrick to his feet. “Aros, help me get him to his room and then we can start cleaning this shit up.”

Aros slipped under Patrick’s other arm and it promptly slid off his shoulder as if it were spaghetti. He caught it and this time held it as they began to move towards the stairs. “I figured all the liquid would be in the mugs,” he muttered. “If he lives through this hangover, will they make him an honorary Klingon?”

“If they don’t there’s no honor left in the Klingon Empire!” Nick replied sarcastically. They began up the first step and Patrick let loose a bone-shaking belch that damn near parted Nick’s non-existent hair. Shrivelling up his nose, Nick held back the wave of vomit that almost painted the lower part Aerof the steps, which would have likely made their ascent much more difficult. “Goddamn, Patrick!” Then he looked at Kalim. “What the hell else did he have?”

“Kalim?” Aros called back to Kh’ali’s brother. “What the hell did you give him?”

“Uhh….whatever they put in the mugs. We didn’t go easy on him because he’s human, you know. He’s here to prove himself so...I guess he did.” Kalim moved on into the house and fell over, then managed to get up. He picked up the door from the floor, set it back into the frame and locked it. “Hang on.” He weaved his way to the stairs and pressed his back to Patrick’s to help them move him up the stairs.

Nick had watched Kalim and rolled his eyes. “Good thing I’m the security expert around here, knucklehead,” he said with effort as they tried to drag Patrick up the steps. He wasn’t exactly helping the trio do any work. It seems that whatever they gave him had paralyzed his legs and he had become a 175 pound dead weight to be manhandled around the house.

Aros grunted as they finally reached the second floor. “Let’s get him in the closest room, I don’t care if it’s a closet.”

That struck Kalim as hilarious and he began to laugh again. At least until they passed the open door of the Baby’s room. The sight of a dead Klingon in the floor sobered him right up. “What the that Khang?”

“In the rotting flesh,” Nick said as they continued past. “Along with one of his compatriots, and another downstairs.” The three stopped for a moment as Nick squinted at Kalim. “You did happen to notice that the door you locked had been knocked off its hinges, right?”

“It was? Huh.” Kalim frowned. “Kh’ali won’t be happy about that. We need to get Patrick to bed and get this mess cleaned up.”

“I swear, Kalim,” Nick said as they entered his room, “if he pisses on me before we get him into the bed I’m going to beat the ever-loving shit out of you.”

“Bring it,” Kalim laughed.

“Enough with the testosterone,” Aros grumbled. They reached the bed and between him and Nick, got Patrick lowered onto the bed. He rolled Patrick on his side, then covered him up. “Good enough?”

“Good enough,” Nick said then walked straight out of the room. “I hope Kh’ali gets here quick. She can clean up any mess he makes, then.” He stopped next to the baby’s room and peeked in. “Two dead Klingons and a baby. At least that hasn’t changed.”

“That sounds like the beginning of a bad joke,” Kalim answered. “And don’t you dare tell her I said that.”

“Not from me.” Aros looked over the two Klingons and then crossed to the window. “This will be the easiest way out, at least to get them out of the house.”

Nick grunted and motioned Kalim into the room with a jerk of his head. Not wanting them to get away scot free, Nick grabbed a few mementos of their little visit as proof, and as additions to his own arsenal of lethal weapons. He and Kalim chucked the one that had held Aros out the window, landing with a thud in some sort of thicket. “Might need you for this one, Aros,” he said as Kalim was still a bit unsteady and Khang was one ungainly bastard.

Just as they were about to chuck Khang out the window he started to glow a dark orange, indicative of an active transport. “Shit!” Nick said, quickly grabbing a baldric he wore while everyone else let go of him. “Aros! Check outside, see if the other one’s going too.”

Aros leaned out through the window and down below, he could easily see a second orange glow in the thicket beneath the window. “They have him too, and the third one I killed outside the kitchen. That’s all of them.”

Nick looked at the only evidence of the intruders in his hands. “I guess it’s a good thing we took a few things from them as proof. And I’m pretty sure we all know who sent them here.”

Kalim nodded. “Khang’s her lap dog and lackey. Once Kh’ali is back, it’s time to see the Mistress. In the meantime I need to fix the door.” He turned to leave and almost ran down Patrick, who stood in the doorway.

Aros and Nick also turned and saw Patrick and both jumped a bit. “Gah!” Nick shouted. “Gee-zus! Warn us before you wake from the dead and start sneaking around the house, man!”

Patrick staggered grabbing hold of the doorframe with one hand to avoid falling to the ground then, pointing a finger to the trio, he uttered a strafe of curses in perfect Klingon language of the kind to make a Klingon amazon blush in embarrassment (later he would have never remembered to have said such things and, when prompted by friends to repeat that short dialogue, he was never able to speak it again with such skill and mastery of the Klingon language).

A groan escaped him as Nick reached to get hold of his arm just as Patrick’s hand let dangerously go of the doorframe.

“Report, Lieutenant.” Patrick blurted out passing the back of the hand on the forehead “Call… Engineering. I… I think we have a malfunction with inertial dampeners…” His knees bent as he passed out forcing Nick to hold him helped by Kalim and Aros.

“Well, at least he’s in here with the baby and they can both sleep,” Aros observed. “With both in one place it will be easier to keep an eye on them.”

Nick looked at the blood smeared all over the floor. “You know, I don’t really have an issue with it, but do you really think we should leave the kids in here with blood soaking into the floor? Quite possibly not the most hygienic for the young’un.”

Aros took a look around and finally nodded. “Alright, you two muscle heads get Patrick into bed. I’ll go get the mop. And Kalim? You should get that door fixed before Kh’ali gets home.” He disappeared through the door and trotted off downstairs.

Kalim moved over to Patrick and with a grunt, lifted the man in his arms, then moved over to the bed. He settled him down and covered him up. “Didn’t we just do this?” he asked Nick.

“I seem to recall that. And why don’t we just move the baby’s bed to Patrick’s room? Aros isn’t gonna’ get this place cleaned up to Kh’ali’s standards for the kid overnight. And I can guaran-damn-tee that she isn’t going to want to help when she gets back.”

“Good enough.” Kalim took hold of the bed and began to roll it with surprising gentleness out the door and across to Patrick’s room. “Now I need to go see to the door --”

Downstairs there was a click, then a loud slam that echoed through the house that was followed by an ominous silence.

Kalim looked at Nick and frowned. “Uh oh.”

Nick just closed his eyes. “Mama’s not gonna’ be happy,” he whispered. “Maybe we should take the baby down to her as proof that he’s okay? And maybe a phaser or three.”

“And that knife?” Kalim suggested. “All that may be enough to fend her off.”

Nick chuckled. “I guess we’ll find out when we get down there.” Nick started out then stopped. “Oh, you’re her brother. You get to be the baby bearer. I’ll be right behind you.”

Kalim scooped up the baby, muttered to himself, then started downstairs.

Lt. Nick Marcinko
Passing the Buck, er, baby

Taking Care Of Business

Bad Influence

Patrick Leroy
Campbell’s Brain Soup


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