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A Little Blue Blast

Posted on Fri Sep 11th, 2015 @ 5:01pm by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Commander Sakkath
Edited on on Fri Sep 11th, 2015 @ 5:06pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: CO's Office

Having seen off the Hammond, Sakkath proceeded that morning to the CO’s offices on Deck 6. He greeted Kai, who was seated in the place normally occupied by Lieutenant Beckman.

“Ensign Sarkozi,” he intoned with a nod of his head. “It is agreeable to have your assistance for the next few days.” Taking a few moments for pleasantries and any pressing updates he proceeded within, intent on familiarizing himself with the overnight activities aboard 900 and any matters that might not have crossed his desk as Second Officer or Chief of Operations - matters which were generally few, but often critical.

All seemed fairly mundane (a rare, but welcome occurrence) until Sakkath made his way to the decision not to prosecute Lieutenant Sukotav and his subsequent release from the brig. The Vulcan’s first thought was of Suresh, and what the operation below might now require of him. Retaliation was certainly going to be expected, the Vulcan knew, but his responsibility for the crew drove his next thoughts to Riley himself. Following his abduction, the issues with Ensign Madhava, and now his faultless attempt on Ensign Six’s life, Sakkath had to wonder just what sort of island the Betazoid Lieutenant felt marooned on.

After a slight admonishment of himself for using so colorful a metaphor, the Vulcan Commander set the computer to the task of locating the U.S.S. Evariste. It was early, he knew. Early enough, by Starfleet standard time, that he should likely be contacting her husband. But it was not her husband that could help Riley. In fact, Commander Sovan would likely prove a greater reminder of isolation or failure than he would a pillar of strength or friendship, no matter how much respect existed between the two.

No, he needed Sovan’s mate Layla, the owner of the Blue Moon, and Sakkath’s sometimes kal-toh partner. With the Evariste located, he opened the channel.

A few moments later, contact was made and a smiling blue face appeared in the monitor.

“Sakkath!” The female Andorian squealed with glee. “Sovan! It’s Sakkath! Come say hello!” She turned back to the view screen. “How are you? How’s Li? I heard she met your father and in the Neutral Zone of all places? Oh my goodness! Didn’t you just about die from the suspense? Well, it’s you so I suppose not. So what’s up? Wait, you’re ready for a rematch aren’t you? I keep telling you that a chaotic mind like yours truly is what really understands the kal-toh craziness.” Layla finally stopped to take a breath.

Sakkath had mentally prepared himself for Layla, but even so he found it momentarily difficult to rein in an emotional response to her outpouring of energy. Particularly after she had categorized his mind as chaotic. Instead, he managed a respectful incline of his head.

"Layla," he began, before lifting his emerald eyes back to the viewscreen. "It is agreeable to see you again. Please, give the Professor my regards." He attempted to address each of her torrent of concerns in turn. "She who is my wife is quite well, thank you. I hope the same can be said of you?"

“Absolutely. You know, I think the people here are finally getting used to me.” She smiled ear to ear. “Or just learning how to overlook me. Either way, it works. At least they accepted the fact that Sovan wasn’t crazy when he brought me home.” She turned away for a moment and called out. “Sovan? Sakkath sends his regards.” Looking back to the screen, she propped her chin in her hands. “So what else is going on there? We don’t get a whole lot of news out this way, though Jackson does call now and then.”

“Things are as eventful as ever,” Sakkath replied. “Li and the Admiral are visiting the new colony, leaving me in command. Jackson’s ward recently received amnesty, though I’m sure he mentioned as much.” The Vulcan overlooked the associated difficulty with that particular mission. “We even have a delegation on Qo’noS. Though I must admit, my call is not for so simple a thing as catching up or engaging in a round of kal-toh,” he hinted at his true purpose.

“Oh?” Layla’s mood shifted quick as lightning and she put on her serious face. “Tell me. Is something wrong? You know if you need us….” She didn’t have to finish the sentence. They both knew she’d drop whatever she had to if there was anything she could do for him.

"In truth, it is Lieutenant Sukotav for whom I am concerned," Sakkath admitted before taking a breath and delving into some details for Layla's sake. She had known him on the Evariste, of course, as well as Six, but doubted very much the unsavory particulars had traversed the quadrant yet. He described the disappearance, the attempt on Six's life, the mental programming, troubles with Reva...

"He could use a friend," Sakkath concluded. "He is in a position where he has pushed many he considered close away, or believes them to be pushed away, in any event. I would normally not ask you to make such a journey, but-" he stopped short as Layla cut him off.

“Say no more,” she jumped in. “I’ll start packing. It will take a little time to get there but I will be there.” She paused for a moment. “What about Sovan? Should I wrestle him onto the ship too?”

"Can Roman spare you both?" Sakkath wondered, then paused. "Can Alij?" he corrected himself.

“I’ll work it out. They have a hard time saying no to me,” she grinned. “We are about four days out, if we now. Is that soon enough?” She left the impression that she might find some way to make it sooner if needed, though that wasn’t really possible.

"My friend, I have no doubt that you will alter the space/time continuum itself to lend an ear to one of your acquaintances. Arrive at your convenience. Lieutenant Sukotav will no doubt be waiting. And I will have the honor of greeting you as base commander."

“Ohh, fancy,” she teased him. “I expect dinner with the base commander then.”

"The base commander will consider the request from the Evariste's delegation," he replied. "He is very busy." Even in his Vulcan monotone, it was difficult to miss the almost playful nature of the comment. Layla had a way of bringing that out in her patrons, and most assuredly in her friends.

She laughed aloud and shook her head. “I saw that, sweetie. Okay, as fascinating as you are, I need to stop running my mouth and get us packed. Will Riley know I’m coming or is this a surprise?”

"Though I am not generally partial to this, I believe surprise at your appearance may do him more good. He is too much in his head at the moment, if the reports are to be trusted. Spontaneity and distraction are sometimes excellent medicine."

“Honey, I’ve got that in spades. See you soon!” She blew him a kiss and the screen went dark.

Sakkath regarded the blank screen a moment and drank in the silence. He was exceedingly fond of Layla, but to say she was a torrent was an understatement. He deactivated his console and stood, peering out at Archadia and the stars slowly turning outside.

"Computer," he called, even now anticipating the arrival of his mentor and his wife, "music. Something by ... Delvok."

As the sounds filled the office, he began to turn his thoughts to the myriad of other matters that demanded his attention.

Commander Sakkath
Playing Counselor-in-Chief

An Incoming Ray Of Sunshine


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