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Arrival at Valhalla

Posted on Tue Sep 15th, 2015 @ 9:41pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Captain Li Hawke & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Gaelan Tor

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: USS Hammond / Valhalla Colony

* * * USS Hammond - Charu space * * *

After what seemed like an inordinate amount of time zigging and zagging through the space between Starbase 900 and Charu, studying whatever things happened to catch Rick’s fancy (seriously, he was like a cat spotting a new shiny object), the Hammond finally arrived at Charu. It had been enjoyable to be in charge of a ship again, but they really did need to get back to business whether Rick liked it or not.

“Helm, put us in orbit around Charu. Open a channel to the colony,” Rick said, taking his seat again and waiting for the large viewscreen to flicker to life.

“Channel open, sir.”

“Valhalla Colony, this is Admiral Wegener aboard the USS Hammond.”

The smiling face of Lt. Commander Gaelan Tor appeared on the screen. “Welcome to Valhalla Admiral Wegener, Captain Hawke, Commander Zeferino. 900 informed us you would be arriving at some point. I trust your trip out was a good one?”

“It has been,” Li assured her. “It’s good to see you again, Commander Tor. “How are things down on the ground?”

“Just about done. Tobin and I have the entire computer system up and running smooth as silk. The junior quarters are done and now, the crew is putting the finishing touches on the landscaping. I think the security center will please you, Commander Zeferino.”

The Commander smiled. "I look forward to seeing it. Is Lt. Tyler or Captain Olex on site yet?"

“No,” Tor answered. “We received word from Commander Gunnar that they are departing 900 in two days.” Tor looked away from the screen and down at the console before her. She was silent, as if reading something, then looked back up. “My apologies. I’ve received a communication from the Takei. They will be arriving here in ten hours to retrieve some of the 900 crew. I was a little confused until I got another from Lt. Sukotav, who is on an Orion ship, saying they would be be here in about four hours. Were you aware of this?”

"Ah...," feeling a bit flatfooted, Oz hedged for a moment. "Partially, Commander. Ensign Carter is on the Takei and was pursuing a slave trader's ship that has Ensign Madhava on it. Lts. Sukotav and Amani were on an Orion vessel chasing the same ship. It seems they may have succeeded in getting Madhava back." She turned toward the Hammonds' Security officer and quietly ordered him to run a scan of the surrounding area.

"Scans show a debris field approximately five hours from Cha'ru in a direct line with the Orion ship's trajectory," he announced after a moment. "I can't confirm the ship class or registry at the moment." Oz hoped that meant that Madhava had been retrieved.

“Contact the Orion ship,” Li ordered. “I want to know if Ensign Madhava was rescued and what shape she is in.” Li turned back to the viewscreen. “Thank you, Commander, and let’s hope this is good news. Looks like it’s time to prepare for a bigger landing party than you expected.”

Tor smiled once more. “So it is. I’ll meet you at the port in one hour. Tor out.”

The screen went black and Rick waved limply. “Bye.” Turning to Li he said, “That one got away from me. I was barely part of the conversation. I used to be better at this.”

“Maybe it’s a girl thing?” Li teased him. “Tor’s about to have us, and us includes the admiral who is in charge of this quadrant, along with the team from 900, Counselor Amani, Riley and a woman who’ve been through who knows what arriving on her doorstep. No wonder she was in a hurry.”

He leaned in to her. “I just don’t want to lose my touch. Don’t let me do that, okay?” He nodded. “Okay.” Standing erect he clapped his hands together and announced, “Okay, everyone, let’s get this show on the road! All ashore that’s going ashore!”

Li smiled and shook her head, shooting Oz a look. As if Ricky could lose his touch. She rose from her seat. “Right behind you chief.”

* * * Valhalla Colony * * *

They materialized in the transportation port and once complete, Tor stepped forward. “Welcome to Valhalla, Admiral, Captain, Commander.” She now seemed unhurried and completely calm. “I’ve set up the guest quarters if you’ll be staying, as well as some for the other arriving teams. They will all be here soon, based on the last report.”

“The teams remaining here will take precedence for housing,” Rick said. “Those that came on the Hammond can go back and forth. I don’t want to take up space from someone who’s actually coming here to work while we’re just visiting.”

“Those coming in on the Orion ship will likely be leaving almost immediately on the Takei, Commander,” Oralia said. “Although, the two women may need medical attention... your doctor isn’t here yet, is he?”

“No,” Tor answered. “There is an EMH if there’s something that can’t wait, however. He’s been taking care of the construction crew and is entirely competent unless it’s a more complicated case.” She looked now to Ricky. “Would you like to get out of here and see the place? I’ll be happy to show you around, or Tobin can, unless you’d rather wander.”

“I’m here for the grand tour,” Rick said. “Whomever you can spare will be just fine by me.”

Oralia made eye contact with Tor and smiled. Handling the Admiral could be nerve-wracking.

“And since you brought it up, how about the barracks and quarters first?” Rick said, beginning to wander. “I won’t get out here much and I’d like to make sure everyone is comfortable. Besides, I hear Dr. Sala has some excellent designs for the place. I’m sure he’s taken some time to build in some creature comforts.”

Tor returned Oz’s smile, then fell in step with Rick. “As you wish sir. We’ll begin with the permanent residences. Perhaps my house is a good starting point.” She motioned to the exit. “Right this way.”

Li put her hand on Oz’s arm and smiled. “We’ll wait here to see to the other teams,” she called out as Rick and Tor vanished through the door. She laughed and turned back to Oz. “And that, Oz, is why she’s a diplomat.”

“Woo... better her than me,” Oz laughed. She went to a console and pulled up a recent report. “The Orion ship should be in orbit soon. An hour, maybe. Want to wander the grounds a bit?”

“I do. I’ve seen Dr. Sala’s designs and it almost makes me want to be stationed out here. Don’t tell him I said so but soon as we have some vacation time? We’ll hit the beach, Oz. I wonder if Sakkath owns a swimsuit?”

“Hmm, that’d be nice. Though we could take just a few hours and use a holoprogram. The benefit there is that the sand is holographic. And... yeah, I can’t imagine Sakkath in a swimsuit.” She could, but it wasn’t a flattering image.

Li simply smiled and didn’t bother to elaborate on that idea. “Let’s get to it then, we have an hour.” In no time, they were also out the door and off to see the colony.

* * *

Tor and Ricky stepped out into a wide, tree-lined street bathed in sunlight. Scattered around the port building were several more larger buildings, the style more decorative, slightly Betazoid. “Main C&C is there straight ahead,” Tor informed him. “Those clustered in this same area house the medical center, science, engineering and get the idea.” A small park marked by a fountain formed the central point to all the buildings. A few small birds played in the water. “We’ve already found that the wildlife likes that area very much.”

“I’ve not yet seen a report on the types of wildlife indigenous to the planet, but I’ that there are some species similar to what is on Earth, not that that means anything, really, but I’m kind of partial to them.” Rick smiled as they walked through the street. “The park and the fountain are a nice touch.”

“I think so too,” Tor answered. “Niall wanted a place that is technically sufficient but didn’t feel utilitarian, you know? I think he has succeeded quite nicely.” They passed on by the central complex and now were moving into a residential area. This street held separate houses, each a unique design. “These are the senior officer’s quarters.”

Rick whistled. “Wow, these are very nice!” As they stopped in front of one she opened the door. It was a bit strange that instead of quarters on a ship or a station that the senior staff were provided with houses. They weren’t huge or opulent, but they weren’t spartan by any means. Rick made a note to speak to Dr. Sala and give him his compliments on his design. “How long have you been on the colony?” he asked as he wandered into the living room area.

“A little over a week. We came out to visit and Tobin decided to stay to assist in completing the final stage of the computer system and I decided to stay too. This is our house.” They stood in a living area that was lit by several large windows. Across from them on the back side of the house, he could see the entrance to the atrium. It was filled already with a host of plants and bright flowers.

“I must say that one of you is a very good decorator.” The houses were very nice by any standard, but he wasn’t here to visit Tor specifically. “What about junior officer housing and the marine barracks? Mind taking me that way?”

“Absolutely.” They stepped back out front to the street and continued their walk. “The guest quarters are just down the way.” She led Ricky around a corner and down another street. A large building off to the left stood back from the road. “Marine barracks. The building is in a square with a courtyard in the middle. There,” she pointed to the right, “are the junior officers’ quarters.” It looked like what on earth would be called a condo complex. The quarters were arranged in groups of six and scattered over a large area that also held a domed pool and several other recreational areas.

He could tell without having to actually go into them that they were smaller but still kept some semblance of the niceties he’d seen in the senior officer’s housing. And the marine barracks, as usual, were very spartan, mostly by design. It was something that Marine HQ had ordered a long time ago and it hadn’t changed. The senior staff were the only ones able to really have space of their own, but that wasn’t something he could change.

“I don’t recall seeing plans for a school,” Rick mentioned as they continued walking. “I must assume that there will be families here. Has that been added yet?”

“There is space in the main complex that will be used once civilians begin to arrive.” Her comm badge beeped.

=^= Hawke to Tor. The officers have transported down from the Orion ship, plus one. Please inform Admiral Wegener that Ensign Madhava appears to be relatively healthy and she is safe. We’ll be at the mess hall in the main complex for now. Hawke out. =^=

Tor looked up at Ricky. “Are you hungry sir?”

“I’m always hungry, Commander,” he said with a lopsided grin. “Lead the way.”

Admiral Ricky Wegener
He really is hungry quite a bit...

Commander Oralia Zeferino
Bemused by the Admiral

Captain Li Hawke
Still Enjoying Her Wanderlust

Lt. Commander Gaelan Tor
Welcome Wagon


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