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Waffle Plans

Posted on Fri Sep 25th, 2015 @ 12:02am by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Lieutenant Raj Amani & Ensign Reva Madhava & Desta
Edited on on Fri Sep 25th, 2015 @ 12:05am

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: USS Takei

* USS Takei *

Silence reigned in Raj’s quarters as the inhabitants slept. Raj was dreaming of a sunny beach and the light scent of flowers. Even asleep he knew it meant he needed a vacation, maybe some real sun. The dream faded and he shifted slightly where he slept on the floor. He was just too comfortable to move and he snuggled closer to the body curled up against him. A soft sigh escaped him and he drew her closer as he drifted back deeper into sleep. It took only a few moments for realization to sink in and his eyelids to pop open. A room check told him he was still on the Takei, still on the floor where he should be. But now a slender female body in a thin nightgown was pressed close against him and his own arm held her there. A tumble of long red curls hid her face and spread out over his arm. Even as he panicked, his mind noted just how well she fit against him. Oh boy.

“Desta?” he whispered. “Desta? Time to wake up.”

She murmured wordlessly and shifted slightly. “Raj? What?”

“We’ll be docking soon.” He wasn’t sure what to say next. “How’d you sleep?” That certainly wasn’t what he should have said. Get up or excuse me would have been far more appropriate.

“Okay. It’s sweet of you to ask me. How did you sleep? You looked uncomfortable, so I joined you.” Her logic would frustrate a Vulcan.

“I’m fine.” He realised she was lying on his arm and thus, keeping him right where he was. “I think we’ll be at 900 in two hours.” He groaned inwardly. Apparently his brain had gone out an airlock while he was asleep.

She could read his thoughts, touching him like this, and laughed. “It is okay, Raj. I do not mind being close to you. Would you like to get up?”

Well that was the big question. He was comfortable and uncomfortable all at once. This was not the position he should be in with her for a vast number of reasons. “I should.”

“Then we will,” she said, moving slightly so he could reclaim his arm. “Could we find Reva and watch as we approach 900?”

“Certainly, once we are dressed. We have something we need to discuss with Reva anyway.“ He pulled his arm from beneath her and sat up, then rubbed his eyes. “I need a shower before we go find Reva. I’m surprised you can bear to be in the same room with me,” he laughed. “It’s been a crazy week.”

“You have a unique smell, but it is nothing like what an unshowered Kazon smells like,” Desta smiled at him. “I will replicate an outfit for me. Do you need one?” At least she hadn’t offered to help him shower.

“Uniform. Just order a uniform and my name, it will do the rest. I’ll hit the shower while you change.” He ducked out into the bathroom and closed the door.

She did as he asked and was dressed by the time he emerged from the shower. “I’ve left the uniform on your chair, there. I’ll use the bathroom while you change,” she offered.

“Thanks.” He waited until the door was closed and hurried into his boxers, undershirt and uniform. He was straightening his collar when she emerged. He looked over and smiled. “Perfect fit. You do good work,” he teased her.

“You’re welcome,” she smiled back.

* Reva/Riley’s Quarters *

Riley had slept like a log for the rest of gamma shift. He’d gone to be utterly exhausted, both mentally and physically. Now, he was drifting up and like Raj, having a most pleasant dream, one that involved Reva. In his dream, they were back on Betazed, at the Falls and she emerged from the water, dripping wet. Desire cascaded through him and as she drew near, he reached for her.

“Reva…” he whispered aloud.

His whisper woke Reva; she snuggled closer against him. “Rye?”, she whispered back. Mentally, she reached out to him and saw bits of his dream world. Without waking him further, she entered his dream and urged him to touch her. Their mental actions were echoed in the physical world; Reva gasped and kissed Riley. “Rye,” she whispered his name again, hugging him.

He pressed her down into the bed as he kissed her deeply. Somewhere during that kiss he came fully awake and whispered her name again.

“I’ve missed you so much, but once we found you I was afraid that….”

"Shh," she shushed him, "I know, Rye, but I'm not broken." She was damaged, but not the way he seemed to think.

It was exactly what he needed to hear and he could read within her just what she wanted. “Me too,” he whispered. He was overcome with relief and desire and if he was honest, deep down the primitive need to claim her once more. The feeling rose up, blotting out logical thought.

“Mine.” His voice was a low rumble. “For good.”

She chuckled and agreed, "Yours."

A moment later, the door chime sounded and Raj's voice came through the door.

“Reva? We’ll be docking in a little over an hour. There’s something we need to figure out too, so meet us in the lounge once you’re dressed,” he called to her through the door.

Reva had frozen under Riley but then laughed quietly. "Did he go away?" She kissed Riley and encouraged him to fulfill his desire.

Riley nodded. “He’s moving on down the corridor.” He smiled ear to ear. “He can wait a bit.” He kissed her once more and did exactly as she wished.

* The Lounge *

Riley pressed the panel and opened the doors to the lounge. He was holding Reva’s hand as they entered and he knew he was still smiling.

“Hi Raj, Desta.”

Desta looked up at Riley and then Reva. Her brows rose slightly before she grinned at Reva and reached to take her hand to pull her to the bench with her. You're happy.

Reva nodded, But I don't want to discuss it. "Raj, you said there's something we have to figure out? What is it?"

Raj, too, read the overflow of emotion coming from Reva and Riley, but kept that to himself. “Have a seat. I was thinking when we woke up…” He stopped and cleared his throat. “This morning, I was considering living arrangements for Desta. You will be in sickbay for a few days, Reva, and Desta will be as well. She’s going to need help getting acclimated once out. What do you think about some new, bigger quarters, at least for the short term?”

Looking at Riley, Reva frowned. Riley had asked her if she wanted to keep her quarters; she did: they were her home. She didn't want to give up her quarters. "Wait... So Desta would be my roommate? How short term? I mean... I'm fine having a roommate," she had been considering Riley for the roommate position, though. "Civilian quarters or Fleet?"

“Given her species, I’d suggest Fleet. We’ll be better able to protect you both there,” Raj answered. “I suspect she will adjust fairly quickly and then we can move her to her own place.”

"Desta, would you be okay if Riley spends the night?", Reva expressed her only concern, glancing up at Riley. Okay, it wasn't her only concern, but it was the one she was willing to voice.

Desta nodded. “I do not mind. I know how much he means to you. It’s wonderful waking up with someone you know cares for you and means you no harm. And I promise I won’t be any trouble.”

Raj rubbed his forehead, slightly embarrassed, as he looked back at Reva.

Grinning, Reva winked at Raj. "It is. If - when you have someone stay over, Desta, it won't be a problem. Raj, I guess we'll see more of you?"

Raj’s eyes widened at the question and Riley choked back a laugh. “I’ll make waffles," Riley offered.

Raj cleared his throat again. “You’ll be seeing me in my office, of course,” he answered, “but at home only on occasion. However, I will come for waffles.”

As Reva laughed, Desta smiled. "As you wish, Raj. Reva, do you have pets?"

"Pets? No." She shook her head. "Though I do have some little robots. I'll make sure they stay in my bedroom. They're not really pets, more like pests if you listen to Darwin."

“Well, that’s settled. We’ll see how it goes and adjust as needed.” Raj smiled. “First up though, while Reva’s in sickbay, I’ve arranged a room there in the psychiatric section for you Desta. You don’t need psychiatric care but it’s a comfortable room where you and I can start getting you used to your new life. Once Reva’s released, you’ll move into regular quarters. This will keep you close for the first few days. It’s just down the corridor from my office.”

Briefly, Reva wondered why she would be in Sickbay for a few days. She cast a concerned look at Riley; if she had something, he'd now have it, too. She touched her neck and was reminded of the collar. Surely it wouldn't cost her a few days in Piper? Chasing her thoughts, she didn't ask Raj about it. "We'll be docking soon?"

“We will. I know you’ll be glad to get rid of that thing.” His smile was sympathetic and he touched her hand. “Soon, it will be a distant memory.”

“Then we’ll enjoy being back in your home,” Desta added. “And waffles.”

Raj turned a faint pink. “Anything else we need to go over?”

"Work. When do I go back and what will others know?" Reva picked at a nail. The way she looked at it and the wave of shame, revulsion and fear spoke volumes about her worries.

“I’ve already arranged for a week off and then we’ll decide from there if you want to get back to it or take more time. From what I understand, it became known that you were kidnapped. No one needs to know anything more than that.”

“They won’t either, Reva,” Riley added. “Those on this ship won’t talk and it’s no one else’s business.”

She nodded. "Okay." She could face that. "I should deactivate and pack up my bot, the one you brought, Riley. I worked on it a little last night, while you slept."

“There is one more thing.” Raj glanced to Desta, then back to Reva and Riley. “The three of us know Desta’s species. It’s not been made known otherwise. It needs to stay with us...besides the medical staff of course.”

“Understood,” Riley answered. He smiled at Desta. “Things will be fine. Once you two are settled in, you’ll see.”

Reva looked at Desta and gave her a once-over. "Okay," she agreed, though she wasn't entirely sure why Desta's shapeshifting needed to be a secret. Why wasn't important to her. She stood. "I'm going back to Riley's room. See you in a bit."

Desta nodded, "I'll be here. Or wherever Raj is." She smiled at Reva before turning the smile on Raj.

Reva laughed and held a hand out to Riley.

“Enjoy you two,” Raj murmured as they left the room.

“I will,” Riley answered. The doors closed behind them and Raj turned to Desta. “We have a little time, what would you like to do?”

"Watch the docking process? See the Starbase as we approach, really," Desta said, eyes lit up eagerly. "I've never seen a Starbase."

“Then we are in the right place.” Raj took her hand and led her over to the floor-to-ceiling windows that lined the wall of the lounge. "We’ll have a perfect view here as we come in. Have a seat.” He indicated the sofa beside them. “And enjoy.”

She sat then waited till he sat and held his hand. As the Takei approached the massive structure and then slowly slid into her berth at the Starbase, Desta had Raj tell her what the various parts of the Starbase were. This was her new home and she already loved the sight of it.

Lt. Raj Amani
Lt. Riley Sukotav
Ensign Reva Madhava


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