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Gaining A Second

Posted on Fri Sep 25th, 2015 @ 12:24am by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Aros & Lieutenant Nick Marcinko
Edited on on Sat Oct 3rd, 2015 @ 12:27am

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Qo'nos

* Qo’nos *

Kh’ali had remained at Sirella’s house while the candles were inspected and finally deemed acceptable. It was almost dawn when she finally arrived back home and dragged herself inside. She was exhausted but she still had important business with Nick before she could sleep. She opened the door and barely noted that someone had restored it to it’s hinges as she passed through and on to the kitchen. She stood there, waiting for her brain to decide if she wanted anything. A hand at her waist guided her to a stool by the counter.

“I’ll fix you something light, then you’re going to sleep.”

It was Aros she realized. “Thanks. I gotta see Nick before I sleep though.”

“He’s up prowling the house so he should appear any time now.” He set a mug of something hot before her and she drank it, not really tasting it.

As she set the mug on the counter a voice from behind her spoke. “Pour me a double of that.”

Nick pulled a stool from the counter and sat beside Kh’ali. “So, what did the mystical, magical Sirella have to say?”

Aros put a bigger mug in front of him and he smelled it. “Ugh. Smells like shit.” He turned it up and took two big gulps.

“She said that mek’leth wasn’t really proof since anyone could have had one made with his symbol on it,” she grumbled. “However, I think she knows the story and in so many words said i needed to Klingon up. So I have issued a formal challenge to Q’Vahn.”

Aros sucked in a breath but seemed to be at a loss for words.

Nick raised his eyebrows and took another gulp. “Ballsy. But very Klingon of you.” He raised his mug as a ‘cheers’ gesture.

‘Yes but..”

“What will Patrick say?” Aros finished for her. “He won’t like it.”

Kh’ali nodded. “No, he won’t but it’s something that has to be done. We all know what she was trying to do here. I cannot let this lie.”

“Agreed. You guys know I’m not a big proponent of the Klingon life, but I think this needs to be done. Settle things once and for all.” He stood from the stool and downed the last of the drink. “Patrick won’t like it, but it’s either this or worry about who’s waiting around every corner for the rest of your family’s life.”

“That’s what Sirella said too. It’s her opinion that Q’Vahn will haunt us forever if I don’t do this now. However, I wonder if I should tell him before or after it’s all over.”

Aros frowned. “If you tell him before, he’ll worry and try to find some other way to handle it. If you tell him after, he’ll be glad it’s over and pissed that you didn’t tell him before.”

“That particular decision is up to you,” Nick said, crossing to the other door to continue checking the perimeter. “But my vote is to do it, come back safe and then lay the news on him. Yeah, he’ll be pissed, but you’ll have been in the right and it won’t matter then. Better to ask forgiveness, right?”

“I think so,” Kh’ali answered, then rubbed her eyes. “Which means I need a second. Nick?”

“Pssh. I’m there. Count on it.”

“Thank you.” She smiled up at Nick.

“I’ll be there too,” Aros informed her. “In case you need patching up once you’ve kicked her ass. Or something.” He smiled, but as he looked back at her, his expression sobered. “Go to bed. We’ve got it covered down here.”

“Yeah.” She drained the mug and yawned. “Thanks fellows. I’ll see you...later this morning.” She patted Nick’s arm, turned and wandered up the stairs.

Nick looked to Aros who didn’t seem at all enthused about the idea of a confrontation. “Don’t worry, my man. There are only a few people in the galaxy that I know can hold their own against me, or possibly take me out.” He smacked Aros on the arm and walked away, continuing his patrols. “She’s the latter,” he said over his shoulder. A few steps later he yelled back, “Means she’ll win!”

“I’m so relieved!” he called after Nick. “Oh boy.” He got rid of the mugs, checked his weapon, then headed outside to do a round of the grounds.

Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Full-On Klingon

Lt. Nick Marcinko
Always With Words of Wisdom

Covering For Kh’ali


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