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Leaden Sky

Posted on Sat Aug 27th, 2011 @ 5:09am by Commander Patrick Leroy
Edited on on Sat Aug 27th, 2011 @ 5:11am

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Divitia Prime surface - Science facilities

***** Divitia Prime - Planetside *****

Arms crossed over his chest Patrick regarded the evacuation activity outside the great window. Under a leaden sky made up of dust and residuals forming the dreaded 'greenhouse' effect pilots, technicians and common people strived to eke out another day for Divitia Prime. Here and there from his position he could see the structures built by Federation personnel coming up quickly and efficiently.

Even if he had discovered an irritating, almost racist, side in Divitian personality he had to admire them for the orderly fashion with which their surviving population was facing the catastrophe.
Shuttles and cargoes kept landing and leaving from orbit without end, transporting supplies and materiel and taking away those divitians bound to temporary colonies until the day the planet would have been made safe again to live and for them, to return.

Patrick sniffed at the thought: _temporary_. He wondered how much temporary this exodus could be. Some years? Many years? A generation perhaps? No one had a final response to this enigma yet. For what he knew no one had any response to anything. Only hope.

Still people lined themselves endlessly waiting their turn to embark, without panic, without complaint.
Sadness? Yes. Worry? Too. He could see that, lingering in their eyes. Eyes forced to look into the unknown.

"Here's the report, Sir"

Taken back from the flow of thoughts by the Rutheridge's voice, Patrick turned to face him. The ensign had a padd in his hands.

"Here are the latest reforestation project improvements." Rutheridge said handing it over to Patrick, a smile on his lips while his eyes told a different story.

"Thank you I'll check it at once." Patrick replied taking the padd in his hands. "How's going the staff Rutheridge?" He then asked.

"As usual Sir. Morale is not too high... Well, it's really low as of lately. The boys... We're feeling treated as lesser brothers by divitians. We could do much more with our knowledge and the only thing they allow us to do is taking care of trees."

Recognizing the frustration of the ensign quite similar to his own Patrick felt sympathy for the young man and couldn't do anything but give a slight nod.

"Well." Patrick added making an effort to lift the bleakness from the conversation "Trees are important. A planet cannot really sustain life without vegetation, but I see your point: this should come later. If the Alpha team finds a way to stop the degenerative process... If the Beta team is able to start decontamination of the surface in an effective way... If Gamma team prove himself able to conduct a proper terraforming program... If... If... Then, in the end, comes our part."

Patrick patted the shoulder of the young ensign "C'mon. This is high over our heads and we cannot do much but to abide to the Ministry's requests. Maybe it's not the best job we've had in many weeks but it's still a job and results are expected from us."

"Of course, Sir." Tess responded feeling none too convinced as he prepared to leave.

"And... If this will make you and the others feel better, I'll send a detailed report of the situation to Commader qeraQ' and I mean detailed. Advanced planetology and terraforming should be our staple for I think Federation's experience in making out colonies from balls of rock and mud whirling in space is unrivalled. I don't know if this will bring us some good but I know the Commander will not turn a deaf ear to us."

"Sir, that would be greatly appreciated... By all of us." The ensign responded greatly relieved.

"Yes." Patrick told to himself after Rutheridge had exited the office. "Maybe it's time to make us known."


LtCmdr Leroy


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