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Orders and Intentions

Posted on Fri Aug 26th, 2011 @ 10:56pm by Commander Sakkath

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Divitia Prime

=^= Divitia Prime =^=

"Inform Commander qeraQ' that operational efforts are proceeding without incident on the surface," Sakkath directed one of his subordinates, handing off a PADD he had just signed off on. The Warrant Officer scurried away at the order, leaving Sakkath once more alone with the glow of his terminal beneath the atmospheric shielding and within the tiny, hastily-constructed Starfleet shelter. Before him was an illuminated map of Divitia's surface, the location of all Starfleet equipment displayed by the classic communicator emblem. He stood over it, his hands resting on the table's edge.

He thought of it much as he thought of chess. Pieces were to be deployed in the most effective manner possible to achieve the desired result. He had just ordered several atmospheric scrubbers to locations where local wind patterns and continental effect would be maximized. He was, admittedly, quite pleased with the progress that they were making, though he wondered how the Divitians felt about the same. He had yet to even meet with one since his arrival, though he had heard that Mister Dobry, Commander Leroy and Commander Frost had all been quite in contact. Contact not necessarily productive. The Vulcan wondered just how long his isolation would last.

He did not realize that the answer would be in seconds as his doors once more parted, the non-com he had so recently dismissed struggling to keep up with the visitor as he waved the PADD about.

Sakkath lifted a hand. "You are dismissed, Warrant Officer," Sakkath said simply, allowing the panicked flurry of activity to come to a halt. "Please inform the Commander as I have requested."

The Ops officer simply nodded, still trying to catch his breath while backing out of the room. Sakkath turned then to his visitor.

"May I assist you?" he asked, draping his hands behind his back as he regarded the Divitian standing before him. He was not certain how a humanoid evolved from aquatic life might appear when flustered, but he imagined that the specimen before him was close.

"You are not adhering to the agreement laid out in our diplomatic accords," the Divitian asserted, his voice raised. "You will recall your equipment at once!"

Sakkath raised his brow. "Perhaps Divitian courtesy is somewhat different than that employed in the Federation," the Commander replied. "I am Lieutenant Commander Sakkath, charged with the command of our surface operations. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?" he asked.

Spittle was the first response, followed by what Sakkath surmised was an incoherent blubbering and then finally "Yu'kai, Initiate in the Science Ministry."

"Initiate Yu'kai," Sakkath repeated, "it is agreeable to make your acquaintance. I believe you had some concerns as to the deployment of our equipment. Please, enlighten me as to how I may be of service?"

He was not sure if it was his unflappable demeanor or if this Initiate was simply unsure of why he had been sent himself, but the response was identical to the first words spoken upon entry, though louder still.

"You are not adhering to the agreement laid out in our diplomatic accords! You will recall your equipment at once!"

Sakkath lifted a brow as he curiously regarded his visitor and then looked down at his map. He pursed his lips as if in consideration and then replied very simply.

"I will not."

The Divitian nodded slightly at first, and then his pouty lips parted as if in disbelief. Perhaps he had expected little resistance. Perhaps he had expected yielding diplomacy. What he had received ... was a Vulcan.

"I do not... you must..."

"Must do as I have been ordered to do," Sakkath completed the thought for his guest.

"Your orders are to comply with our Ministry as per our diplomatic accords!"

"And how would your Ministry have me do that, if not in this way?" the Vulcan asked. His deployment was logical to the last. He had no doubt of its effectiveness.

The Initiate thrust forward a PADD, which Sakkath accepted graciously. He took several long moments to look over its contents, the Divitian growing steadily more impatient with each passing moment.

The Commander spoke at length. "Though I have not run the simulations, your placement of our equipment would generate a planetary equilibrium, and even then at only an 89.7% rate of success. Our recommended placement offers a probability of 236.41% improvement over the next three weeks. One," he said, looking up, "is clearly the more logical choice."

Sakkath watched for a reaction. He knew his configuration had an excellent chance to help, though it was difficult to say to what extent. An improvement was guaranteed, a solution still far off. It stood an infinitely better chance with Commander Leroy assisting him, manning the scientific end of things.

But his guest likely enjoyed the idea of Commander Leroy seeing to reforestation efforts. All he did was turn and exit, more incoherent babbling following him out. "I apologize, Mister Dobry," Sakkath said aloud to his empty room, before turning his attention back to his map and ordering further deployments, "but my orders are ultimately to save this world from its own demise."

Lieutenant Commander Sakkath
On the surface of Divitia Prime


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