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First Honor, First Word

Posted on Mon Oct 12th, 2015 @ 10:28pm by Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Ensign Reva Madhava & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad

Mission: Further Challenges

When they’d gone to Riley’s and while she waited for him to change, Reva had found a blanket of his and wrapped up in it. She was comfortable and warm under it when he came out of his bedroom. “I don’t suppose I could take this with us?”, she asked, only partly joking.

Riley’s eyes narrowed and his expression was concerned. “No, Reva, you can’t.” He sat down beside her and took her hand. “We need to talk about this.”

She frowned. “It’s a security thing, I know. Raj wants to talk about it, too. But... I don’t want to give up my sweater yet.”

“Honey, that sweater isn’t going to keep you safe. It doesn’t do what you think it does,” he said softly. “There was no way to predict what happened. The man who is responsible seemed to be a friend and we just didn’t know him like we thought we did. But it’s over. You have plenty of walking security blankets that are far more effective.” He smiled gently.

Smiling slightly, she replied, “You’re my favorite walking security blanket, Rye. I know my sweater won’t keep me safe, but it makes me feel more secure right now. Can’t I have that for just a little longer?”

Riley sighed as he debated. “The sooner you get past that idea, the better. I think that the longer you hold on the harder it is going to be to let it go. It will become too much of a habit.”

“Raj will tell me the same thing, I’m sure. I already left my sweater in my quarters tonight because I’m with you. I’ll leave the blanket here, too. Shall we go?”

“We shall. Besides,” Riley smiled at her, “they’d make you check your blanket at the coat room.” It was an obvious joke, meant to put her at ease.

She wrinkled her nose at him playfully, “Funnyman.” She kissed him.

* The Nexus Club *

Smiling, Reva held Riley’s hand as she looked around the Nexus ballroom. “So this is civilization, huh?”

“It is!” Riley held her chair to seat her. “And it has missed you terribly.Trust me on that one.” He bent down to kiss her shoulder and the waiter appeared with champagne. “From Jackson and Jan. Enjoy.” He popped it open and filled their glasses. “I’ll be back shortly.”

“How nice of them!” Reva sniffed the champagne then sipped it. “Robart laughed at me, Rye. I told him what Seyla had told me - that Orions are toxic to those they love - and he laughed.”

“I had the same reaction but at least I didn’t laugh outright.” Riley grinned and reached for his glass. “That may be Seyla’s experience, but I don’t think hers is typical. Kinda sad for her really, but then you met me first.” His eyes twinkled as he looked back at Reva.

“I’m glad I did, my love,” she was in better spirits now than when they’d left her apartment and then Riley’s apartment. “She was doing everything she could to sway me into her business. Hey... he also told me that I own you,” she laughed lightly.

“You do.” Riley laughed and set his glass down. “Trust me, I was there for the transaction. Strangely, it’s drawn us all closer. I know that sounds weird but Suresh even sought my advice if you can believe that, and he’s made it clear that if anyone messes with either of us they won’t like the consequences.”

“Neither will we,” Reva said. “What did he ask for advice on?”

Riley shrugged. “Women. I am not kidding. It seems that no matter how tough we men are, the fairer sex can leave us uncertain and quivering in our boots.” He took another sip of champagne, then reached across the table to take her hand.

Fair is fair. You can leave me quivering..., she smiled at him. “Really? Advice about Six? That’s weird.”

“I can understand. I know how it is when you worry that the spectacular woman that is way out of your league seems attached to you and you’re worried she’ll wake up and wonder what she’s doing there. I get that.” He smiled once more. “It’s a matter of loving our women so much we can’t imagine life without them.”

Chuckling, she shook her head, “Babe, you can read my mind - you know very well that I’m not going to wake up and wonder what I’m doing with you. If Suresh is wondering that about Six, though... well... maybe he should, though it’s a little late for her.” It was late for Six because she’d married Suresh.

“Why should he worry? She seems happy. She is, isn’t she?”

“Far as I can tell,” Reva shrugged.

“That’s what I said.” Riley stood and pulled her to her feet. “Let’s dance. It’s a good excuse for me to wrap my arms around you in public and make everyone envious. Then we can worry about dinner.”

For just a moment, she hesitated. But it was Riley pulling her to the dance floor and she worked to put aside her fears and follow him. “I’ll follow you, Riley,” she whispered once they were on the floor.

“Certainly.” He took her left hand in his and slipped his right arm around her. They began to move in time to the music as he led her effortlessly around the floor. “This feels wonderful, Reva. There was a time when I was afraid I’d never hold you again.”

“There were several times when I was certain you’d never see me again,” she said, then realized he meant their conversation while he was in the Brig. “I buried my hurt and used Niro to help me not feel it. We just needed to talk, which we would have done.... Robart fasttracked that.”

“He did. You know I hadn’t been out ten minutes when he was at my door that night telling me to pack a bag and hit the road? I’ll be forever grateful to him for that.” He smiled brightly and as the music slowed, he pulled her in closer. “I see it as him getting me what I wanted but really, he was determined that you should have what you want and wasn’t taking no for an answer. Not that I said no, mind you.”

“How did he know I wanted you?” She puzzled on that a moment.

“Actually, the first time it was Suresh.” He was uncertain what sort of reaction that would get.

Her stomach turned. “Oh. I’m grateful to Robart, too, no matter why he brought you along. I did the calculations, even with the damage I did to the ship, Fisher would have outpaced the Fleet ship.”

“He would have.” Riley left it at that. “Enough of Fisher. He won’t ever be back and I refuse to let him drag us down as we move forward. At least not tonight.”

Reva knew that Fisher would drag them down at some point, she just wasn’t sure when that would strike. “We’re out and dancing,” she agreed, smiling up at her love. “How was it being at work today? Are you still working on the project Six left?”

“Back to the salt mine,” he laughed. “Not bad, actually. The translation is almost done and Ian is still charting the movement of planets in the Dendrian system over the past several millenia. We’ll get it done eventually I suppose.” The music ended and he leaned in for a kiss. “Still want dinner?”

“Do you not? We can go if you want to,” she said, sounding worried.

“Not at all. We still have champagne and the night is young. Let’s enjoy it.” He slipped his arm around her as they walked back to the table. “Besides, Jackson will be starting his set soon.”

“I don’t want to miss that,” she smiled at him, missing the glower a part Klingon was giving her from one side of the room.

Once they were seated, a thought occurred to Riley. “Have you seen Iggy’s babies yet?”

“No! But I would really like to. I’ve been thinking about Iggy, too, and creating some ...’armor’ for her. Maybe using a couple of Six’s nanoprobes could help establish a link between Iggy and the computer, which would give Iggy greater freedom,” Reva said. The Iggy puzzle was one she tended to return to over and over because it was an engineering puzzle.

“You want to go down to the science center tomorrow and see them?” he asked. “I think they are there. If not, Chance probably knows where they are.”

“Yes,” she smiled widely. “And we can check in with Chance about Eli.”

“What about Eli?” asked a familiar voice behind her. “I heard he’s great...awesome...drop dead gorgeous….shall I go on?”

Reva’s eyes went wide with fear before she recognized the voice. “Eli!” She turned to look at him. “Hi! We were just talking about catching up with you and Chance.”

“You did.” Eli grinned and pulled on Chance’s hand. “Get over here, the lady wants to see you.”

“Riley,” Chance nodded at Riley; his smile was almost overly friendly with the older man. His greeting for Reva was different, “Reva!” He bent to hug her tightly. “I’m glad you’re home and we’re all here, safely.” He’d forgotten that Gilroy, Jr., was clinging to him; Gilroy didn’t say much... in fact, the smallest of Iggy’s spawn hadn’t yet started to speak at all, so she was easy to forget. His position as he hugged Reva put her eye-to-fang with the young spider.

“Augh!” Reva yelped, just barely able to stifle a scream. “Chance!”

“Oh, sorry! Hey, meet Gilroy, Junior,” Chance said, turning slightly so Riley and Reva could get a better view of her.

Riley waved at the small spider. “Well, there’s one of them Reva. A female.” He looked up at Eli now. “Glad to see you out and about and recovered.”

“Fine and dandy, as Jackson put it,” Eli answered. “I have the night off tonight too, so we decided to bring Gilroy Junior out to see if it might coax her into talking.”

Reva held out a hand to the little spider and was rewarded with a palmful of spider. “Hey there, little one. Nothing to say yet, huh?” She sat back down and held her hand out to Riley. “She’s beautiful.”

Chance smiled. “Iggy is proud of them.”

“She has every right to be,” Reva said, stroking one of Gilroy’s red-kneed legs. “Chance, could we take her home? Just for the night?”

“Maybe she needs a female influence,” Riley suggested. “If you want her to talk. Has she been around any females or just you fellows?”

“No, not really,” Eli answered. “She’s spent the day since we took her out of the lab with us. What do you think, Chance?”

He shrugged. “Why not? Iggy’s got the other two with her. She’ll notice Gilroy’s not there, but, hey, if she complains, we can call you, right?”

Reva nodded, “Of course. If we’re babysitting, we won’t be busy with other things, besides sleep. Gilroy, do you want to...,” she stopped and looked up suddenly. “Lieutenant!”

“I keep hearing my name over here, Ensign, Cadets. Lieutenant Sukotav, good evening,” Gilroy, the part-Klingon one, said.

“Oh man,” Chance had hoped he wouldn't have to be the one to tell the Lieutenant about the names Iggy had chosen for her child. “Ah...,” he hedged.

“Ignatius named one of her children after you, Lt. Gilroy,” Reva interrupted Chance; she knew Gilroy couldn’t dislike her anymore than he already did. “Meet Gilroy, Junior,” she held the spider up towards the man.

He took a step back, looking horrified. “She what!?”

“She did,” Eli stated. “She decided to honor those she thought important. Gilroy Jr. is one of only three that survived, making her even more rare, especially as the first offspring of a new species.”

Looking at Eli, Gilroy snarled, but then eased up. “Iggy thinks ...? Oh.” He was definitely mollified. So mollified that he actually smiled. “Red and black? That’s cool.”

Reva laughed. “It is. I’d love to have one of them named after me.”

Chance put his hand on Reva’s shoulder, Thanks for telling him. “Well, since Gilroy will be spending the night with you, dear Reva, I think Eli and I can head home for some alone time! Eli?” He nearly laughed at Gilroy’s expression.

“You don’t have to ask me twice.” Eli smiled at the group. “Love you all but we have things to do. Later.” He winked at the group, then led Chance away from the table.

Riley began to laugh. “Looks like Eli hit the ground running.”

“They did,” Reva, too, laughed.

“Lieutenant, Ensign, enjoy your evening,” Gilroy said as he reached out a finger to lightly brush the small spider. He then returned to his table.

Reva looked at Riley, smiling. “Seems that he might just have a softer belly than we think.”

“No kidding. I never thought I’d see that of Gilroy.” He reached out to touch the small spider gently. “You want to get dinner to go?”

“No, let’s eat here. We don’t need to run off because of the kid. It’s not like she’ll start crying and screaming like other toddlers,” Reva answered. “Ooo... too bad Desta is out of the apartment tonight.”

“She’s staying all night in sickbay? I thought you expected her home.” That clearly surprised Riley, knowing what he did of Desta.

“I told her to call if she wants to come home. We could swing by Piper on the way home and see if she’d like to go with us.”

Riley considered, then shook his head. “She’s a grown woman. If she wants to come home, she’ll let us know. Besides, it’s Vic. She’s likely in one of the safest places on the station right now.” He blinked as the words left his mouth. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. Not that he’s not...just that he’d look out for her.”

Reva caught his surprise at his own words and laughed happily, as if she’d never been on Fisher’s ship. “He’s a little slow moving on women, yes,” she agreed when she could speak again. “Of course, so are you... slow, patient. Wonderful.”

“At least Vic can talk to a woman he doesn’t know,” Riley muttered, then he laughed too. “Ah well, it all worked out.” He looked up to see the waiter approaching. “You ready to order? I’m about ready to eat my napkin.”

Cockroach? Gilroy, Jr., spoke up.

Reva laughed. “Um... that’s not on the menu, little one, but Jackson might have something you can eat.” She smiled at Riley and whispered, “She spoke!”

Ensign Reva Madhava
Lieutenant Riley Sukotav
Cadet JG Eli Ziyad
Cadet JG Chance Conradi
Gilroy, Jr.
Lieutenant Gilroy


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