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Jan's Zipped Lips

Posted on Tue Oct 13th, 2015 @ 11:23pm by Jackson Banning V & Vic & Janice Gree

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Nexus Club - Jackson's Office

* The Nexus Club - Jackson’s Office *

Jackson was behind his desk, feet propped on it and relaxing before the evening took over. When the doors opened to admit Jan, he looked her over and smiled. “You look delicious tonight honey,” he commented. “Glad yer here though, I have good news. Vic will be here in a few.”

"It's about damned time you two came back! I haven't had a minute to myself! And you know how men can be when..., well nevermind that. I'm taking a day off! And don't you dare try any of your supersecret spy- Intel bullshit to figure out who I'm off doing." She wagged a finger at him, frowning then broke into a grin, threw her arms wide and said, "Get over here and hug me! Welcome home!"

He pulled his feet off the desk and rose, hurrying around it into her arms. “I am so damn glad to be back I can’t even tell you,” he said. “I was worried about you here havin’ to do it all alone, and worried sick about Eli. That Enara stuff is quiet, at least till we decide what to do with his lousy brother.”

“Eli... oh, Jackson! I was so afraid we were going to lose him. Although the alternative isn’t great - having Borg tech in our Eli sucks,” she took a deep breath, “But he’s alive. That’s what counts.”

“It sure does,” Vic said from the doorway. Piper had released him, but he wasn’t on duty tonight. He was just checking in. “Hey you two.” He smiled.

Jackson let go of Jan to Hug Vic, but gently. “Good to see you up and around too. Get in here an’ have a seat.” Jackson went back to his own chair and sat back down. “Wow, been awhile since all three of us were in this office. About time too. You doin’ okay Vic?”

Jan hugged Vic, too. “Yeah, I am. I had a nice visitor in Piper last night. She let me walk her home this morning.”

Jackson blinked at Vic. “Six? How’d you pull that off without Suresh knowing?”

Vic laughed and immediately winced. “No, not Six. Another woman was on the slaver ship with Reva; they brought her back and Reva is helping her adjust to being a free person. She stayed and talked with me last night. Her name is Desta.”

Jan’s brow rose and she glanced at Jackson, smiling slightly.

“I see.” Jackson took a moment to digest that. “Should I ask about Six or not? I’ve been gone a little while. Well, so have you but we didn’t really have time to discuss that and you’ve been home two days now.”

“Six is ...well, she’s with Suresh, so let’s leave that alone. For now, at least. We’ll see what happens and whether she comes to her senses.” Vic frowned.

The scenario for Vic was far too familiar to Jackson, so he merely nodded. “We’ll see,” was all he said about that. “At least you’re all put back together and Nico has that little shit Loran in the brig.”

“Best place for him,” Jan commented. “I went out shopping with Irina today. Chance’s and Oralia’s mother, Nadia, was there, too. It was a fun day. Tiring, though. They should be in here tonight, husbands attached.”

Vic sucked in a breath. “Woo... I’m so glad I get to go home and sleep instead of face that.”

“Nadia is a handful, I’ll grant you that,” Jackson answered. “You wanna embarrass Eli? Ask him how good he is with his hands. Then sit back and watch.” He laughed for a moment. “So Jan’s takin’ tomorrow off, I’ll need ya here if ya can Vic.”

Feigning shock, Vic looked at Jan, “You’re taking a day off? What are you going to do? Oh dear, Janice! What are we going to do!?” This last was sarcastic and earned him a playful smack from Janice.

“You will get along just fine without me,” she smiled. “I will be off doing... whatever I like.”

“Woody’s not on the Station,” Vic noted.

“Tsk, tsk, Vic. Besides, I’m no longer seeing Woody.”

“What??” Jackson’s feet hit the floor again and he leaned forward, staring at Jan. “You left Woody? What happened? Does he know?”

“Jackson! Do you think I’d tell you without telling him first?” Jan seemed scandalized.

“So, what did happen? Did he sneeze wrong?” Vic asked.

“Vic! No! Look, I just... found someone I like, that’s all,” she tried to pass it off casually.

“And that someone is here?” Jackson grinned. “So, without Vic just readin’ yer mind, I bet we can guess who. What ya think Vic?”

“I bet we can figure it out, my friend,” Vic nodded.

“Oh no, you don’t! You two! Don’t go prying into my life!” She waggled a finger at the two boys.

“So, since she takin’ the night off, tomorrow, and she found ‘em while Woody was gone, they have to be on the station.” Jackson drummed his fingers on the desk. “I think we can rule out anyone here at the club. You’re up Vic.”

Watching Jan fume, Vic put his theories out there: “Well, someone younger than Jan.” He grinned at Jackson, “‘Course, that’s the whole Station population. Except maybe Earl and ol’ Ricky. Dinosaurs, those two.”

Again, Jan smacked Vic’s arm, less playfully this time. “You two will not guess.”

“Someone she doesn’t want known,” Jackson mused. “Which means he’s either really young, or has another entanglement that would be a problem if they became known. I’m aimin’ at the latter, I think.” He grinned at Jan.

“Hmm..., yeah. A young’un... well, then we’d get to rib her about robbing the cradle, like she has us. So an entangled lover... ah, here’s the rub: male or female?” Vic eyed Jackson. “Once upon a time, I mighta guessed it was you, old man.”

“Me?” Jackson began to laugh and shook his head. “Well, not in recent decades anyway. But I don’t kiss and tell, even if it was twenty years ago.” He cleared his throat. “So, who’s entangled?”

“Jeez... who isn’t? I think it might be someone who’s a recent addition to the Station,” Vic said.

“That’s it! I’m not staying here to listen to this!” Janice turned and stomped out of Jackson’s office.

“Okay, she’s gone. Who do you think it is?” Jackson asked. “She’s bein’ awful tight-lipped about this.”

“Yeah, she is. I’ll bet it’s a guy. Married? I can think of Solis..., what about Darwin?”

“That’s possible, either one of ‘em. Gilroy?” Jackson shook his head. “Nah, he’s so loopy over that little French girl he can’t see straight.” He stroked his chin a moment as he pondered things. “What about Dobry in Kh’ali’s department?”

“That’s possible. Is he dating someone? Married? Seems like that might be why she’s so secretive. But Gilroy? No way,” Vic shook his head.

Jackson’s mouth fell open suddenly as a thought hit him. “Ohhh...what if it’s someone down below? That would be a good reason to hide it, dontcha think?”

“Oh gods, what if it’s Suresh? She was all gung-ho about me going after Six,” Vic guessed but then shook his head. “Nah, can’t be. Lazan? He’s in the Nexus every once in awhile.”

“I don’t think he’s her type.” Jackson finally shrugged. “Keep your eyes open. We’ll get to the bottom of this yet. Count on that. We’ll figure your mess out as well.”

“I’m all over this mystery now!”, Vic rubbed his hands together and laughed. “Love this! A mystery right on the Station. Hey, I’m heading home. If you think of a possibility, give me a call. Otherwise, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yeah, well, this is Jan. She could give the Sphinx a run for its money,” he observed. “So where are you off to tonight?”

“Home,” Vic said. “Or, maybe I’ll go see Reva. What about Sakkath?” He laughed at the very idea as he stood.

“Oh please.” Jackson laughed too. “He’s the one person I think is impossible. I mean...if you had Li at home would you….? If he did she might kill him in his sleep.”

“No kidding,” Vic nodded. “Have a good night, J.” He left the man’s office and headed for home.

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Curious Cat
The Nexus Club

Janice Gree
Owner & Secretive Cat
The Nexus Club

Bartender & Sly Cat
The Nexus Club


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