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One More Secret Shared

Posted on Thu Oct 15th, 2015 @ 9:11pm by Ensign Reva Madhava & Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Vic & Desta

Mission: Further Challenges

After leaving Jackson's office, Vic decided he wasn't yet ready to go home and be alone. Instead, he diverted towards Desta's quarters. He had walked her home earlier, and had no trouble retracing his steps. He was surprised, however, when Riley answered the door. "Riley. Hey. Is Desta here? I mean, these are her quarters, right?"

“Oh, sure, she is. Come on in.” Riley stepped aside to let him in. “Glad to see you out of sickbay. This crowd had spent too much time there lately. How’re you doing? All back together?”

"Yeah, I'm good," he nodded, stepping past Riley. He saw Reva peering at him from a bedroom doorway; when she saw him, she smiled and came out.

"Hi, Vic," she hugged him briefly. "I'll get Desta," she said and continued on to the other bedroom.

"Desta is living with you and Reva?", Vic asked Riley.

“Well she’s living with Reva for a short time while she gets used to the idea of being out on her own again. I still live down the hall but that may change once Des is in permanent quarters,” Riley answered. He lowered his voice a bit as he continued. “I heard she stayed to keep you company. How’d that go?”

"Good. Yeah, good," Vic nodded. "We just talked, Dad, I promise. No funny stuff." He laughed. "We traded stories, how I got hurt, how she got here, that sort of thing. I came by just to check on her, since she has a big adjustment to make."

Coming out of Desta's room, Reva smiled slightly. "Come in, have a seat," she said, making her way to Riley's side. The way she latched onto Riley's arm was evidence of just how much confidence she'd lost.

Vic saw that and his smile faltered slightly. He made eye contact with Riley then took a seat on the couch. "Riley, are you back to work after your issue?"

“I am. Given some of the things that happened, we decided that finishing up that stone slab project was important and shouldn’t be delayed.” He sat down with Reva at his side. “So far so good. What’s going to happen with Loran?”

“He’ll be prosecuted: attempted murder, most likely. Once convicted,” he shrugged. “His parents - Eli’s parents - could petition to have him incarcerated here on the Station.”

“We saw Eli at the Nexus last night; he and Chance had Gilroy with them,” Reva said. During the day, she had returned the spider to Eli’s quarters. “It’s good to know that Eli’s okay.”

“Gilroy?” Vic shook his head. “Lieutenant Gilroy is hanging out with them? As what? A bodyguard?”

“Well Gilroy was there but she means Gilroy, Jr. Iggy named one of the babies after him. She’s one of the females of the surviving babies.”

“There’s only three babies, two girls and a boy: Ariadne, Kahuna and Gilroy, Jr.,” Reva added.

Grinning, Vic laughed, “I see! She named one after Gilroy? Woo.. he must be thrilled.”

“He wasn’t till he realized it was Iggy’s way of honoring the people she thought important.” Riley smiled, then turned as he heard footsteps.

Desta stepped out of her room and smiled seeing Vic. “Sorry it took me so long to get out here. I was reading something and I had to follow out the procedure it was describing so I didn’t lose my place. If that makes any sense.” She crossed to take a seat. “What brings you around? I would’ve thought you’d be home fast asleep by now.”

“I just wanted to stop by and check in on you. You know, because you’re new to the Station. I didn’t realize you were roommates with Reva,” he winked at her, “Had I known that, I’d have left you in her hands.”

Reva had draped Riley’s arm around herself and snuggled against his side. If she pressed against him much harder, she’d become part of him. Her brows drew together slightly at Vic’s comment but she remained silent.

“She’s been great.” Desta smiled at Reva, then looked back to Vic. “I’m glad you came though. You look….good.” She pursed her lips slightly. “I mean you look like you feel fine...for someone who was stabbed.” She cleared her throat, clearly a little flustered. “Can I get you something?”

“Nah, I’m good. Did you get to meet Gilroy, Junior?”

“Briefly, yes. She’s pretty amazing, isn’t she? Reva said she finally spoke last night too.” Desta’s tone was suddenly animated. “She didn’t say anything to me but she seemed a little uncertain. Perhaps she can sense real form? Is that possible Reva?”

Reva sat up a little and stared at Desta, alarmed. “Do you recall what Raj said?”

Desta shot a look at Vic, then turned back to Reva. “I know but he figured it out on his own. It will go no farther. Will it Vic?”

“Will what?”, Vic smiled. “I’m a bartender: I listen, I don’t talk.”

Reva laughed, relaxing a bit. “Good. Desta, we’ll have to go to the Nexus sometime soon. That’s where Vic works; so does Eli.”

“I’d like that. See the man in action, perhaps?” She grinned at Vic. “Or is that your natural habitat?” She was teasing him now.

Vic nodded emphatically, “Yep, natural habitat: it’s all the bottles of alcohol - they make me feel right at home. That and the ice bin makes for an awesome foot bath,” he joked, “Just empty out the ice, fill it with hot water... good stuff, there.”

Reva, who had never worked in a restaurant in her life, looked horrified. “The ice bin? As a foot bath?”

Riley laughed out loud. “He’s just messing with you now Reva. Vic only uses the sink back there for his foot soaks, not the ice bin.” He managed to keep a straight face somehow.

“Oh, right! I use the ice bin to pee in,” Vic nodded then ducked as a pillow came his way.

“That’s not even funny!”, Reva laughed. “Eewww! I’m sticking to wine from now on. Room temperature red wine, thanks very much.”

“You don’t want to know what I do with those bottles,” Vic winked at her.

“Next she’ll be asking for something sealed in a can,” Desta joked. “Maybe I will too.”

“Boxed wine?” Reva smiled at Vic. “And I’ll bring my own glass.”

Laughing, Vic shook his head. “Good thing we’re all friends here and would never repeat this in the Nexus or around Janice! Hey, speaking of Janice: she’s seeing someone on the Station. Jackson and I are trying to figure out who she’s seeing. Have you seen her with anyone?” He knew Desta wouldn’t have an answer for this - he doubted she even knew who Janice was.

Riley shook his head. “I don’t. I’ve been gone and then really busy with personal things since I got back. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Janice outside the club even. How odd.”

“I had to ask,” Vic said. “Eventually, we’ll weasel it out of her.”

“She’s pretty; she could have her pick of folks here on the Station. You’ll have a huge pool of possibilities to choose from. But I haven’t seen her with anyone either,” Reva added. Suddenly, she yawned. “Oh, I’m sorry... It’s not the company, I promise. But I’m going to head into my bedroom. Vic, it’s been good chatting.” She stood and started toward her room, looking back at Riley.

“That’s my cue.” He winked at them and rose. “Goodnight you two.” He turned and followed Reva off to her room, closing the door behind him.

Desta watched them go and smiled. “They are very lucky. It’s not often that people come back from something such as they’ve experienced and get a second chance. They were determined to get back to each other and they did.”

“It is good to see. Do you have someone to get back to?”

“No,” she answered. “They all think I am dead. I was on his ship for two years, Vic. Even if they knew I was alive, none of them would want me after what I was made to do.”

A flash of anger hit him - both because of what she went through and because the though that anyone would hold that against her was simply vile. He frowned. “That’s asinine! What happened isn’t your fault. Anyone who would think that diminishes who you are needs to have their head examine.”

“I see your time on Daled IV was short.” Her smile was faint as she answered him. “For those of the important families, contact with those off-world should be limited and as infrequent as possible, if ever. But that? It would be beyond imagining or acceptance. That’s just the way it is.”

“That doesn’t make it right, Desta.” Vic touched her hand. “You can stay here and not worry about what others think.”

“I know.” This time her smile was brighter. “No one knows what I am, besides you all, and my doctors, and won’t judge me or expect anything unusual either.” She turned her hand over and wrapped her fingers around his. A slight tingle warmed his palm and her smile widened.

He chuckled, liking the tingle. “And yet there is so much unusual there,” he commented. “Sometime, I’d like to take you to dinner.” His thoughts turned to Six and his hopes there.

She watched him intently, not missing the direction his mind was traveling. “What will you do about her?”

His gaze met hers and he chuckled again. “I have no idea. She’s involved with Suresh and who knows. I keep trying to sway her, but I have the feeling that’s a doomed effort.” He shrugged.

Desta was surprised by Vic’s comment. “Oh, then you don’t know.” Immediately she regretted the words. “Never mind, not important.”

“What? What don’t I know?” He was still holding her hand and used his telepathy to probe a little. “Married?” His jaw dropped. “Six is married!? What the hell? When did that happen?” His voice had risen, though he hadn’t intended to shout.

Desta’s eyes widened and she pulled her hand away, shrinking back from Vic. “I...I don’t know. I think they’ve kept it quiet but I don’t know why that is either. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything.”

Seeing the sudden fear in her eyes, Vic was quick to apologize, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have gone looking, Desta. Please don’t... that’s not your fault, it’s mine. And I shouldn’t have yelled. I didn’t mean to alarm you.”

She was silent for a moment as she watched him. “I am sorry, Vic. It’s her secret to tell not mine. What will you do now?”

“Not let on that I know, for one thing. She’ll tell me in her own time - wow, no wonder she was a bit non-responsive when I asked her about dinner.” He laughed, shaking his head. “Desta, sorry that you got in the middle there. I’d better go and get some rest.” He stood. “We’ll talk again.”

She nodded, then jumped to her feet when he did. A second later, her cheeks flushed a deep red. “I’m glad you came by to see me. Thank you. And thank you as well for not telling Six I spilled her secret. One more thing that’s between us I suppose.”

“Just one,” he smiled and patted her arm. Any other woman, he might have kissed but this one... he already felt her worry. “Good night, Des,” he said before turning and walking out the door.

She hesitated, then stepped out into the corridor behind him. She watched him as he walked, the urge to call out to him almost more than she could resist. She remained silent, however, but watched until he rounded a corner and was out of sight.

Ensign Reva Madhava
Lt. Riley Sukotav


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