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Meet The Devore

Posted on Fri Oct 23rd, 2015 @ 8:20pm by Commander Worth Maxwell VIII & Lieutenant Dara Sahli & Captain James Warrington & Major Anton Markov & Lieutenant Oswald Goodshire & Lieutenant JG Mallow Darby & Ensign Aria Natinde
Edited on on Fri Oct 23rd, 2015 @ 10:36pm

Mission: Beyond The Wormhole
Location: Ptolemy Bridge - Devore Space

* USS Ptolemy *

Warrington had spent the morning looking over star charts for the area trying to familiarise himself with what little existed in case they needed it. Sitting now on the bridge he was all business as usual. "Bridge to flight deck, have the fliers cleared us a path out of the debris field yet?"

"Aye sir. Anything that risks damaging the ship has been moved away. We would recommend staying at about 1/4 impulse until we get out just to be safe. Oh and we will have the fliers out keeping an eye and helping the helm navigate," the marine controller informed the CO.

"Excellent. Have them suited up and ready to go, we depart in 10." Normally a debris field from a fight would be easy to escape but given the devastation here, the size of the Ptolemy and the fact his fliers would have nothing else to do Warrington and Anton had agreed they would clear the path for Aria to make life easier on her. Tapping his chair comm he sat up straight, "All hands make ready for departure, damage control teams stand by and bridge crew to the bridge."

Worth was the first to step out of the lift and onto the bridge. He'd had time to meet with Dara following his unexpected breakfast with Warrington and as he took his seat, he looked over to the captain.

"I spoke with Dr. Sahli. Our guest is all fixed up, though I gather there was a little bit of proving who was in charge while she was there. She says he's fine to question whenever I'm ready."

"Good. You can head down after we get out of here and underway," Warrington said. "I'll sit this interview out and keep an eye on the bridge."

Hearing Warrington's call, Aria made her way to the bridge, nervous of how she would cope having to navigate the ship through the debris. Once there, she made her presence known to the Captain, before taking up her position on the bridge.

Warrington watched the young Ensign as she sat down seeing the nerves filtering through slightly. "Ensign Natinde. Word from the flight deck is keep her to 1/4 impulse and it'll be a smooth run. They'll knock anything out of the way that gets in our path," he added by way of reassurance as Markov entered the bridge. The burly Russian took his position beside the crewman assigned to help with weapons this morning.

Trying to sound confident, but failing, Aria replied "Alright, sir," with a nod of her head.

"Good morning Major," Worth greeted Anton, then turned his attention to Aria. "And to you as well, ensign." Worth then looked back to the officer monitoring the sensors. "Now that we're on the move, we may gather some attention. I want to know the instant you detect any Devore vessels."

"Aye sir," he answered.

Worth turned back to Warrington now. "The transporter chief is prepared in case we encounter any and the telepaths need to disappear."

Warrington made an attempt to answer but was cut off by Anton who earned a look of did you just do that from his CO. The big Russian was tapping the holoscreens in front of him, "Commander if they so much as threaten anyone on this ship, telepaths or otherwise we can handle them. That said I doubt their scanners will penetrate our shields."

Worth nodded. "That is true but you know their tactics. They demand to board and shoot if refused. This may be a rough ride, especially if they suspect we have an 8472 on board."

This time James got in before the Russian, holding a hand up to keep him quiet. "I have to agree with you there. They will demand to board and search as well as scan us. However I must also agree with Anton. There's not a hope in hell of us letting them on this ship or even scan it. The technology on the Ptolemy is state of the art. I guess we will have to wait and see," he said as he sat up in his business-like pose in his chair.

Aria sat and listened to the men, and knowing the technology of the Ptolemy well thanks to her studies, simply nodded in agreement with Warrington.

"Right then," James said. "If theres nothing else. Ensign take us forward 1/4 impulse."

"Yes sir," Aria replied as she entered in the commands to start moving the ship.

As the Ptolemy began to crawl forward and pick up speed there was a noticeable tension on the bridge. While they all had faith the way was clear, and in fact had all at one point checked the sensors to be sure, the mere possibility of a collision in such a dense debris field was reason enough for paranoia. Soon the ship had passed 25% of the planned route and behind the CO and XO Anton was busy checking the sensors and keeping in touch with the fighters who were keeping a closer eye than the bridge could. As they approached the halfway point however things changed.

The Major's console started beeping at him with an angry red light. "Captain Devore fleet has just come out from behind a nearby planet. Reading 6 Starships and roughly 25 escort craft. They appear to be moving to intercept us at the exit to the debris field." He began tapping away furiously. "Estimate they will make it there at the same time as us if we go to full impulse."

James stood up from his seat, "Yellow alert please Major. Shields up and keep weapons powered down but launch remaining fighters and have them form a screen. Commander Maxwell broadcast this."

=/\= Devore ships. This is the Federation ship USS Ptolemy. Our drive was sabotaged inside a wormhole and we were expelled into space here. We are leaving to return home.=/\=

Worth had barely finished the announcement to all hands when the comm officer announced an incoming transmission from the lead Devore ship.

"On screen," Worth ordered.

The main viewscreen lit up and an older Devore male looked back at them, his expression less than pleased. "Ptolemy, I am General Coran of the Devore Imperium. How long do you intend to be traveling through this sector?"

"Captain Warrington. We don't plan on being here long. Once we clear the debris field we will only need a couple of days to finish the repairs to our drive. As some of these require a spacewalk we obviously don't want to be warping about," James informed him half telling the truth. They didn't need to know they'd done the space walky bit.

Coran stared back at him for a moment, his expression unchanging. "We have specific regulations regarding gaharey ships traveling in our space. You will lower shields and be boarded for inspection now, and when you leave our sector. Telepaths will be considered hostiles and removed. Refusal to comply will be seen as an act of war and we will answer accordingly." He paused and smiled briefly. "I am sure your Starfleet would not want you to provoke such in incident."

James returned the stare. "They would not. They would however frown more on us handing over anyone on this ship with telepathic abilities. In fact I would go so far as to say even if I wanted to the crew wouldn't let me." He stepped forwards towards the view screen. "So here is what I'm going to do. I will lower my shields and allow an inspection from your ships scanners as a courtesy and then we are going to carry on. He looked over his should to Anton. "Lower shields Major and deploy Ablative Armour."

Coran frowned at Warrington's words. "You are aware that we will detect their presence, if they are aboard, and will transport them off?"

The Ptolemy's CO chuckled. "Yea good luck with that. The armour now covering our ship was designed primarily to combat the Borg." He eyed the General. "Let me ask you two questions. How long do you think it'll be before your neighbours join the Federation? And how much trade do you reckon we will do with a Race who openly attacks telepaths?"

"That is not my concern. You are in our space, you will comply with our laws," Coran responded. "Or face the consequences." The transmission ended and the screen went dark.

"Scan commencing," announced the officer at the sensor station.

James looked around, "Well that was pleasant. Red Alert Primary and Secondary shields up please. Bridge to Engineering. Bring the third warp core online. All hands to battle stations."

"I'll do what I can about it!" Darby turned about, looking at his station as he started to feed plasma into the currently cold warp core. "I'll do it on manual. Even if things are dire, I'm not going to risk a breach!"

"Helm, lay in a course out of Devore space. That scan should be done in a few seconds and we are going to want to put some distance between us and them," Worth ordered.

"Course being set now Sir," replied Aria as she began entering the commands into her console. "We're trying to get as much distance as can, but it may take longer than normal due to the damage we took earlier."

"Acknowledged." Worth paused as the announcement came that the third warp core was online, then turned back to Aria. "Alright Ensign, I'm sure they know by now just how many telepaths we have and I don't want to tempt them any more than we already have. As they used to say on Earth, floor it and get us out of here. Engage."

Captain James Warrington
Commander Worth Maxwell
Major Anton Markov
Ensign Aria Natinde
Lt. (jg) Mallow Darby


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