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Two Klingon Hearts

Posted on Mon Nov 9th, 2015 @ 9:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Aros & Commander Patrick Leroy & Lieutenant Nick Marcinko & Warrant Officer Awf

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Qo'nos

* Torin’s house - Home of Kh’ali *

Patrick regarded the battered, but still shining, klingon armor on the stand close to the window of his room. A faint smile lined his lips as he thought of Kalim bringing it there and explaining to him how that set of armor was imbued with honor and courage, its history going back quite a while, being it was their grand-grandfather’s property.

A great deal of time Kalim had spent to recount of the deeds to which this heirloom had been silent witness. Coming to the extent of pointing out, literally at fingertip, each glorious dent and its tale. When happened… How happened and, in the end, how the great great-grandfather had overcome the opponent to a brilliant victory. And of course he spent many more words on how this armor, donned on the most important day of his life, would have strengthened and inspired him.

Patrick had to concede, Kh’ali’s family had been trying its best to make him acceptable to Klingon society and especially to the Mistress of the House Martok. He was most sure she didn’t like him and the best look he’d garnered from her eyes was one of contempt, along with her referring to him as Kh’ali’s mate or just groom… Anything but his proper name.

This unexpected honor was probably the last clever trick to appease the Mistress’ ruggedness in his regards. Patrick’s smile widened as he shook his head wondering if the spirit of this great Klingon hero of the past would have been able to defeat the most vicious adversary he could have met in a lifetime… Sirella herself.

The door opened to let enter Lieutenant Marcinko who was carrying the ceremonial Bat’leths he’d been entrusted with in his position as Tawi’Yan.

“Good morning Lieutenant.” Patrick greeted him “It seems the great day has arrived.”

“Looks like it,” Nick said as he entered. He stopped just inside the door and looked at the armor. “Nice duds. Might be a little big on you, but it’ll look good.”

Patrick watched Marcinko set the blades on the table, carefully wrapping them with red velvet. Despite his spoken despise of Klingon culture, he seemed to him most adept in some of the race’s customs. Especially those who delved in weapons.

“You see Lieutenant.” Patrick said moving to the cupboard to take out a bottle and a couple of glasses “Here I have a gift from Kalim. He says this is the best bloodwine in this hemisphere of Qo’noS… I’m not an estimator. Well… To say I don’t know a fig about bloodwine would be more correct so… I’ll have to take his word on this. I seldom drink alone if I drink at all. Would you join me?” He ended putting the glasses and the bottle on the table close the Bat’leths. “No better time for a toast for the groom and his best man it seems.”

Nick harrumphed. “I never turn down alcohol, Commander. Bring it on. And believe me, I’ll let you know if Kalim was pulling your leg on how good it is.”

The bloodwine burned its way down to their bellies as the glasses were drained in one gulp.

“Ugh!... That was a kick in the liver.” Patrick said grimacing. “Kalim does know his business.”

Nick let out a breath and followed up by sucking air through his teeth. “Yep, that’s the good stuff, alright.”

Patrick stood there an instant a pensive look in his eyes as he put down the glass on the table. Now that the events of the attack on the house and the challenge were days behind his shoulders they still bore the colors of nightmare to him and he struggled a little searching for words.

“There is something I want to say Lieutenant. I… I’ll never be grateful enough for what you, and the others, have done to protect my son that night. When this nightmare trip was about to start and I thought to involve you for your origin, knowledge of the trade and of Klingon culture… I didn’t know if you would have accepted more or less gladly or refused outright… and I never will ‘cause Admiral Wegener probably used his influence on the matter. Anyway, things have come to this day and I thank you with all my heart.”

“Easy, man. If you’re thinking about a hug, just keep it to yourself.” He paused, then added, “But you’re welcome.”

“Another thing Lieutenant…” Patrick said with wry smile starting to line his lips “For when we’ll be back on SB900. What I did with Kalim that night… It never happened. May I count on you about that?”

“What never happened?” Nick said with a grin.

* The Great Hall - Upstairs *

Aros watched as Kh’ali took one last turn before the mirror and smiled. “You look amazing, Kh’ali,” he said. “You’re going to knock Patrick’s eyes out.”

Kh’ali laughed as she adjusted the latinum chain around her waist. “Let’s hope it’s my looks that do it and not the bat’leth.”

Aros laughed as well, then stepped closer. “Hands up,” he ordered. Kh’ali held up her hands and he slipped on the leather gauntlets, settling the long cuffs in place.

She flexed her fingers and took one last look in the mirror. Aros stepped up behind her and carefully settled the metal headband in place. Moving around front, he made one slight adjustment, then nodded.

“Perfect.” He rested his hands on her shoulders a moment and smiled. “It’s been a hell of a trip hasn’t it?”

“Oh boy,” Kh’ali answered. “Far more eventful than I was hoping for. I hope Patrick doesn’t take what Q’Vahn said too much to heart….about the wedding being tainted.”

Aros shook his head. “The words of a bitter and empty woman.” He frowned slightly as he looked back at her. “Don’t you take them to heart either. This is only formalizing what’s already there, not starting a new life together,” he reminded her. “You two already have what you need. Forget her.”

Kh’ali met his gaze and finally nodded. “You’re right. Thank you.” She hugged him tight, then stepped back. “Where’s Awf? You two are escorting me in, remember.”

“He should be here any minute now,” Aros answered. “Then it will be time to go.”

Soon enough the Ocampa threw back his head in a confident pattern that seemed to be quite outside of his normal character. Once he joined Aros and Kh'ali, he nodded slowly, "Yes, I did plan to have the honor of escorting you in." His words were metered and spoken as though he actually did know what he was doing at this point.

“Good. Well….”Kh’ali looked from one to the other. “Let’s get to it, gentlemen.”

*** The Speaking Of The Vows ***

Kh’ali, Aros and Awf arrived at the door to the great hall and paused. They stood on either side of her and she took their arms, her grip tightening for a moment. With a smile to Awf, she whispered, “Just think of the stories we’ll have to tell once we are home.”

Having smirked a bit, Awf nodded and exhaled deeply as he seemed to center himself in preparation of what was about to come next. "I certainly think that we're going to be talking about all of this for a long time to come, that's for sure."

“None of will ever be the same,” she replied. “Alright, I’m ready.”

The three of them stepped through the door and the crowd hushed as they made their way to the front of the hall where Patrick waited. Once there, Aros bowed and he and Awf stepped aside as she took her place at Patrick’s side.

The Klingons all around the dais started playing their drums and everyone inside the locale fell silent, as the mistress of the House stepped forward to begin the ceremony.

“With fire and steel did the gods forge the Klingon heart. So fiercely did it beat, so loud was the sound, that the gods cried out: On this day we have brought forth the strongest heart in all the heavens. None can stand before it without trembling at its strength.”

A murmur of approval stirred in the audience with Sirella’s words who then lowered her gaze to Patrick before reprising:

“But then the Klingon heart weakened, its steady rhythm faltered, and the gods said: Why do you weaken so? We have made you the strongest in all of creation. And the heart said…”

As he’d been taught Patrick got the cue from the Mistress and stepped upon the dais close to her reciting the words:

“I... Am alone.”

Sirella nodded and continued: “And the gods knew that they had erred. So they went back to their forge and brought forth another heart.”

It was Kh’ali’s turn to climb the step of the dais and join Patrick, facing him. Nick Marcinko stepped forward then, offering the Bat’leths to the spouses. Sirella looked over to the audience and said:

“But the second heart beat stronger than the first, and the first was jealous of its power.”

Patrick made the ceremonial move of swinging his bat’leth at Kh’ali who raised hers to parry, her smile being the brightest Patrick had ever seen, and got her blade up to his neck.

At that instant Sirella reminded the bride: “Fortunately, the second heart was tempered by wisdom.”

“If we join together, no forces can stop us.” Kh’ali replied taking away her blade from Patrick’s neck, and the two of them pulled each other close, with their faces almost touching. The mistress continued:

“And when the two hearts began to beat together, they filled the heavens with a terrible sound. For the first time, the gods knew fear. They tried to flee, but it was too late. The Klingon hearts destroyed the gods who created them and turned the heavens to ashes. To this very day, no one can oppose the beating of two Klingon hearts.”

Sirella turned to look Patrick in the eyes “Patrick, son of Jeffrey, does your heart beat only for this woman?”

“Yes.” Patrick replied.

“And will you swear to join with her and stand with her against all who would oppose you?”

“I will.”

Sirella turned to Kh’ali then.

“Kh’ali, daughter of Torin, does your heart beat only for this man?”


“And do you swear to join with him and stand with him against all who would oppose you?”

“I will.”

Sirella looked again at the audience: “Then let all present here today know that this man and this woman are married.”

Patrick and Kh’ali kissed each other as the drums began thundering again…

Kalim gave the happy couple a few seconds to enjoy the kiss, then led the charge at them, a ma’Staka in his hands and a joyful bellow on his lips. Aros was right behind him and , They reached Patrick and Kh’ali first, raining down a few light blows as tradition demanded while, following suit, all other Klingons present charged the altar with a roar as well.

Patrick & Kh’ali
Officially One Klingon Thing

Lt. Nick Marcinko
Enjoys fine bloodwine, weapons, long walks on the beach...

Made (Maid) Of Honor

Bestest Best Man Ever


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