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Suresh Confidential

Posted on Fri Nov 13th, 2015 @ 2:10am by Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD & Petty Officer 1st Class Drusilla Dupree & Suresh

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Chief Counselor's Office

* Counselor Swift's Office *

“Robin, your next appointment will be arriving in just a few minutes. Everything ready?” Dru called in to the Counselor. “It’s a new one and the name is…” she checked her terminal and sat staring at it for several seconds. “Suresh.”

“So it is,” he replied. He knew Suresh had made an appointment--patients didn’t just show up without someone in the office knowing beforehand. To Robin, however, a patient was a patient, no matter who they are or were, or will be. “Send him in when he arrives.”

“I will.” Dru looked back at her terminal, uncertain about facing down a man of Suresh's reputation but soon enough her professionalism took over. When the doors opened and Suresh himself entered she smiled. “Welcome.”

He nodded, looking no more comfortable than Dru had been minutes earlier. “Hello.”

“Counselor Swift is ready if you’d like to go on in?” She motioned to the open door to the inner office.

Suresh simply nodded to her. “Thank you.” Without another word, he passed her desk and entered Robin’s office. When the doors started to close, he stepped a bit more forward to give them room.

“Welcome,” Robin said with a smile. “Please, make yourself comfortable. If you need something to drink or to snack on, I don’t mind at all. Whatever puts my patients more at ease,” he said.

The briefest of smiles passed over Suresh’s face. “That’s a tall order, Counselor. I’ve never seen anyone like you so I don’t suspect comfortable is something that will come easily.” He did, however, move over to sit on the edge of the sofa.

Robin laughed. “I don’t know that anyone’s said that about me before, but we will manage. So, what brings you here today?”

“It’s a personal issue. You see, five years ago I was married. I discovered she had taken another lover so I sent her home to Romulus. Divorce proceedings were filed later and that should have been the end of it. However, she appeared here several days ago, intent on causing problems with my current….relationship.” He was having to be careful just how much he revealed but so far so good.

Robin nodded. “Sounds like a bad deal all around. What would you like me to help with?”

“I was down at Iapetus and she came in. While I was away from the table, she drugged my drink with something designed to make me overly suggestible, then knock me out. It influenced me to take her home, where I passed out. It was all staged you see. I awoke to find myself in my bed, with her, and my….lady friend, Six, walking in to see it. Six screamed and ran out and refused to speak to me at all till late that night, after Lt. Darwin discovered the truth of the situation.”

“So this should be couple’s counseling, then?”

“Not exactly. She finally came home and we talked and she understands what really happened, and didn’t happen. It’s the idea that I was drugged and assaulted that is my real issue. That may surprise you, given who and what I am,” Suresh answered. “I’ve never been the victim.”

Robin couldn’t help but grin. “For starters, I’ve been told that you are most definitely not who everyone thinks you are, in the sense that you and your opposite number in this universe are almost night and day. However, everyone falls victim to something at some point in their lives and that can be a hard pill to swallow, especially when it’s not something you’re accustomed to.” Robin stood and moved to a chair close to the couch, removing the barrier of his desk. “If what’s bothering you is that someone was able to manipulate you in such a way, I’m certain I can help you work through that. But before we begin any session work, I have to make certain of the end goal. Is that what’s bothering you, or is there something else to it?”

“I know you know who I am, and that it will remain strictly with you. Part of the problem is that Xerena almost succeeded in ruining things with Six, which is complicated since she gave up everything for me and we...are married. That also cannot be known, you understand. You’re right, I don’t like that Xerena was able to do to me. It was a slip I shouldn’t have made and it almost cost me everything I hold dear. I hate the way it made me feel and the way it made Six look at me. But, no, that’s not all.”

“Take all the time you need,” Robin replied, crossing one leg over the other. It seemed as if Suresh was having a difficult time just coming out with it so he was trying to make his patient feel as comfortable as possible. “And anything said in here is kept in confidence, Suresh. There are no leaks from this office.”

“It’s that Six almost didn’t come home and...almost gave in to another she still has feelings for. I know because she sometimes talks in her sleep. And while I know she loves me and will never leave, I have to get past those feelings she has. Does that make any sense?” Suresh asked. “It’s my issue to deal with.”

“It makes perfect sense. But have you spoken to her about this other person? That can go a long way toward shoring up a relationship, as long as it’s a level-headed discussion, no finger-pointing, that sort of thing.”

“We did before we married, yes,” Suresh admitted. “But not since all the rest happened. I was just happy she came back and understood the craziness wasn’t my fault. I was angry that she could believe I’d do such a thing but I can’t blame her. She saw what she saw and Six is young and has no experience in the world.”

“It can be hard for a newly married couple, or a couple in any relationship, to see something like that and not expect the worst. At least you understand how she felt.”

Suresh nodded. “Does it matter really, Counselor? That what she feels for Vic lingers? When she chose me instead and isn’t unfaithful?”

“It only matters if you think it does,” Robin replied coolly. “And it would seem that it does since you said you needed to get past those feelings that she still has. The good part, Suresh, is that you acknowledge it and aren’t being confrontational about it. Cooler heads always prevail. It’s obvious you two truly love each other and I’m confident that I can help.”

Suresh nodded and ran a hand over his face. “There’s one other thing, something that came up just as I was on my way here. Vic came to see me. He said that a report came in that Darwin had been bringing Niro in to see Lt. Bajun down in JAG and that Niro apparently had all four of them beamed out to his ship. They are in pursuit and hope to catch them since they knew almost immediately. I am not sure what to do here. I almost lost her and now this….”

“If our people know about it, and they are in danger, then I wouldn’t worry, Suresh. I can contact C&C to keep tabs on the situation if you’d like?”

“Security is monitoring it and promised to call as soon as they have something,” Suresh answered. “I just hope they come out of this unharmed. I’m not sure what I would do if he lays a finger on her.”

Robin could only nod. He’d felt loss and the anger coming from it. “Don’t dwell on it. Try to remain positive and just know that they will all come home safely. It’s medically verified information that stressing over something before knowing the outcome is very unhealthy, no matter what race you may be. So, please, don’t get overly concerned before we know anything definitive.”

“I’m trying my best, Counselor.” Suresh finally smiled. “That’s what Vic said too. He expects to have them back within hours. Let’s hope he is right.”

“I’m sure he is. But if you need to talk prior to their return, feel free to contact me, even after hours,” Robin said. “Concern over a loved one can be harrowing.”

“I know that, given my position on this station, this might be a lot to ask, but I’m hoping that once this is done, she and I can have a little quiet time to settle our life back down. we’ve both had enough excitement for a while.” Suresh regarded Robin in silence, then continued. “Thank you for seeing me. There’s really no one I can talk to besides Darwin and he’s been taken along with Six.”

“It’s what I’m here for, but remember what I said--you can contact me even after hours, if you need to.” He stood and smiled. “A counselor’s work is never done.” Circling back around to his chair he sat and activated his PADD. “So, do you want to continue coming to me for a few more visits, to discuss those earlier items?”

suresh nodded and stood. “I think so. She should be home soon enough and I’ll schedule something then. Let’s hope it doesn’t turn into more or you may see me sooner.” He moved back to the doors and opened them. “I’ll let you know what’s happening with the search if you’d like?”

“Please do. And let me know if you need anything else.”

“I will.” Suresh made his way out and once he was gone, Drusilla entered the inner office.

“How did that go?”

“Pretty good. His primary reason for coming isn’t huge, but to him it could be, so definitely something to work on. He has other concerns at the moment, though, but I can’t really go into them unless Security puts something out for everyone.”

“Security?” That piqued her curiosity. “Let’s hope it’s nothing serious, either problem. He seems a lot more...personable than I expected. Not as scary.”

“He’s not too bad, I don’t think,” Robin replied. “Just a bit of crossover from the old Suresh that’s getting placed on him. I did the same thing.”

Dru nodded and turned to go back out front. “That’s it for the day, I’ll close up shop if you want to get home to Niall.”

Robin chuckled. “We’re not living together, Dru. We have moved forward some, but not to that point quite yet.” He stood and straightened his uniform shirt. “I do have dinner with him this evening, though, so there’s that.”

“I figured. Go. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She left his office and returned to her desk to begin closing everything down.

Lt. Cmdr. Robin Swift
Place snappy signature here

Somewhat Adrift

PO2 Drusilla Dupree
At Ease


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