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Wasted Effort

Posted on Fri Sep 9th, 2011 @ 7:32am by Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Divitia Prime - Science Labs abroad


A disapponted snort escaped from Patrick as the broad-spectrum analisys keeped showing always the same data.

"The divitians will have to wait an astounding amount of time before seeing again vegetation on this planet." He murmured to himself. The records on the monitor displayed exceedingly high radiation and chemical contamination almost everywhere on the planet and especially close to the mountain ranges. The ion Wavefront had dealt extensive damage to the planet surface but this was something different, maybe a by-product of the catastrophe or something else.
In any case the alpha and beta teams were going to have their hands full for months with decontamination procedure.

Captain Lorenz came into the room, waving a padd. "I think you might want to have a look at this, Mr. Leroy. One of my recon team leaders came upon this while scouting for me."

Leroy raised the eyes from the terminal to look at the newcomer then, moving around the desk, he greeted him: "Welcome Captain. What do we have here, a new challenge?"

David looked at Leroy, his face grim. "Good luck, the Divitians are acting like we discovered the mating rituals of their grand poo-bah and won't give us clearance to examine the site. Officially." Lorenz's face sported and evil smile.

"Strong and clear, Captain. But I think I'm missing a piece. Exactly what happened and why the marines have been called into the field?" Leroy asked perking an eyebrow "Has this anything to do with that Padd in your hand?"

Lorenz smiled and handed the man the new PADD, this one showing a live image stream from what looked to be the waste facility Shelton and his men had found. "Chief Shelton installed a few spike microcams into the rock face of the cavern. We have limited range of view but what we see is pretty exciting, eh?"

"Exciting? Indeed it is to have aroused the interest of the Corps." Leroy replied "Well, I'll have a thorough look into it even if I do not know how useful this will be to us. We're projecting gardens for Divitia Prime y'know? Maybe divitians we'll have something to say if this poo-bah is portrayed with pants down in this padd. They'll probably try to shut us down."

For a moment Lorenz was uncertain on how to consider the wry smile lining the scientist lips.

"Hey, what you do with the data is up to you, Mr. Wizard! I just shoot people for a living!"

"If I find out something I'll keep you informed. Is the least I can do. In any case the data contained in this Padd will be sent to Commander qeraQ' as per regs. And to Commander Sakkath too."

Lorenz was about to leave the room when Leroy stopped him in his tracks with a question: "I've always been curious Captain... I take it you have a dim view of us Science geeks. Don't you?"

"It's not personal, commander. It's a mindset, helps me kill easier when someone is endangering you." Lorenz grinned nastily.

"I thought so. Provided that I hope nobody has to be killed in my defense in the near future Captain, make me a promise: next time an energy shield saves your buttocks or a phaser has the desired effects... Just give us a heads-up!. Anyway... Good job Captain, to your unit too."

MCPT David Lorenz
Divitia Prime MARDET CO
Starbase 900


LCDR Patrick Leroy
Starbase 900


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