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Not Invited

Posted on Fri Sep 9th, 2011 @ 9:43am by Captain Li Hawke

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Somewhere On SB900
Timeline: During 'A Night At The Nexus - Part One'

Ring entered thumb's quarters, grumbling as the doors hissed closed behind him. The rooms were empty since Thumb, and presumably all the rest of The Hand, were enjoying themselves at the Nexus while he was stuck here playing mechanic.

He dropped the four metal boxes he carried to the table before the sofa a bit less gently then he should have. Damn that Betazoid, he'd like nothing better than to wring her scrawny neck and leave her useless body propped in front of the Nexus Club. It would be a nice topper for the party. It was her fault he was here instead of there where his talents were needed.

He looked across the room at the corner desk and the time display. He needed to get going, he had to make the drop-off to Index soon or their big opportunity would be missed and likely force them to hold off and make new plans. Like it or not, everything was riding on what he was doing right this moment. The thought brought a perverse pleasure rising within him. He did, indeed, hold all the cards and he'd be sure to remind Thumb of that fact later.

Opening the boxes, he pulled out the four sections, then removed several small tools and set to work. It was very precise work and the silence in the room drew out as he assembled the pieces, broken only by the hiss of Ring's breath as he let it out slowly, forcing himself to concentrate.

One last adjustment.....and the weapon was done. A smile spread slowly across his face as he let himself imagine the scene. Over and done, right under their noses. Then they'd see who held the power.

Just to be on the safe side, he pointed the weapon at a vase sitting on the end table and pressed the button. It worked perfectly.

Everything was coming together.....


The Hand of Fate


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