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Jousting For Fun

Posted on Mon Dec 21st, 2015 @ 2:47pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Indra Nyyar & Ensign Aure'l
Edited on on Mon Dec 21st, 2015 @ 3:07pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Diplomatic Offices

* Diplomatic Offices *

Kh'ali had only been half-joking when she'd said she needed to get back to her office and see how many angry messages she had waiting. The request for the return of Nyyar had come from Zikar here but under the authority of the Central Command. Not that it mattered. The rules of asylum according to the Federation were very clear and as such, Nyyar wasn't going anywhere unless she wished to go. Kh'ali was of two minds as to whether Nyyar would see this through or give in and return to her husband. It struck a chord with Kh'ali - she understood how it could turn things upside down to see a loved one do something so cruel. It brought Qo'nos to mind and her fight to the death with Q'vahn. It wasn't the first time she had wondered if Patrick hadn't had a small dose of the same thing Nyyar was suffering now. The circumstances were different of course but it was still a new and frightening view.

She shook off the worry as she entered her office and greeted Aure'l, then updated her on the case as it now stood.

"I have in the latest from Enara regarding Cadet Ziyad's parents," Aure'l informed Kh'ali. "It's the usual long message saying nothing, trying to delay, so it can wait. Also, a communication came in from Legate Zikar, wishing to see you. I could not simply refuse, so he will be here soon. If you wish, I can postpone it for a day."

Kh'ali sighed with resignation. "No need, I would rather get it over with and out of the way. I suspect, though, that he won't stop trying to twist my arm."

Aure'l's eyebrows shot up. "Do you think he would physically harm you?"

"What?" Kh'ali realized a second later what her assistant meant and she laughed. "No, that's just a figure of speech, meaning he will try to convince me."

"Oh. I understand." Aure'l frowned slightly. "I would suggest leaving your door open in case he is not pleased with what you have to say and I need to intervene."

"Good idea, mainly for show. I don't think he will get stupid with a Klingon and a Vulcan around him. Send him on in when he arrives." Kh'ali entered her office and sat down at the desk. In a slightly perverse way, she was looking forward to this visit. She knew Cardassian tradition and knew just how to handle them. As a female in this situation, she was not above using the Cardassian custom - a sharp tongue - that would play on Zikar's ego, making him sure that she liked him. It would make him far more cooperative. She hoped.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a chime from her panel. He was here. As the doors opened, she rose to greet him - not out of respect but in order to put her eye to eye with Zikar. He was tall and muscular and remaining seated while he towered over her put her at a tactical disadvantage. She smiled as he approached her desk.

"Welcome, Legate Zikar. I am Lt. Commander Kh'ali."

Zikar looked her up and down, then smiled. Farak had been right - a Klingon, but only part Klingon apparently. Her features were too refined to be a full-blood. She was, much to his surprise, quite lovely. Still, she was a woman and he intended to make short work of this visit.

"Commander, it's a pleasure." His tone was overly polite. He knew this woman was the major obstacle standing between him and his beloved Nyyar. Best to be nice to convince her his motives were pure. "Thank you for seeing me on such short notice."

"That seems to be a habit of yours, Legate." Kh'ali's voice had taken on a slight edge.

"My apologies," he conceded. "The situation is rather unusual, you have to admit. My only reason for being here is to convince Nyyar to come home."

"And if she refuses? Wishes to stay here?" Kh'ali's tone was noticeably irritated. "If she does, then it seems to me that you're out of luck. Maybe you should prepare yourself that that," she snapped.

Zikar's eyebrows shot up, but a moment later he realized what was happening here. Most interesting. A slow smile spread across his face. "And if I don't?"

"You can suck it up and deal with it, Zikar." Kha'li noticed his reaction and her tone grew more heated. "She has requested asylum and I am granting it. If you don't like it, too bad."

Zikar rested his hands on the desk and leaned closer to Kh'ali. "She belongs to me and I intend to leave this station and take her with me. If you have an issue with that, what do you intend to do about it, Klingon?" The question was little more than a growl.

"You'll have to get through me first," Kh'ali spit out. "If she wants to go home, that's her decision. Until then, you will behave. If you want to see her, you will make the request with me and I'll pass it along and she can decide. If you see her out on the station, you will not approach her or her escorts or I'll have you parked in the brig. A temporary order is already in place, so if you step one foot out of line or try to force her to leave, I'll have your ass back in the Alpha Quadrant so fast it will make your head spin." She slammed her hand on the desk and leaned forward, now almost nose to nose with the Cardassian. "That's the deal, Zikar! Are we clear?"

Both were silent for a few seconds and then his smile returned. "Quite clear, my dear. I promise I'll behave, since you asked so nicely. I have no desire to harm her, you must believe that. I want to see her, so please, ask her? Tell her I miss her?"

"I will, but I'm making no promises. Is there anything else?"

Zikar finally leaned back and shook his head. "No, nothing else. You've been most helpful. Thank you." He had to admit, she was good. He quite liked her, he decided.

"Then get out," she demanded.

When Kh'ali waved him out of her office he departed with a bow. Once the doors closed, she collapsed back in her chair with a sigh of relief. It had been a gamble but one that had paid off handsomely.

The doors opened again and Aure'l stepped in. "Everything alright? I thought I might need to come in and break it up."

Kh'ali laughed. "All is well. He's going to watch his step and be a good boy where his wife is concerned. It's all in knowing how to speak their language. Or in this case, understanding custom and using it to my advantage. He likes me."

"I'm not so sure that's a good thing," Aure'l muttered.

Lt. Commander Kh'ali
The Sharp-Tongued One

Legate Zikar
The Suddenly Agreeable One

Ensign Aure'l
The Cynical One


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