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A Little Something To Remember Him By - Conclusion

Posted on Mon Jan 11th, 2016 @ 2:41am by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Lieutenant Commander Solis & Lieutenant Commander Earl Crane & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Ensign Reva Madhava & Robart

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Piper Medical Center / OSN Kyllian

Stepping into Six’s room, Earl smiled and said, “Ah... Lt. Darwin? Could you come with me for a moment?” He was radiating nervous energy.

Darwin looked up then glanced at Riley. “Sure,” he stood and started for the door.

“Something wrong, Dr. Crane?” Riley asked.

Earl shook his head vigorously. “No, no. Nothing to get concerned about. Reva said that Darwin seems to be the trigger, so Solis just thought that having him ...come in for a moment, might help.”

“Uh huh,” Riley mumbled. “Should we stay till you get back Darwin?”

“Yeah. Then we can go get dinner,” Darwin said. He could tell Earl wasn’t on the up-n-up at the moment, but he was damned if he knew why. “Hang out, I’ll be back in a minute.” He followed Earl out and down the corridor. “What’s happened?”

Earl hauled him into room 314 then said, “Ensign Madhava. She was here when we left.” He gestured at the dislodged panel. “And that’s where she went.”

“Damned engineers,” Darwin muttered.

Solis was lifting the panel down and nodded. “Agreed. She can’t be far though, and won't be moving at top speed either. I should be able to catch her.”

Darwin eyed Solis and said, “I think you’re more likely to get caught on something. Was she in Sickbay-issued attire? Or what she came to Piper wearing?”

“She didn’t have her backside hanging out of a paper gown,” Earl grumped, earning him a curious look from Darwin. “What she was wearing when she got here.”

“Good,” Darwin said and tapped his commbadge. He spoke a few orders then cursed as he walked over to a counter and picked up Reva’s commbadge. “So much for that.”

“This junction goes along this area and towards the Medical transporter room. Tell them that.” Solis climbed into the tube and began to crawl. “Wish me luck,” he called back.

Darwin conveyed that along to his Security people before looking at Earl and saying, “We can’t tell Riley. Not yet.”

A voice told them: “Sir, that transport was just activated. End point is ...docking ring H.”

“Robart’s ship,” Darwin said. “Not the Brig.” Earl looked a little relieved until Darwin said, “Tell Riley and Suresh not to wait for me. I’ll be back with Reva as soon as possible.” He then called for a site-to-site transport for himself and Doctor Solis, wherever he was along the crawl to the transporter room.

* Robart’s Ship *

“I don’t care how,” Reva was slurring her words as she spoke, “Just make sure it’s done.”

Robart took her hand and led her along the corridor. “As you wish, Cyllene,” he said soothingly and opened a door to a lavishly appointed cabin. “You don’t seem yourself, though. How about taking a nap?”

“Sounds good; could you call Riley?” She wandered into the quarters and stopped. “These aren’t your quarters.”

“No, they are yours, for your use whenever you wish,” Robart told her. His comm beeped and he silenced it. “I have some business to attend to, Cyllene. I will be back.” He ducked out of the room and immediately opened a commchannel, “What?”

“Starfleet is demanding to be let onto the ship, Ro.”

“Let them on, then!” He hurried to the umbilical and arrived just as Lt. Darwin and Doctor Solis entered. “Ah, I was hoping it would be you, Lt. Darwin. Are you looking for Cyllene?”

Darwin nodded. “She needs some medical attention.”

“A matter of a slight complication from her time with Niro,” Solis added. “Well, not so slight actually. Did she mention him when she arrived?”

Robart’s face went still and expressionless. “No, she did not,” he said before lifting his upper lip in disgust and admitting, “She did, but only in the context of asking me to keep her away from him. She is in her quarters.”

Darwin’s brow rose, “Already?”

“Ah, I meant her quarters on the ship. Come, I’ll show you,” he turned and led the way. When they came to Reva’s door, he rapped on the metal lightly before opening it. “She was going to lie down for a nap,” he explained.

Inside, the room had no exposed metal; every wall was draped with richly colored silks, the chairs and sofa were covered with pelts of some furry animal, the tables were ornately carved woods. The bedroom was more of the same and Reva was lying in the midst of several pillows on a large bed. She was awake, though immensely relaxed. “Darwin, Solis, hey. I figured you’d find me.”

“It didn’t take much,” Solis laughed. He sat down next to her and began to scan her with his tricorder. He then touched her with his hand. “Tell me what I had for lunch.”

Visibly concentrating on Solis, Reva shook her head after a moment. “I haven’t a clue. But I know that Darwin is ready to tear into me.” She languidly winked at the security officer, making him bristle.

“You don’t need telepathy to know that, Reva,” Solis commented. He studied the screen on the tricorder and then closed it. “One bit of good news - the Lexorin has had the intended, if temporary effect. It’s dampening the implanted urge, which will make it easier to remove.”

“Implanted urge?” Robart looked at Darwin for an explanation.

“Ah... it appears that Niro hid a time bomb in Reva’s head. Something triggered it --”

“You triggered it,” Reva interrupted Darwin, surprising him.

He faltered a moment then continued, “And it seems to make her want to be near Niro.”

“I see.” Robart abruptly left the room. Reva’s earlier instructions suddenly made sense and he had work to do.

Darwin watched the man leave but didn’t follow. “Solis, can you treat her here or do we need to transport back to Piper?”

Solis looked around the room and shrugged. “Here’s comfortable enough, why not? Especially that fur over there. How do you think I’d look in it?” He grinned at Darwin.

Whose humor was running short. Darwin frowned and asked, “Do you mean wrapped in it or choked with it?”

Picking an inopportune moment, Reva giggled and whispered to Solis, “Don’t piss him off too much. What treatment are you proposing?”

“He’s had a tough day,” Solis informed her. “Well, a tough few days actually, so let’s cut him some slack. As for you, I’m proposing a mind meld. I can help clear out that crap and get it gone for good.”

Knowing that she knew things others weren’t supposed to know, and things she didn’t want others to know about, she asked, “You’ll stick just to the things Niro put in? You won’t go wandering around?”

“Asks the girl who goes wandering around whenever she wants,” grumbled Darwin. He realized he needed to report in. “I’ll be in the other room for a minute. Yell if she gets frisky,” he said and left the room to call the Security office and Earl.

Solis rested his hand on her arm and smiled. “Let’s put it this way….you and I both have a lot of things others can’t know, so we’re going to have to trust each other to keep those things quiet. I’m sure Darwin would like to see a little Vulcan control remain with you after this but if that’s what he wants, he has the wrong Vulcan.”

“It’d be interesting to see an Orion-Vulcan hybrid,” she mused. “Let’s do this,” she added eagerly. “Uh... the mind meld, not... an Orion-Vulcan hybrid.”

“I figured. Besides, I’d have a hard time explaining the other to Julisa.” His expression turned serious and he reached out placing his fingers carefully on Reva’s face. “My mind to your mind….my thoughts to your thoughts……” He spoke soft and low, repeating the words over again as he and Reva joined minds. He had only a moment to reflect that he was glad he’d forsworn logic as he fell into her chaotic thoughts.

His thoughts were hers and she learned in a flash far more about the good Doctor than she ever could have through conversations; she knew he was learning the same from her. Time seemed to condense and stretch; though only minutes passed, she felt as if hours had disappeared. With a deep breath, she blinked as Solis withdrew. “Julisa? She...? Bajor is not a good place for her,” she said, remarking on the greatest source of pain in Solis’ thoughts.

“No,” he whispered. “It isn’t, not anymore.” He gently brushed back her hair and smiled, despite the sudden anger that raged within him at her time on Fisher’s ship. He did his best to quell that, at least until he got somewhere it would be safe to let it out. “How do you feel now?”

She thought about the question then thought about Darwin - he seemed to trigger the thoughts of Niro earlier. Now, though, he didn’t. Instead, she thought of Riley; some of her thoughts weren’t rated for the general public. “Could Riley come here instead of me going back to Piper?” Laughing, she added, “Apparently I feel fine, though a bit lazy. That might be the Lor... whatever you gave me?”

“Lexorin. I want you back in Piper till that wears off. Riley’s been told you were staying in overnight and I am keeping to that. You need sleep, Reva, and I want to be able to monitor you after...this.” He motioned between them. “Most participants in a meld are with very disciplined, logical Vulcans, not me.”

“And not with part Orions.” She smiled then sobered. “I’m sorry about Julisa.”

He nodded. “Thank you. I am a very lucky man, but it’s a heavy, heavy thing to have in my memories. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry for what you went through with Fisher.” He was glad for the dose of Lexorin. It kept her from picking up on the storm brewing within him. “We need to get you back to Piper.”

“This is weird, not getting a read off of you or Darwin. I take it for granted.” She moved to the edge of the bed and stood. “Shall we go?”

Solis called out to Darwin, then tapped his comm badge and ordered transport. Moments later, they vanished from Robart’s ship.

Lt. Commander Earl Crane
Lt. Solis
Lt. Michael Darwin
Lt. Riley Sukotav
Ensign Reva Madhava


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