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Should We Be Worried?

Posted on Sat Jan 16th, 2016 @ 3:05pm by Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Aros & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Leroy Quarters

* Leroy Quarters *

“There you go little man.” Aros’ voice was pitched low and soft as he tucked D’veidh in for a nap. “Li will be here soon.” He paused as if listening, then nodded. I promise I’ll bring it back soon as we’re done. You’re right, the mobile hangs a little crooked without it. Let’s just hope your dad doesn’t explode over this one. Sleep tight.

He stood by the crib, watching for several minutes until the baby was asleep. His gaze then strayed to the mobile with its missing orb. He checked his pocket to make sure the real orb was there. Finally, he stepped out and closed the bedroom door behind him. The living room was quiet for now, but he could hear Patrick and Kh’ali’s voices speaking softly in the kitchen where they were having a late breakfast. Moments later, the door chime rang.

“I’ll get it,” he called out.

The doors opened to reveal Li waiting. She stepped in and turned to Aros. Are they here? When he nodded, she continued. Might as well get this over with then. Leto wants to see you this afternoon when you finish up here.

Will do. I’d better call them. They will be wondering why someone rang and they don’t hear anyone talking. He smiled at Li, then called out, “Kh’ali? Patrick? Captain Hawke is here.”

“Captain Hawke?” Patrick said perking an eyebrow to Kh’ali, “Did I forget something?” He asked her as he wiped his mouth with the napkin and stood from the seat.

“Or me? It might have to do with the Cardassian issue.” Kh’ali rose as well and followed Patrick out to the living room. “Good morning, Captain. Welcome. We were just finishing breakfast, which means there’s fresh coffee would you like some?”

“Commanders.” Li smiled back at both of them. “That would be lovely, thank you. We should all have some, I’ll help you.” She glanced to Aros, then went to the kitchen with Kh’ali.

“How is it that I have a bad feeling about this?” Patrick voiced his thought looking at the kitchen door where the two women vanished.

Aros nodded slowly. “Let’s just say it’s not a social call?” At Patrick’s frown, he hurried to add, “It’s about some larger issues concerning the station that will need the attention of you and Kh’ali.”

“Is just the word ‘issues’ that I do not like in your phrase ‘larger’ being a close second,” Patrick replied remaining pensive for an instant then turned to look at Aros “How do you know?”

“That’s part of the story,” Aros answered. He turned as the two women stepped out of the kitchen.

“Let’s sit down, shall we?” Li asked.

“Please make yourselves comfortable.” Patrick responded gesturing to the chairs and couch

Kh’ali sat down on the sofa so that Patrick could sit beside her. She watched as Li sat in one of the chairs and Aros took the other. “What’s this about and how does it concern Aros?”

Li glanced to Aros at the question. “Something has come to light that could become a big issue for this station,” Li began. “An object of Krenim origin was discovered by Brenari Intel and a coalition of planets decided to take action. My brother Seren was sent to remove it from the Devore homeworld….along with Aros.”

Patrick eyes went from Li to Aros and back “Are you telling me that our baby-sitter is an Intel operative? and one in the field at that?” Patrick turned to look at Kh’ali with a mute question.

Kh’ali shrugged and turned to Aros.

“Brenari Special Forces actually,” Aros answered. “But not actively in the field. I have been on leave since I arrived here. Mainly so I could have some down time after a very dangerous operation and to stay out of sight. It all revolves around this.” He pulled the small orb from his pocket and opened his hand.

“But that’s one of the spheres from D’veidh’s mobile,” Kh’ali stated. She looked more than a little confused.

“So it seems.” Patrick added focusing his gaze on the object “Where’s the catch?”

“I made the mobile to disguise this one,” Aros answered. “This is actually a stable power cell.” He passed it to Patrick, knowing what he was about to say would pique his curiosity. “Hold it up to the light. It holds a tiny dark matter nebula that alone, and in the sphere, is stable. The Krenim developed it to power a temporal device that they can use to reverse time. You recall the logs from Voyager’s missions? They remade the one lost when that Krenim ship exploded.The Devore stole it and we were sent in to steal it from them.”

Regarding intently the sphere between his thumb and index Patrick nodded slightly “And after all this changing of hands to which use has this power cell to be put? Or has it been taken just to prevent its use?”

“Given it’s intended purpose, the latter,” Li answered. “However, this sphere is your department, Patrick. We’d like for you to see what you can make of it. Is there a way to deconstruct it? To replicate it? I want you to learn everything you can about it and unfortunately, time may be short.”

Kh’ali held her hand out and when Patrick passed it to her, she held it up to the light. The tiny nebula it contained swirled slowly and she shook her head. “Fascinating. I have to admit, the hiding place is ingenious. But I have to ask, are you sure it’s not dangerous? The idea of such a thing hanging over the baby’s head is a little mind-blowing.”

Aros nodded. “Without the device, yes. And that sphere is pretty-well indestructible. Others tried.”

“Well if it has to be studied it will be safely kept in Galileo from now on. I’ll get on it immediately and if there is a way to disable or duplicate it We’ll find out. Have a question though. How much short is the time?”

“We don’t really know.” Li looked to Aros,who shook his head.

“I’d guess that that soon enough the Krenim will be on Devore, demanding answers that they cannot give. Captain Hawke’s brother was captured and held there but rescued before they got any information from him. They know he was involved in taking the device but when he was taken and did not have it, it left them at a loss as to what happened to it.”

“Which gives us some time, but not much. Given Seren’s capture, they will be looking at the Fleet rather closely. Which brings us to you, Kh’ali. Aros can give you the people to contact who lead the coalition. We need to get together with them and our other allies in this quadrant so we are all together and ready if and when the Krenim come knocking.”

“Understood.” Kh’ali nodded. “I’ll start immediately, since it will take some time to reach them all, especially Zee’Hrai. It will take some time for him to get here too.”

“Good idea,” Li replied. “He will be a great help. But that’s where we are now. Secure the orb and keep me informed of your progress, both of you. Any questions?”

“Not at the moment,” Patrick replied still looking at the orb. “Should any difficulty arise you’ll hear from me.”

“I’ll let you know as soon as I begin to make contact.” Kh’ali smiled back at Li as she rose. “How is Seren?”

“He’s good. No lingering effects from the Devore drugs yet so I think he’s out of the woods, as they say.” Li rose, then one last thought hit her. “Also, Aros will be assisting Intel but around his duties here. He made sure that was understood. See you all soon.” She hurried out, leaving the three of them alone.

“Well, It’s better that I take this thing to Galileo right now and start assigning some staff to the task,” Patrick said pocketing the orb “I could be late for dinner…” He added then casting a sidelong glance to Kh’ali to gauge her reaction.

“I’ll walk with you,” she said. “I need to get to my office. Aros? I’ll be back at the normal time in case you need to get to Intel.”

“No worries. Do what you need to, we’ll be fine.”

Kh’ali nodded. “Ready Patrick?”


Kh’ali led the way out and once they were underway, she looked up at Patrick. “So what do you think of all this? I’m not sure what to worry about first.”

“Well… Now that you make me think on that, we should have a talk with Aros later. The powercell is safe so no harm could come from it to D’veidh. What worries me is that this kind of people are often on someone’s list… And he goes around with our baby.”

“There is that but on the other hand, if someone is watching him, who better than someone trained for Special Forces? I mean look at what he did on Qo’nos. If it hadn’t been for him and Nick…..” She stopped, not wanting to even think about what would have happened to D’veidh.

“Yes, right.” Patrick nodded, thinking that the both of them for one had been on someone’s list. “Any worry concerning the orb will have to wait further study, though.”

“And if they hadn’t gone to get it? Imagine that. You know how the Krenim like to mess with time and have no restraint where their enemies are concerned,” she added. The turbolift doors opened and she stepped in with Patrick.

“Hmm…A good thing Intel managed to subtract it from Krenim hands still, we have but stalled them. With time they’ll build a new one if rendered unable to retrieve this. The only thing we can do is to understand their technology and even the odds.”

“Exactly,” Kh’ali agreed. “The good thing is that it’s no longer a secret that they can spring on anyone unaware. Now? So many know that they will have to watch their step. I hope. Otherwise, the possibilities are frightening.”

“Better not to think of that. We’ll manage as we always did.”

“Taking this job was a smart move for Aros. People so often tend to overlook domestic staff, don’t they?” Kh’ali sighed aloud. “Lets hope anyone with bad intentions continues to do so.”

“I doubt millions of years of evolution are going to be changed in the near future.” He joked trying to reassure her.

=^= Deck 210 - Galileo Center. =^= The computer stated as the turbolift stopped.

“Oh… It seems I’ve arrived.” He said leaning for a kiss.

Kh’ali rested her hands on his shoulders and kissed him soundly. The doors opened to reveal Riley standing there, waiting for the lift. He blushed instantly.

“ apologies sirs. I can come back later?”

Kh’ali laughed. “Hello Riley. No harm done, come on in.” She smiled at Patrick. “I’ll call you later.”

“Uhm… Yes, later then” Patrick straightened his uniform and exited the turbolift with a quick nod to Lt. Sukotav. “Ready yourself Lieutenant. There’s work to be done.” Came his voice from the corridor as the doors closed.

Commander Patrick Leroy
Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Captain Li Hawke
Lt. Riley Sukotav


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