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Building To A Boiling

Posted on Tue Sep 20th, 2011 @ 6:55am by

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Marine Command Center


David was a busy man, coordinating Marine patrols and setting up security details for the Federation scientists getting ready to explore the waste storage facility Chief Shelton and his men had discovered earlier in the day. Shelton was in the CQ, dressed in his battle gear and standard Marine loadout. The situation on the sharp end was deteriorating fast. Dave had confidence in the old Klingon in command, but was secretly hoping he'd have to shoot his way out of this mess.

MSGT Collins suddenly entered the room, followed by twelve heavily armed Divitians clad in Internal Security uniforms and body armor. "Captain Lorenz, this is Vice Regent Nuth, Internal Security Minister for Divitia. He's..."

"I'll speak for myself, sergeant!" Nuth snapped. "I am here to detain Chief Darius Shelton and the four memebers of his reconnaissance team who all unlawfully accessed the waste storage facility in the outlying forest." Nuth handed Lorenz a piece of paper with strange glyphs on it that Davis took for the written Divitian language. Lorenz quickly scanned the page into the MCP, then read the translated text on his monitor. "Illegal entry? Sabotage? Reckless Discharge of a firearm? Public Endangerment? What kind of trumped-up bullshit is this?" he asked, looking at Nuth as if he was an escapee from the Flaky Farm

Nuth smiled slyly. "I don't know what bullshit is, but I do know what these charges are and our peace and cooperation pact demands that you turn your men over to me for administrative discipline."

Lorenz snapped his fingers and twenty-four Marines suddenly faced the Divitians and aimed their weapons at the startled Divitians. "I am afraid we will have to decline your invitation, sir," Collins said quietly, moving to disarm the Divitians.

David smiled and guessed that Nuth and his goon squad weren't used to being told no at gunpoint. "Nuth, there is one thing that nobody does and that is walk into a Marine Command Center and start issuing orders! I don't know who you are and until I verify your identity and position, you and your men will be detained for trespassing on Starfleet property. Collins, put em in the holding area!"

"This is a serious breach of protocol, sir!" Nuth blustered. "I demand to speak to your superiors!" he howled as he was led away.

Lorenz turned to Shelton. "I dunno what you did to piss off those Divitians while you were scouting around, nor do I care. Your actions led to the discovery of a situation the Divitians failed to mention to us and you and your team did a good job in escaping the guards in place. Right now, I need you to remain in the MCC and coordinate searches for more facilities. Send whatever you find to Leroy and Sakkath.."

Shelton nodded and moved out. Lorenz tabbed his MSD. "Now hear this, all Marines, Alert level-three is in effect until further notice. I say again; alert level-three is in effect until further notice." Alert level-three required all Marines to be clad in their combat loadout and work in pairs. The Divitians were very determined to keep the information about the waste storage area under wraps. Maybe Nuth could shed some light on why. Dave quietly issued orders for the rest of the Divitian security detail to be released.


Nuth was seated on a rickety chair in front of a cheap desk with a padd on it. Lorenz watched as the Divitian calmly picked his nails, then fiddled with his teeth. One cool customer, Dave smiled as he entered the room. "Good evening, Mr. Nuth," Lorenz said as he seated himself.

"It is 14 solar cycles, Terran! Do not try your interrogation techniques on me, they are weak and ineffective, as is your race." Nuth opened the ball with hositilty.

Lorenz sat down and smiled at Nuth. "I have spoken with some of the people at the Internal Security Ministry and they have never heard of you."

"I would imagine not, human," Nuth replied calmly. "My service to my homeworld is not a matter of public record. My personal information is highly classified. Nobody save my superiors knows anything about me in order to prevent a skilled computer thief from gaining access to my life."

Lorenz nodded. "Bet it makes getting mail a bitch, though. You not being an official part of the government puts me in a tough spot, Nuth. You came into my CP with armed personnel with the intention of illegally detaining some of my men...."

"The warrant was legal, captain! The wording and specifications conformed to the High Code in every way." Nuth exhaled a breath. "The longer you keep me, the harder this will go on your Mr Shelton and now you. I have added kidnapping a government official to the charges....."

Lorenz leaned across the table and placed a finger on Nuth's lips. "Shaddup!" Lorenz ordered. "You don't exist as far as the Divitian government is concerned and you have committed several breaches of Starfleet protocol! However, I cannot hold you here for an indefinite length of time. You are being released to the Divitian Constabulary as soon as time allows. In the meantime, you will remain here." Lorenz rose and exited the room before Nuth could object.

Dave arrived back in the CP just in time to receive a communique from qeraQ' demanding (a request in Klingon-ese) a meeting. Lorenz sent a simple, direct reply, hoping the old Klingon would have a hearty laugh. He had no way of knowing that his career as a Starfleet Marine was nearly over.

MCPT David Lorenz
MARDET Divitia Prime CO
Starbase 900


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