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The Diplomatic Sledgehammer - Part 1

Posted on Mon Sep 19th, 2011 @ 1:02pm by Captain qeraQ'

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Divitia Prime Surface
Timeline: Current

Looking out of the shuttle viewport an odd landscape greeted him. Dead, arid ground surrounded a pocket of idyllic structures. An island of greenery and impressive structures, often gleaming and dazzling the eye as the sun glinted off the many refracting crystalline surfaces, projecting a multitude of rainbows on most of the surfaces. Surrounded by a sea of desert, bare rock and dead vegetable matter. A perfectly round shoreline was all that betrayed the invisible border between life and death that had been formed. The dual shields that formed the 'airlock' style system around the planets capital were indicated by a ring of less-than-dead ground, still arid looking, but here and there life clung on. In the far distance a faint glint showed another, similarly isolated city. Others seemed to have darkened, unprotected settlements having been abandoned and damaged by the ion wave-front.

The stark contrasts in landscape had awakened a number of difficult memories for qeraQ'. Diplomacy was not a comfortable subject, normally he left the politicians and there groupies to deal with that, wielding the sword and showing the fist of power and supremacy when it was required. He understood the principles; the political feint was not dissimilar to the apparent weak spots he occasionally left in a battle formation to lure the overconfident enemy into attacking a position that would become a killing field. The delaying tactics used in votes in councils across the galaxy were to familiar to him as dressing the catering corps with batleth and body armour. His problem, rather, was with boredom. His time serving as an advisor to the high council had been short-lived. After explaining a military situation twice he would lose patience when asked a question that showed the listener had not understood the most simple of tactical situations, on one occasion even drawing a weapon on a particularly dim-witted specimen of junior bureaucracy. Such memories did nothing to encourage him.

It was for this reason that he had begun to think of the coming hours as a battle. In his mind he had pictured his divisions, his personnel and materiel. He also had a number of secret weapons, tricks up his sleeve that could be used if required. On the short shuttle ride he had reread the briefing notes on the diplomatic and political situation on the surface to ensure he was completely abreast of the details that he had barely skimmed back on the station. Now, as the ship approached a landing pad at the dead centre of the city, he felt as prepared as he could be. It was time to toss the dice.

The ship landed perfectly and qeraQ' made sure he took a moment to thank the Ensign who had the unenviable task of delivering his short-tempered Commander to the Presidential compound. He had rumours that the junior officers were intimidated or even frightened of him, and the few disciplinary actions that he had had to take on the station had served to reinforce that. He liked the fact that he kept them on their guard, but he knew that in this uncertain situation he needed to encourage and reward good work. Too much stick was not useful. As the hatchway opened he saw Lt. Dobry making his way towards the shuttle, an armful of PADDs that he was certain were intended for him.

"Lt. Dobry, bring me up to speed."

"Sir, the President is waiting for you in the council chamber. He has just suspended the session until the afternoon. I have here a list of a number of grievances and complaints that have been made regarding our teams on the surface."

qeraQ' grunted, things were certainly accelerating. "Anything material?"

"A few complaints that the Marines were overly aggressive diffusing a situation but most are hearsay, and some are clearly fabricated. The population are scared and they are looking for someone to blame. Who better than us."

"Indeed." The reports from the previous encounters between the Divitians and the Federation did not make for pleasant reading. The media would have blown the situation up making the Federation seem like mortal enemies if it was anything at all like the media in the Alpha quadrant. "And the President?"

"President Atanatar is nervous. He is still uncertain how to deal with this and facing open revolt from some of the minor council members. So far his own party seems to be supportive of his actions, but there are rumblings there. His majority is not large and it wouldn't take many votes to lose him a vote. Everything has to go through council, all Presidential Orders are subject to council review."

"That differs from what I have been briefed to date Lieutenant. I thought the President had broader powers."

"He does, generally. Most of the time Council consent is assumed. With a majority in the Council from his own party any vote would be expected. However, in times of emergency the council can suspend the assumption and demand a vote on all orders. It is supposed to be a check in case the President is mis-managing a situation. Instead it creates far more bureaucracy - most votes will have already been through a process of sub-committee inspection and time for debating in open session is not limited. In the three days since we began operations the council has not recessed until now."

qeraQ' thought for a second. There could be advantage to this, an enemy exhausted from constant engagement was off guard and weakened. Fresh troops were always an advantage if they could be deployed in the correct manner.

"I understand. I will meet with the President and then I would like to meet with Sakkath, Frost, Lorenz and Leroy."

"Very good I will arrange for them to be transported here."

"How does the President respond to... different diplomatic methods."

"So far I have been compliant with his requests only using gentle influence. It seems to work relatively well, he wants the best for his people and he has seen what we have done in the time since we have been here. He is a proud man, though, don't patronise him."

They were approaching a thick entrance made from a bright blue metallic substance. Some form of seal sat above it and a complex looking mechanical lock sat in the centre of the two doors and on either side stood a guard in formal dress. As they neared the guards each slammed a weapon not unlike a Terran pike to the floor three times and the doors swung open. Ahead of them a wide circular room appeared. A glass roof allowing natural light into the chamber. Around a thousand seats surrounded a central circular platform that raised onto two steps. In the centre of the platform a circular bar surrounded a single metal pole that reached from the platform's surface all the way to the ceiling and then up into the sky where further structures joined it, creating a pyramid shape. The pole was accessible from three walkways that seperated the bar into three sections. It was in this centre that the exhausted looking President stood, watching the approaching Klingon.

"I will take it from here Lieutenant, please summarise the situation so that I can submit it to the Admiral and the Diplomatic department back on the station, I would appreciate Kh'ali's perspective."

"Should I not stay for the meeting... Sir..." Dobry looked nervous at the prospect of his hard work being undone.

"I am going to be more honest with the President than I think you would be comfortable with... Duj tI'voQ TaH. Lieutenant, trust your instincts."

The Lieutenant looked confused for a second but nodded and left the chamber. Approaching the central Dais qeraQ' took a deep breath. There was no safety net for this meeting, no safety mechanisms or escape pods. No one monitoring him to beam him out. Just like being back in the Engine room..

It was time for battle to be engaged.

Commander qeraQ'
Reluctant Diplomat
Executive Officer
Starbase 900


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