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Zikar Gets An Answer

Posted on Wed Jan 20th, 2016 @ 10:22pm by Indra Nyyar & Lieutenant JG Quentin Dobry

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Nexus Club / Civilian Quarters

* Nyyar’s Quarters *

“I’ll be right out, Lt. Dobry,” Nyyar called out. She took one more turn in the mirror, inspecting the dress. It was a deep claret red, sleeveless with a low V-neck that fit close, then flared out around her knees and feet so she could dance in it. She had no idea what the Nexus was like, but Dobry had made sure to mention that dancing was the order of the evening at the Nexus. She fastened a latinum chain around her neck and settled the large red stone it bore against her chest. For a moment she was reminded of so many parties on Cardassia, official functions for the officers and their wives to dine and dance. She’s always enjoyed them. Zikar had been a surprisingly good dancer. It was there she had met Narella, the wife of another gul in the Bureau and it was this woman who had opened her eyes to Zikar’s real activities.

The memory was not a pleasant one and she pushed it away, even as she turned from the mirror. She added a spritz of perfume and finally appeared in the living room.

“I’m ready, Lieutenant.”

Quentin turned and was momentarily taken aback. “You look lovely. Please, call me Quentin.”

“Thank you Quentin. Shall we?”

He offered his arm and they departed for the Nexus, along with two of the usual security detail.

* The Nexus Club *

Zikar, like several other Nexus patrons, was enjoying the vocal skills of a cinnamon-skinned woman while taking a turn around the dance floor. His partner, a nicely shaped brunette, laughed as he said something close to her ear. She then winced as his grip suddenly tightened and he missed a step. When he turned her, she saw someone she knew; Lt. Dobry, with a woman in a red dress. Had one of them been the reason for the Cardassian’s misstep? Just when she expected him to invite her back to his table, Zikar instead thanked her for the dance, escorted her back to her own table and then walked to his table, where he shifted his chair to keep the woman in red in his sights.

As Zikar watched, a waiter arrived to take drink orders for Nyyar and Dobry. They sat talking and Dobry pointed out the main bar, then indicated Janice up on stage. Nyyar turned her attention to the woman and leaned in close to speak to Dobry. A few minutes later, he stood and took her hand, then led her out to the dance floor. All the time spent at ambassadorial functions meant he had learned to dance long ago and so, he took Nyyar in his arms and they began to glide across the floor.

“She’s amazing.” Nyyar meant Janice and Dobry nodded.

“I don’t get here as often as I like, but I could listen to her for hours.”

“I can see why.” She glanced at the other couples on the floor and smiled. “Popular place, I see.”

“Wait till you taste the food,” Quentin replied. “Well worth the trip, especially for you. I know being cooped up isn’t all that much fun.”

“Hopefully not for much longer, though you are right. Soon, I hope.” She smiled up at him and he swept her away across the floor.

As the two danced, Zikar approached them, tapped Dobry on the shoulder and said, “May I cut in?” He already had Nyyar’s hand in his.

Dobry’s first instinct was to say a firm no. The last thing he wanted was trouble on his watch, and if anything happened to Nyyar, Kh’ali would kill him.

“I don’t think --”

Nyyar stopped him with a squeeze of his arm. “We’re in a crowded public place, Quentin, and you and security are here. One dance can’t hurt. It will be fine.”

“Very well, but we will be close and you’ll be in view, Legate Zikar.” Quentin stepped away and moved to the edge of the floor, by the wall next to the stage where he alerted the security team.

Taking Nyyar in his arms and guiding her about the dance floor, Zikar tsk’d and said, “Do they really think that I would harm you, my love? I’m wounded by the implication; I’ve never harmed you, nor would I. What horrible things have you told them?”

“I’ve assured them that you never did, but it’s a sticky situation, Zikar. Even you have to admit that.” She changed the subject with a compliment. “You look very dashing tonight though. I was reminded as I was getting dressed of all the parties back ho -- back on Cardassia.”

“Home, my dear. ‘Back home’ is correct, don’t think any different. You look beautiful, as always.” He smiled and turned her. “What can I do to convince you to come home with me?”

“I don’t know,” she answered honestly. “I have a feeling that even if I did, it would never be the same.”

“Together, we could make it the same.” He was still angry that she’d simply left rather than talk to him about her concerns. For just a flash, he wanted to throttle her, to find whomever had told her about his work and flay them.

Nyyar noticed the sudden tension and reached up to smooth his brow. “You always do that when you’re angry, my darling.” The last thing she wanted right now was an angry Zikar. “What is it?”

“I’m upset that someone cost me you, your companionship, your love,” he grumbled.

“Easy,” she whispered. “Such rumbling won’t solve anything.” She was suddenly certain that the notification from Lt. Bajun had not reached him yet. Probably for the best or this conversation would be far different. She had to admit to herself, though, that dancing with him felt good, felt familiar. The longing built up over the years rose in her suddenly and she sought for a subject to take her mind off the sensation. “What have you been doing with yourself while here?”

“There are two fugitives from Cardassian justice here. My men are working to secure them so that we can take them back for a trial.” He smiled slightly. “You feel good in my arms. This is where you belong, Nyyar.”

She felt the familiar flush creeping up her neck and knew he’d realize what she felt. Maybe the dim light on the dance floor would cover it. She hoped. “I...hope you catch them then. That would look very good for you when you get home.”

“What would be good for me is for you to go home with me, my love,” he gently drew a knuckle along her neck and jawline.

She shivered at his touch and her breathing grew shallow. He knew exactly what he was doing and panic bloomed in the back of her mind. She knew she should get away now, before it was too late but his hold tightened, pulling her close against him.

“Zikar? What are you...this isn’t really the place….”

“You leave me little choice, my dear. It’s either here or it isn’t at all, which leaves me with only one option,” he kissed her cheek. “You’re blushing and it isn’t from being kissed in public.”

“You know me too well,” she murmured. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes, say you’ll come home with me,” he begged her.

The warnings from Eldren and Julisa rang in her head, fighting with the desire to give in to this man who was her husband. “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.” She met his eyes and realized that if she didn’t get away now, she’d be lost. His dark eyes had always fascinated her and now she could see the love she’d always seen within them.

“I know that it is,” he argued. The song ended and he reluctantly released her. “I’ll escort you to your table.”

As she stepped back from him, movement from the edge of the floor caught her attention. It was a security officer and he was approaching them with apparent purpose.


“Legate Zikar,” the officer asked as he approached and held out a padd. “This is legal service of court documents.”

Caught slightly off balance, mentally, Zikar accepted the padd and barely noticed as the man turned and walked away. He opened the document on the device and nearly dropped it. Blood roared in his ears and his grip tightened till the device’s screen cracked. “Nyyar!”, he shouted.

The shout immediately got the attention of Dobry and Nyyar’s security team, as well as those nearby on the dance floor. Nyyar knew immediately what was on the padd and she took advantage of the crowded dance floor, slipping away between the dancers. Dobry and the officers moved in and he reached Zikar first.

“Please, Legate, calm down.” Dobry ordered. “Where is Nyyar?”

“Calm down?” Zikar raged, “You have your people serve me with legal process in the middle of a dance floor?” He made to swing at Dobry, but was caught by a burly Security officer.

“It’s time for you to go home, Sir,” the officer said, getting help to pull Zikar to the door. Zikar was not helpful in the process.

Dobry looked frantically around the dance floor, then the room full of tables. He addressed the other security officer who’d appeared. “Find Nyyar. Now!”

The officer nodded and looked around the Nexus; he found a server and asked about the woman in red. He tried another server, then a brunette approached him and pointed towards the back of the house. After several minutes of questioning people and looking in offices and back-of-the-house areas, he admitted defeat and went back to tell Dobry Nyyar couldn’t be found.

“Can’t be found? Dammit!” Dobry pinched the bridge of his nose as he frantically processed what that meant. None of it was good. “Where was Zikar taken?”

The officer consulted his comm then answered, “He was taken outside, calmed down and allowed to go his own way.”

“Which means he’s going to be looking for her is my guess. What was on that padd?” Dobry was still scanning the room as he spoke to the officer.

“Bajun filed a divorce pleading for Indra today; that was service of the documents on the husband.” The officer calmly looked around before commenting, “I’ll bet Jackson files a complaint with Oz and gets service stopped in the Nexus.”

“That’s the least of our worries. Zikar’s not going to let this lie. Start a search for Nyyar and I want Zikar watched like a hawk. I don’t want him finding her first. Keep me informed please.” Dobry frowned and looked back out over the room. He spotted one of Nyyar’s usual guard and hurried over. “Tell me, who does she know on this station?”

The two looked at each other and one shrugged. “She went to see another guest, Amose Paz. And she had dinner with Eldren. Um...,” he glanced at his compatriot. “That’s it.”

“Amoja,” Dobry corrected. “Yes, he’s the man who helped her flee Cardassia. Check with him and I’ll find Eldren. I can’t imagine she’d go to that neighborhood though. She’s likely frightened enough as it is. Let’s hope we find her locked away in her quarters. I’ll be in touch.”

Indra Nyyar
Past The Point Of No Return

Lt. Quentin Dobry
In Hot Water

Legate Zikar


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