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The Maddening of Zikar

Posted on Thu Jan 21st, 2016 @ 12:26am by Suresh & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & IKS Ning'Tao
Edited on on Sun Jan 24th, 2016 @ 2:05am

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Guest Quarters - Zikar

* Legate Zikar’s Quarters *

“This is not how you build trust,” Drekkar growled at Farak. He was seated in a chair, his back to Jarad, their wrists cuffed together with zipcuffs. The position was effective: neither he nor Jarad could stand without causing a problem for the other.

“Oh do shut up,” Farak replied, how tone weary. “I have to make it look good don’t I? Do you really think Zikar would buy it if he walked in and you two were propped on the sofa watching a movie and sharing a bottle of wine?”

“I can’t believe I am saying this but he’s right, and you have no idea how much it pains me to admit it,” Jarad grumbled. “This isn’t your first time playing prisoner though, Drekkar. You know how the game works.”

“I do, I’m just not happy about playing it this time. There’s no benefit to me here.” Drekkar sat forward, pulling Jarad’s wrists backward. “We should have just overtaken him when the women left.”

“We could but then we’d miss the fun of Zikar being caught with his pants down, figuratively speaking. Anything that messes with that idiot is something I’ll play along with.” Jarad looked up at Farak. “For a short time.”

“Relax,” Farak ordered. “You don’t have to stay long. He’ll return from dinner, grump that he hasn’t heard from Nyyar, and gloat over you two for a bit. He’ll call the council, then go to bed and mope.”

As if hailed by Farak’s mention of him, Zikar entered the quarters in a storm of fury and rage. He threw the padd in his hand; it hit the far wall and fairly exploded into hundreds of pieces. As the sound of the impact died in the room, he stopped, blinking at the two men sitting uncomfortably. He looked to Farak. “The women? Are they in the bedroom?”

“No, they are in sickbay because Linar was too zealous in his work and Kaeli was bleeding to death.” Farak’s tone was sour. He decided not to mention that she was bleeding to death in Zikar’s bed. “Besides, you have what you wanted here.” He glanced at the padd pieces. “What was that?”

“The girls at Nexus turned you down, Zeek?” Drekkar laughed, right up until Zikar decked him.

The Legate answered Farak: “Nyyar filed for divorce.” He turned back and hit Drekkar again, then a third time and a fourth. Breathing hard, he laughed, “I like this, Farak. Coming back to a convenient punching bag.”

Farak was pleased with this development, but kept his expression carefully neutral. “I am sorry to hear that, Zikar. Perhaps you may yet change her mind. There’s still a little time.”

“I don’t know about that. I always thought she was too good for you Zikar. She finally wake up to reality?”

Zikar stepped around to Jarad and hit him just as he’d hit Drekkar. He didn’t stop till he was breathing hard. “The only reality is that she loves me; she’ll go home with us.” He paused and leaned in slightly, “Perhaps for you, damaging your face is of no worries; you’re already ugly. Perhaps I should break your hands.”

“And risk my being put back to good use with the Council? Do you really want to tell them you ruined my talents?” Jarad smiled slowly. “I think not.”

“The Council will never use you again,” Zikar asserted.

Drekkar barked a laugh and said, “Really? Their best torturer? And you think they won’t put him to use again? It’s not like he could fake-kill a prisoner to help him escape again. The Council, I’m sure, is well aware of that particular trick.”

Jarad snorted. “Besides, I suspect if you don’t get back to work soon, my first ...visitor...will be you.”

“Get back....” Zikar clenched his teeth and his fists. “Farak, get these two to the ship tonight. Put them in stasis and lock them down. We’ll leave first thing in the morning.”

Farak couldn’t hide his surprise. “Without Nyyar? Surely you want to see her again? You said yourself it’s only a matter of time till you convince her. Don’t be hasty, Zikar. However, stasis is an excellent idea and I’ll get them there right away. They can stay there as long as it takes.”

“You heard my orders,” Zikar said. He started for his bedroom then turned back, “And the two women. Find them and put them on the ship as well.” He then stepped into the bedroom and closed the door.

Farak turned back to the two men. “Alright, you heard the man. Let’s go. Stand and don’t make any sudden moves.” He spoke louder than necessary, for Zikar’s benefit. When the two Cardassians managed to get to their feet, he assisted them out into the corridor and only then did he remove the cuffs.

“He just said to go get our women. You’re leaving them alone - it was part of our deal!” Drekkar turned on Farak.

“Yeah, yeah, he also said we’re leaving in the morning. That’s not happening either is it?” Farak led them away from Zikar’s door and into the turbolift so they would be out of sight. As the lift began to descend, he continued. “I’ll check to make sure he has notified the Council when I go back there in an hour or two. He won’t learn you’re not there in stasis until tomorrow. I’ll show up with some bumps and bruises, swear that somehow there was a malfunction and you two assaulted me and escaped. He will then be forced to delay his return and tell them why.”

“Do we get to give you those bumps and bruises?” Jarad smiled now. “I can make them look really good without doing permanent damage.”

Drekkar, too, smiled. “I’m sure you’re not worried about permanent damage, Farak.” His grin faded. “What if he doesn’t contact the Council?”

“He will. You two are too good a prize for him not to gloat about it immediately. Besides, if he’s done something this great, they’ll not be too concerned if he extends his stay. He’ll cool off tonight and by tomorrow, with you two bagged, as he thinks, he’ll get down to some serious plotting where Nyyar is concerned. I can delay the news of your escape for several days actually. Just stay out of his sight.”

Drekkar wiped at something on his face; his hand came away with blood. “Staying out of sight is fine. Jarad, let’s go find Kaeli and Isa.”

“Agreed. And Farak? Fair warning, Linar is a dead man. As far as you know? He just conveniently vanished. Tell Zikar whatever you like but you won’t see him again.”

Farak shrugged. “Understood. That reminds me, I have a Bajoran to hand over to Zikar tomorrow. That should lift his spirits.” The lift stopped on the deck for Piper Medical. “I’ll be in touch.”

Drekkar grabbed his arm. “What Bajoran?” By all appearances, Isaura was Bajoran.

“The man who helped her escape from Cardassia. Zikar’s been anxious to deal with him and when he heard she’d had dinner with a Bajoran, he lost his mind. Granted it was two different Bajorans, but Zikar doesn’t have to know that.”

“Good luck with that.” Jarad stepped off the lift and hurried towards the front desk.

Drekkar glared at Farak for a moment longer then followed Jarad.

Legate Zikar


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