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Rabbit Run

Posted on Sat Jan 23rd, 2016 @ 4:46pm by Indra Nyyar & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Nexus Club / Civilian Quarters -The Cherry Pit

* The Nexus Club *

When the security officer with the padd mentioned court documents, Nyyar knew the moment of truth had arrived. When Zikar read the notice and began to shout her name, she knew it was time to go, for her own safety. It was fortunate for her that the dance floor was full. It afforded her good cover as she slipped between the moving couples, putting distance between her and Zikar. She could hear Security telling him it was time to go but she didn't stop. She was not at all certain that Zikar wouldn't have her followed from the Nexus to her quarters and was certain that, right now, the safest course for her was to disappear for a little while. She would call Dobry later, once she was safe and had settled down a little. For now, safe meant one person and she was determined to get there.

She left the dance floor and weaved her way through the tables and waiters, all but running as she reached the back of the room. A hallway led down to what she assumed were bathrooms but that wasn't what grabbed her attention. As she neared the end, she heard the distinct sounds of a kitchen. Rounding the corner, she was greeted with the sight of white-coated chefs busily working as one of the staff stepped through the door. She darted in behind him and was met with several curious looks.

"Is there a back way out of here? I...I have to get out," she stammered. Panic was beginning to set in and she fought it, knowing she had to keep her wits about her. “Please!”

An older man looked her over, then barked an order at the young woman by his side. She hurried around the counter and beckoned to Nyyar.

"This way."

She led Nyyar through the kitchen, past several large walk-in coolers, finally arriving at some offices and a locked door. The woman tapped in a code and the door slid open. "Go left," she instructed. "This corridor will take you to a service lift so you can avoid the Promenade if you wish."

Nyyar nodded. "Thank you so much." Then she ran along the empty corridor and into an oversized turbolift.

"Deck 532," she ordered. Once the doors were closed, she leaned back against the wall, her heart still hammering in her chest.

The Cherry Pit *

When Nyyar emerged from the lift she realized that she may know the deck and the quarters number, but that didn’t mean she knew where those quarters were. She hurried along the corridor, which led to an intersection of corridors leading off in all directions. She could hear voices farther along one of them and so she took off in that direction, hoping that someone could point her in the right direction. She’d heard of this part of the station and knew its reputation. It wasn’t the best area, and she hoped that meant Zikar wouldn’t have his people down here looking. He would assume she was too afraid to venture down here.

The voices grew louder and now the corridor ended at a public square and with what appeared to be several bars and a bazaar situated around it. She drew back, hoping to stay unnoticed as she took in the scene. Several people close by looked her over, then went back to their business. Since Nyyar had no idea who might be working for Zikar, she decided against asking directions. A sudden movement caught her eye and a tall Cardassian appeared, moving through the crowd in her direction. She didn’t recognize his face but right now, any Cardassian was suspect. She slipped off her shoes, left them there and began to run back along the corridor. When she reached the intersection, the tuned down the left corridor and kept running.

Behind her, the Cardassian reached the pair of red shoes and bent to pick them up. He then took off at a fast run, tapping his comm badge as he went.

“This is Linar. Are you aware your wife is running the corridors down in the Pit?”

Zikar’s voice came back, the tone harsh. “Catch her and bring her here. Now!”

“Acknowledged.” Linar continued to run and when he reached the intersection, he stopped to listen. After a few seconds, he heard the sound of running feet and began to follow.

* * *

Nyyar glanced at the numbers as she ran by doors. They were far off from the one she needed, but they were descending and that was a good sign. Now she could hear someone running behind her and she veered off to the right, holding the long dress up and moving at top speed. The numbers continued to descend and now she was turning off at every cross-corridor, hoping to lose whoever was behind her. She was hopelessly lost at this point, but survival instinct spurred her onward. She turned once more and to her surprise and relief, the numbers were finally close. Down at the end of this corridor, she found the right door and sobbed with relief. Bypassing the chime, she began to hammer on the door with her fists.

“Eldren! Open the door. Hurry! Please! Eldren!”

The thudding sounds at the door followed by the muffled voice pleading startled Eldren, bringing him back from his thoughts to the here and now. Taking the disruptor he quickly strode to the door opening it by only an inch ready to the worst.

“Nyyar!” he exclaimed in surprise “How did you?... Ah! No matter...” He ended opening the door fully to let her in.
“This is… Unexpected. What are you doing here?” He asked her casting a cursory glance outside to assess the presence of potential threats and quickly letting the door close “And what happened to your shoes?” he added regarding her better.

“Lock the door!” she whispered.

Heavy footsteps could be heard out in the corridor now, along with the sounds of someone knocking on doors. She pressed her finger to her lips, then darted around him, moving off to the door of the bedroom. Moments later, the pounding reached Eldren’s door.

Eldren’s eyes narrowed to slits as he tightened the grip on the disruptor. The door couldn’t be easily opened from outside and he debated with himself if to snuff out the threat once and for all. But then he thought better casting a sidelong glance to Nyyar who stood close to him.

Within instants the knocking sound passed on, losing itself in the distance.

“What’s happened?” He asked her in a low voice.

She crossed to stand before him and rested her hands on his chest. “The divorce proceedings order was delivered to ZIkar tonight,” she said. She then related the events at the Nexus, how she has come to be dancing with Zikar and how she’d managed to slip away, then being spotted by the unfamiliar Cardassian. “No one knows where I am,” she finished. “I had to get out of sight and I thought…. of you….”

“Mhm…” He nodded “Down here is not the best place for a woman to be around alone. Cardassians aren’t the only danger in this section of the starbase.” He held her gently trying to reassure her. “Well, you’re safe for the moment. No one with a pinch of salt in his head would try to open this or the other doors around here. This is part of Suresh’s domain and of the people that stay close to him.”

She rested her head against him with a sigh of relief. “Thank you. I didn’t think he would have anyone in this area but apparently he has his men scattered all over. I don’t want to cause a problem for you though. If so, I’ll go.”

“No problem. He’s probably infiltrating the entire base with his men and allies… You can stay here for as long as you wish even if I deem it unwise. Security is going to turn the starbase out as a glove to find you.”

“I’ll call Lt. Dobry to let him know I am safe, and so he can tell Security not to worry. With any luck, the man who was after me will assume I went back up above.” She tilted her head back so she could look up at him. “Thank you. That sounds so inadequate but I don’t know what else to say. You are amazing.”

He smiled with the compliment and her naivety about the Starfleet Officer in charge to protect her. “I think you might be overestimating me.” he joked. “And if you want to stay here a while better not to call this Dobry you say. His head is in the balance with your safety and he won’t let go of the bone to know where you are the moment you should contact him. Ease yourself a bit then, when you’re ready, I’ll take you wherever you want to let your security detail to find you.”

He released her from the embrace and moved to the replicator which wasn’t too far. “May I get you something?” he asked tucking the disruptor on a shelf away from her sight.

His quarters were somewhat small compared to the standard but everything was set in an orderly fashion making the locale look comfortable.

“A glass of wine would be nice,” she answered. “I am missing dinner but honestly, I’m a little too wound up to eat yet.” Crossing to the sofa, she settled there, tucked her bare feet up and covered them with her long dress. Her gaze rested on Eldren as he ordered her drink from the replicator. “Who is Suresh?”

“Mmm… An influential person.” He responded bringing her the glass of wine. “He’s got hands on various… um… Commercial business here and around the quadrant. He’s Romulan.”

He sat close to the sofa then with his own glass “A bit unpopular though. Would be better to avoid naming him around.”

“I see. It is enough to understand he doesn’t like trouble in his...domain? I suppose I am a magnet for that at the moment.” She lifted her glass and touched it to his. “To staying out of trouble.”

“Out of trouble.” He nodded and sipped from the glass.

“You seem to have a knack for escaping.” Eldren said after some moments “But one cannot flee for his entire life.” He ended more as if talking to himself than to Nyyar.

“No, they can’t,” she agreed. After studying him for a few moments, she continued. “Neither of us can.”

“You’ll have to use all of your charm with this Mr. Dobry to avoid getting restrictions after tonight.”

“Restrictions? I am not the problem here, though he won’t be happy that I might have endangered myself on his watch. I feel bad about that but I had to get away and get….here,” she admitted. “If I am too big a complication, I will go, but I don’t...I think our paths have crossed for a reason.”

“I believe it too. This is too far in time and space to be a coincidence. I wonder… How long haven’t you talked with a Vedek? For me it’s been years.”

“Not since before I was taken from the village,” Nyyar admitted. She set her empty glass aside and reached out, gently touching his earring. “Mine was taken away just before they presented me to Zikar. Such tendencies were forbidden on Cardassia so I fell away from the path, I guess you’d say. Why do you ask? Is it important?”

“They have a deeper knowledge. They can explain things like this, but it’s only important as much as each individual deems it.”

Nyyar nodded and slipped her hand in his. For an instant she marveled at how easily she could do that, how natural it felt. “If you would like to, then we will. Surely they have one on this station.”

“No need. Perhaps is better to not come to know of the Prophets’ ways.” Strangely enough for him the idea of a destiny looming above them all disquieted him. Her hand in his was strangely warm and again the hate he felt for cardassians surged from within.

“Maybe so,” Nyar agreed. “I might find that I am unable to hold back my anger at the Prophets allowing me to be removed from Bajor to begin with. My time with Zikar was good, aside from being on Cardassia but I have so many mixed feelings now that I am away from him.” She squeezed his hand, then rose. “Excuse me a moment.” Her long dress rustled around her feet as she slipped away and into his bathroom.

He didn’t like hearing her speaking good of this Zikar. He had held her prisoner for a lifetime “He’ll not be good anymore.” He half-muttered uncaring if she’d been able to hear. Then he took a decision, walked over to the replicator and typed a command.

The Bajoran earring looked good in his hand when he retrieved it. Opening a closet he searched for a tiny device not larger than a small dress button and set it in the earring. “Now’s ready,” he spoke to himself in satisfaction.

In the bathroom, Nyyar leaned back against the closed door, hands pressed to her eyes as she forced herself to settle down. Hearing her own words, that she considered the time with Zikar good, had shaken her and she had sensed Eldren’s displeasure upon hearing it. Now that she knew ZIkar was actively hunting her, as the Cardassian who’d chased her proved, she had to be even more careful. She hoped that by coming here, she hadn’t endangered Eldren. So far, he hadn’t registered on Zikar’s radar and that was a huge relief. After a few deep breaths, her composure returned and now she heard Eldren moving about the bedroom just outside the door. She smoothed her dress, then opened the door and stepped out.

“Here you go.” He said offering her an object when she came out of the bathroom, a very small chain with a little pendant glittered on his hand. “This is for you,” he added perceiving her hesitation “It seems a common earring but there’s a device hidden in it. If you press here, I’ll receive the signal and come as fast as I can. Take it.”

Nyyar looked at the glimmering earring in his hand and was at a loss for words. Her vision clouded with unshed tears for a moment and she managed to nod.

“It’s range is limited though, it will work only until you are on the starbase… Still better than nothing.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. “Put it on?”

Following her suggestion Eldren came closer and gently set the earring on her ear. Once done he regarded her with admiration “Now that’s it. It is again as it should have always been.”

“I don’t know what to say.” She reached up to touch the earring. Her first thought was that it would enrage Zikar and she forcibly pushed that thought aside. Getting him out of her head was apparently harder than physically removing him from her life. “As it should have always been,” she murmured. “I think you are right.”

Time slowed around them and Eldren’s mind flew back to the past. Without thinking, following a pure instinct he leaned down with but a whisper. “This should have happened long ago…” and pressed his lips to hers.

Nyyar’s thoughts flew out in a thousand different directions and she let them go without any attempt to call them back. She suspected she might be looking at some real confusion later but didn’t care. Perhaps this was the universe’s way of making amends for all the lost years. She slipped her arms around him and gave in.

Indra Nyyar
The Past Becomes The Future

Eldren Tohr
Making Up For Lost Time


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