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Making Impressions

Posted on Tue May 24th, 2011 @ 9:33am by Jackson Banning V & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad
Edited on on Tue May 24th, 2011 @ 9:38am

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: The Nexus Club

* * The Nexus Club, SB900 * *

Eli stepped behind the bar with a fresh crate of glasses, leaving them on the rack. Taking a few minutes, he checked the stock and made a few notes in a padd of what needed refilling, Once done, he smiled at Jackson, who stood at the end of the bar speaking with a rather scantily clad Orion woman.

"Thanks, Eli."

"Sure thing." Eli wiped his hands on a towel, then vanished to the back to retrieve what was needed from the storerooms.

The Orion's gaze followed the young man as he left the bar, then she looked back to Jackson.

"Oh my, who and what is that?"

Jackson frowned. "Simmer down your reactor, Seyla. That is too young for you and off limits. No room for negotiation, got me?" His tone was firm.

Seyla studied his face. Seeing his resolve, deflated noticeably and pouted. "Spoil sport," she grumbled. "He's yummy."

"He's also only nineteen. Don't make me unhappy, Seyla. You won't like it."

She gave Jackson a rude gesture, then laughed and reached for her drink. "A pity, too."

"I suspect he'd see it as a blessing." The dig was obvious. "How's things over at the Worm Hole?"

"Busy, but I only go slumming when I'm at work. I prefer a much classier bar when I'm off." She hooked her finger between the buttons of his shirt.

"That's not what I hear." He removed her hand, then stepped back. "Stay out of trouble. And no, that's not just idle small talk." Jackson turned and moved through the door to the storerooms and offices. Behind him, Seyla stuck her tongue out at him as she reached for her glass.

* * The Nexus Club Storeroom * *

Eli looked up as Jackson appeared in the doorway and leaned against the frame.

"Thanks Jackson."

He waved it aside. "Think nothing of it. That woman's a man-eater of the highest order, and old enough to be your mother. She's been put on notice, by the way. But then you likely already picked up on that."

"Yeah, I did. I owe you one...again." His smile to Jackson was grateful. "Not that I'd mind someone younger and less...voracious."

"That so? You still wantin' to get into the Academy here?"

Eli nodded. "Absolutely. I have the brains for it, and now I'm an exile. Seems like the smartest thing to do."

An exile at nineteen. Jackson shook his head in disbelief, though he agreed with Eli's reasons. Anyone would be better off as far from his previous home as possible.

"In that case, the only woman you need to worry about impressin' right now is named Claudia Drake."

"Who's that?" Eli ascended the short ladder to better reach a row of bottles on the top shelf.

"Who's that? Only the Director of the Academy here. The woman's a legend. You could go out into the bar right now, stop a handful of people in Starfleet uniforms and mention her name. They'd all nod, pat you on the back and wish you luck. Then snicker after your back was turned. She's tough but you survive her, you'll know your stuff."

"I just have to get in. I'm in something of a strange spot here." Eli hopped down off the ladder, bottle in hand.

"Well you stand to be the first Delta Quadrant native to do so, as far as I know, so that may help. What interests you?"

Eli sat on the middle rung of the ladder as he considered the question. "Well, I'm awfully good at computers. I like them better than most people I know, aside from you. Or maybe I should look into something along the lines of what you did."

"Well, I took a rather unorthodox path, but you know that. Maybe you'd be good at Intel, somethin' to think about as you go. For now, concentrate on gettin' started and I'll help all I can. I know people in that line of work." Jackson grinned.

"I know." Eli returned the smile. "As long as it's not that Orion."

Jackson rolled his eyes. "She gives you any trouble, you just say the word. And I know you have ways of doin' so that are faster than normal."

"When I need to yes, but only in an emergency." He hopped off the ladder.

Jackson stepped aside to let him out as he spoke. "Trust me, she corners you it will be. Now get the bar restocked, then get outta here. It's gettin' late."

Eli gave a mock salute. "Aye sir."

Cadet Eli Ziyad
The Hopeful One

Jackson Banning
Owner & Guardian Angel
The Nexus Club, SB900


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