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To See And Be Seen

Posted on Tue Feb 23rd, 2016 @ 5:21pm by Suresh & Indra Nyyar & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Saturnalia

* Saturnalia *

Suresh had departed Li’s quarters more than a little concerned. The Li he had just seen wasn’t the one he was used to. That one was always at ease, perfectly in control and in command. This one was lost and scattered, brittle enough to break, he sensed. He decided that besides dinner, he was going to keep a close eye on her for the next little while, just in case. He sensed she was completely adrift and he intended to be a safety line, just in case.

Now, he had business to attend to and so he entered the bar. It was crowded as usual and a chorus of voices greeted him. He went to his usual table, the only one empty, and had a seat.

“Good evening Shelly.” He wondered if the woman ever left here, even as he noted the wariness in her gaze. As long as she had known Suresh, she was still very careful around him. Well, she had known the old one, so that explained a lot.

“My usual, and bring something for Eldren too. He’ll be here soon.”

“Sure thing.” Shelly hurried off, wondering what was brewing to bring the big guy and Eldren together. Word was passing around that Eldren was replacing Lazan, which mean he might be around more. Then again, the current gossip was that Eldren had killed that Cardassian legate and snaked his woman and that made Shelly really curious. And nervous. She returned with the drinks and smiled at Suresh. He simply nodded. Something was on his mind tonight, which meant she should keep the drinks coming but not stay to chatter.

Suresh watched her go, then lifted his drink. It was several minutes later that the main doors opened and he looked up to see Eldren enter.

Giving a cursory scan to the locale, just in case, Eldren located Suresh and walked right to his table. Taking a seat he beckoned Shelly for his usual then turned his attention on the Romulan:

“Did you want to see me?”.

“I did, about a few things,” Suresh answered. “First, a question. How is Nyyar? Talk is going around about our little encounter down on Archadia.”

“I don’t care about gossip, tattlers can come asking for details to me if they dare.” Eldren responded casting a look around the locale “What is important are Security talks about the fact. I have no illusions, they could come any moment to apprehend me… and Nyyar’s seems fine enough, for what she’d endured. At moments she seems lost, on others a keen business-woman. I hope this Raj Amani guy can help her sort things out.”

Suresh shrugged. “Not surprising, all things considered.” Suresh clearly recalled the pain of the episode with Xerena and the fear of losing Six. That sort of thing could really mess with someone’s head. Finally he nodded and reached for his drink.

“The next thing is that the Lazan problem has been handled. How soon would you like to move to bigger quarters?”

“I’m ready.”

“His have been searched, Edana and Farco took care of that a few days ago. All his personal effects have been removed but we left the furniture and other furnishings. Lazan had good taste, apparently, for all his other shortcomings.” A thought now occurred to Suresh. “Will she be coming down below with you?”

“That depends on her decision. She can have the best quarters courtesy of Diplomatic department, and now she’s about to become wealthy too. Would you change the style of a lifetime for a lowlife?”

Suresh raised an eyebrow as he looked back at Eldren. “It seems to me she already has. But that raises a question - does she know exactly what you do for me?”

“Of course she doesn’t. Or at least, she suspects something but… Suspecting isn’t the same thing as knowing.”

That got a laugh from Suresh. “That is precisely why I am once again a free man, Eldren.” He sipped his drink and nodded. “Very well. You know where his quarters are, the door is unlocked. You can reset the code. Take a day or two to sort through the information there in your terminal and get caught up. Then you and I will go down to Archadia and make you known to the managers of the houses there. Edana will meet with you as well. She is in the process of reversing all the skimming Lazan thought he got away with.” Suresh stopped speaking, his eyes on the door. “Well, well…… it seems you have a visitor.” He nodded to the entrance. Nyyar was just stepping through the doors.

“She shouldn’t come down here alone,” Eldren said even if his expression had sensibly brightened at the sight. “This is a dangerous place.”

Suresh noticed Eldren’s expression and hid a smile beneath his hand. “It is but I suspect that after this, not one of these slobs will lay a hand on her.”

She stood still as she scanned the crowd, ignoring completely the stares and whistles coming from the denizens of Saturnalia. Then, finding Eldren and Suresh, she began to make her way through the tables, neatly sidestepping any roaming hands. Finally, she reached them and rested her hand on Eldren’s shoulder.
“Gentlemen,” she greeted them.

“Nyyar.” Suresh nodded his head to her. He left it to Eldren to invite her to sit.

“Sit with us Ja’ital.” He motioned her to the seat next to him.

She did so and immediately those closest, who had been watching, turned back to their own business. None wanted to be the one called out for staring at someone who was obviously Suresh’s business. With a smile, she looked from one to the other. “Good to see you Suresh. I wanted to thank you for your help the other night. It means more than you may ever know.”

“My pleasure,” he answered, then waved to Shelly. Once Nyyar had ordered, he spoke again. “I was just asking about you.”

“I’m doing well enough,” she answered,. “There’s a lot to take care of but it will be done soon.” Now she looked to Eldren. “I hope I’m not interrupting?”

“No you’re not. I’ve just defined with Suresh some business things and I’m about to move to larger quarters down here.”

“Oh?” Nyyar studied Eldren a moment and smiled. “That’s good news for you, yes?” She suspected it would mean time split between her place and his, but understood the reasons why. When her drink arrived she thanked Shelly and turned back to Suresh. “I hope you’ve had no trouble over Zikar’s death?”

Suresh shook his head. “Given what they saw on the video, it was very clear what was happening. Case closed, as they say.”

“Good.” She sipped her drink, then looked around at the bar. “Interesting place here.”

“Not so interesting.Tthere are more fancy places on the starbase.” Tohr replied trying to steer her away from Saturnalia for the future. “And quieter too.”

“True, but you are here,” she answered with a laugh. She leaned in closer to the two men. “Besides, I am being seen as familiar with you and welcome by Suresh. Do you really think anyone will cause me trouble now?”

Now Suresh did laugh out loud. “She’s a smart one, you may want to keep her.”

Tohr’s smile came uneasy. “For sure no one will bother you inside Saturnalia. But there’s all the way coming down here that you shouldn’t tread alone. There have already been bad episodes recently.” Tohr’s words stopped right there short of mentioning the assault occurred on Six.

“No doubt,” she agreed. She didn’t press for details. “I have finished up all the final details regarding Zikar,” she informed Eldren. “I just have a few loose ends to finish up.”

“I’m happy for you, one less worry to think about. And now?”

Nyyar shrugged. “That is for me to decide. I can do anything or nothing at all.” She smiled suddenly. “I would, however, like to celebrate. Maybe go back to the Nexus this time without having my evening interrupted and having to sneak out the back.”

“Nexus is most often the best choice. A good place where to spend an evening in relax and you can have a private corner too if you wish. That would be by far my preferred.”

“I’ll make the reservations then.” She smiled at Suresh, then leaned close to kiss Eldren’s cheek. “I will leave you two to your business.” She rose and departed and this time, no one whistled and not one hand roamed where it shouldn’t.

Suresh looked amused. “It appears you do have a soft spot after all.”

“It’s something deeper than that.” Tohr responded as he watched her go, without adding any detail, though, on what he really intended.

Back To Business

Eldren Tohr
Stepping Up The Ladder

Indra Nyyar
Being Seen...and Marked


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