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Duranium Rose

Posted on Mon Mar 21st, 2016 @ 1:56pm by Indra Nyyar

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: CIS Pumulu

* CIS Pumulu *

"The shuttle has docked, Legate," the Cardassian officer at the conn reported. "Docking bay crew reports Indra Nyyar is aboard and," he bit back a smile, "apparently not too happy. Return course to Cardassia laid in."

"Very good," Boroca answered from the captain's chair. He could well imagine Nyyar's state of mind. In fact, he was looking forward to it. "Proceed warp 9." He stood and retreated to the lift doors. "I will be in my quarters soothing the irate widow if I am needed."

"Better you than me," the officer mumbled. "Engaging warp 9."

* Boroca's Quarters *

Boroca stopped outside his quarters and squared his shoulders, preparing for what was to come. Reaching up, he smoothed back his hair, making sure it was perfect, then checked his clothing. Everything was good, in his humble opinion. A bright smile appered on his face and he stepped through his doors. He hadn't gotten three steps in when Nyyar stormed into the living room.

"Boroca! What is the meaning of this??" Truthfully, she was terrified but she knew that was no way to approach this. She was a legate's wife after all...well, widow, and still a citizen. She also knew Boroca's desire for her and that gave her a good measure of power. "I certainly hope you are here to put to rights what that idiot Farak has done!" She crossed her arms and glared at him, knowing the effect that her sharp words would have on him. It was risky, but the wisest course at the moment.

Hearing her words, Boroca's smile widened. He looked her up and down and was exceedingly glad he had chosen to have her brought here.

"Nyyar, my darling. I am so happy to see you!" He strode forward, sweeping her up into his arms. "How are you? Are you alright? I have been so worried. It is absolutely horrific that Zikar went over the edge as he did and attempted to harm you."

Nyyar gave in and let him embrace her, wrapping her own arms around him. "It is good to see you, Boroca. You are looking well."

"And you are as breathtaking as always," he replied. "As for Farak, yes, I have already dispatched orders to deal with him. Two of my best are dispensing with him as we speak for daring to do such a thing to you." He hugged her tight once more. "I am relieved that you are unharmed."

Now that the niceties were out of the way, Nyyar took hold of his shoulders and pushed him back enough to separate them. "As am I. Tell me what's going on here Boroca. I appreciate your coming to my rescue but are you taking me back to 900?" She was under no illusion that Farak's actions were of his own making. She also had no doubt that they were on their way to Cardassia. What she needed to do was make sure Boroca thought she was on his side, the grateful grieving widow. To his credit, he had been a good friend to her and Zikar. She had also seen his looks at her, something Zikar had always missed and dismissed when she brought it up. That was going to save her skin now, she suspected.

"Back to 900?" The question seemed to surprise him. "Why would you want to go back there Nyyar?" He reached out, brushing his fingers over her cheek. "You should be at home where you belong, with your friends who love you."

"Like the woman who made a point of badmouthing my husband to me?" she asked.

Boroca waved that away. "She was a jealous, prejudiced harridan who was never happy and angry that you were. Zikar made sure she paid for that before he followed you to 900." He took Nyyar's hand and led her over to the sofa. "Come."

She sat down, turning to face him. "So we are on our way to Cardassia. Then what?"

"I'll take care of everything," Boroca assured her. "You need someone to look out for you. We've always been close so I am happy to do it. I know I am not Zikar, and can't fill his shoes, but perhaps in time...." He left the offer hanging. "My precious fragile rose..." he whispered.

Fragile was hardly the word, Nyyar thought. More like duranium in the shape of a rose. The mental image amused her. "Zikar wasn't Zikar, at least not the one I thought I knew," she snapped back and was rewarded with a pleased smile from Boroca. "When your own husband tries to kill you, then all the rules change, don't they?"

Her harsh words achieved exactly what she wanted - they fanned the flames of his desire even more than usual. He raised her hand to his lips. "Dare I say that you will be far better off with me than you ever were with him? Surely you know I have always --"

She cut him off mid-sentence. "I know. I've always known, actually. But before you move one inch in that direction, we are going to have some ground rules. I will be free to come and go as I please. What's mine now remains mine, not ours. No lies. Whatever it is you do, I want to know. I can learn to live with some things, but lying to me is not one of them. Are we clear?"

"Perfectly." His gaze held hers and could have consumed her with its intensity. "I give you my word, darling Nyyar. I have a condition of my own, however. The Bajoran on 900. You will not see or speak to him ever again. I can also live with a lot but I cannot have a wife that is not absolutely faithful."

Nyyar felt a stab of fear rise in her. How had he known about Tohr? The answer was obvious - Farak of course. She only hoped that somehow Tohr had realized she was gone and where she was being taken. Even if he were in pursuit, it would take time to get to her, given her head-start. She had to play it cool, keep Boroca placated until Tohr had time to reach her. Finally, she nodded.

"Very well."

"Zikar was a fool," Boroca murmured. "His love crossed into obsession and he didn't truly appreciate what he had in the end. No one will ever raise a hand to you ever again. I only wish you had come to me instead of fleeing Cardassia. I would have taken care of it for you."

"I didn't know who I could trust," she admitted. "You and he were so close, I couldn't be sure what you would have done."

"Now you know." He smiled once more. "We will arrive at home in three more days. You may relax and enjoy yourself in the meantime. It will allow us to catch up as well. I look forward to the time."

Nyyar nodded. "As do I, but it's been a stressful few days. I think I'd like to rest for a little while. Perhaps dinner?"

"Count on it. We have all the time in the world ahead of us, my dearest." He kissed her forehead and rose. "I'll be on the bridge if you need me." He hurried out, leaving Nyyar alone in his quarters. He had a call to make to Cardassia and an official record to file. His smile widened considerably as he entered the turbolift and began the ascent to the bridge.

She waited a few minutes, then crossed to the doors and pressed the panel. They opened immediately, much to her surprise. She had expected him to lock her in. Then again, on a ship, where was she going to go? She strolled to the small kitchen and requested water from the replicator. It was time to make some plans. The first was figuring out a way to reach Tohr. The beacon in her earring would be useless right now. She had, however, learned a few tricks as the wife of a CIB director and one of those was how to get a subspace comm channel open and have it be undetectable. It would keep her communication hidden in case these quarters were being monitored for unauthorized transmissions. Then she'd have to clear the security feed if it recorded her. All easily done.

She hurried over to the terminal, sat down, and got to work.

Indra Nyyar


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