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Speaks The Old Crone

Posted on Sun Mar 20th, 2016 @ 8:32pm by Maxym Balasz & Ensign Reva Madhava

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: VIP Quarters

* VIP Quarters *

Max had transported up after the morning swim and then had enjoyed a long, leisurely shower as he washed away the sand and salt. He had lingered under the hot water, thinking over the previous night and the long conversation this morning. He hadn’t been sure what would happen down on the planet but he was satisfied that things had taken the right course. Better to lay a good foundation than a shaky one and he was glad Li had agreed. What that meant for the next days and weeks ahead, he wasn’t sure but they’d work it out. Tilting back his head, he let the water run over him and gave a contented sigh.

You seem more relaxed than you have been, Maxym. Was it a good night?

He yelped aloud and the shower spray went directly into his eyes as the thought popped up in his head. Granted, she couldn’t see him but he still felt more than a little exposed.

Umm...hello to you too, Menna. Could you give me a moment?

Of course. You will come over once you are dressed, she said.

Max turned off she shower and stepped out to dry off. Once he was, he wrapped the towel around his waist and ran a brush through his hair. He centered the leaves of his necklace, then stepped into his bedroom to get dressed. It didn’t take long before his was presentable and stepping through Menna’s door.

“Good afternoon, Menna,” he greeted her. “How was your night with the boys at hand?”

“Disagreeable,” she complained. “Those two are plotting against me, Maxym. They left me alone and went to some place Riley called the Pit. Grax should not be in such places, though I understand from Riley that Reva likes to be down there. She takes after her mother, as I always knew she would.”

“It’s harmless, just a place to unwind and have a drink,” Max replied. “I don’t think it spells their moral decay.” He smiled back at her, unable to feel any rancor. He was in too good a mood. “Besides, it’s good for Grax to expand his horizons a little don’t you think?”

“Hmph,” she grumped, “he should have been here, making sure that I had what I needed.”

“Riley would’ve come immediately if you needed anything. What do you think of him now that you’ve spent more time with him?” Max asked. He was aware he was still smiling and didn’t seem to be able to stop.

“He is a good Betazoid boy. I can think of at least a half dozen young women he would be better matched with.” She eyed Max’s grin and narrowed her eyes at him. “And you? Li seems to have made you happy.” It was vaguely an accusation.

“That depends on what you mean. If you’re asking what happened, I will say that we are going to proceed slowly and let her have time to adjust back to being herself, you know? We aren’t jumping into anything formal just yet but even so…..” His smile widened. “What she always felt has not gone away.”

“That is good. It means you can both find happiness,” she smiled at him. “Take your time, but start on children soon.”

Max blinked back at her. “Children?? We’re not even sure how next week will go, Menna. I think we should get over a few hurdles first before we think about that.”

“I’m not saying that you should start trying for children next week, but perhaps within the year.”

“Within the year,” he repeated slowly. “That will depend on Li...well, and me too of course.” Darwin rose in his mind and he shook his head to banish the thought. “But we would like some time to be us. You can understand that.” He paused a moment as he looked at her. “Have you spoken to my parents yet?”

“I have not. You should call them; they would be interested in this development. They knew, after all, that Li was assigned to SB900.” Menna was gleeful as she watched Max; he was happy, though unsure and hesitant about Li. “Do you wish to have this other man assigned elsewhere? We do have influence with Starfleet’s top echelon.”

Max blinked at her, realizing she was still eavesdropping. “Darwin? Of course not. He’s important in his department here and well-respected. He’s also Li’s friend. They……” He paused, trying to figure out how to explain what Darwin was to her. “It’s complicated but I don’t think it will be a problem.”

“Oh. I see,” she said, for she had seen in his head just what Darwin was. “I once had a paramour like that; Grax’s father didn’t mind.”

Max wasn’t sure how to take that, actually. “I, uh...don’t think that’s what Li has in mind with Darwin,” he answered. He really didn’t want to think about Menna and any paramour, husband or otherwise. “Darwin’s got other attachments and I might be feeling a little selfish.”

“It will work out,” she said. “Have you had a moment to determine when Reva will be back on the Station. No one I ask has any sort of estimate. It’s as if they put her on a ship and told her to just go hang out for a while, without defining anything.”

“No, not yet.” Max had purposely avoided reading anything sensitive in Li’s mind. “I do know it’s classified and beyond that, nothing. It’s Fleet business. Will you stay for the wedding? Reva’s, not mine I mean.”

“Reva will not be having a wedding,” Menna said, her knitting needles scraping against each other. “Riley has not yet seen sense, but he will. Perhaps it is good Reva will be gone an indeterminate amount of time. He needs to be away from her to recover from her influence.”

Max was silent as he considered how best to explain this situation. “You are aware, aren’t you, that he isn’t being influenced by pheromones? Reva has to stay on inhibitors while in the Fleet, and at all times.” He decided to take a more sly approach too. “Besides, such a match for Reva will be good for the family don’t you think? A well-respected officer of pure blood. You couldn’t ask for a better one for her.”

She was silent a long moment. “That would be very self-serving, Maxym,” she finally pointed out. “It would be detrimental to Riley.”

“And if he doesn’t mind? He even defied you on Reva’s behalf, remember? That’s a sign of a man who knows his own mind and has the backbone to stand by his choice.” Max smiled once more. “Let it go Menna. Reva’s had a difficult enough life. Let them be happy, or at least have the chance to try. As Li found out, life is too short and you can’t always count on forever.”

She grunted, neither conceding nor continuing the argument. “We shall see. Li is not on the station today, is she? What plans do you have? I want to go to the Promenade.”

“She and Commander Zeferino are down at the beach. We can certainly go to the Promenade if you wish,” Max answered. “Anywhere specific?”

“No, I would simply like to walk it and see what is there.” By ‘walk’, she meant be pushed in a hoverchair, which required someone to push it. She tended to run into people and things when she drove herself.

“Very well, I’ll have a chair brought and we’ll see the Promenade and have dinner.” Max rose and crossed to the terminal to order the chair and make reservations for dinner.

Maxym Balasz
Menna Avaarax


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