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Transfering The Flag

Posted on Sat Mar 26th, 2016 @ 2:23pm by Major David Lorenz & Marine Captain Quentin Harrison & 2nd Lieutenant Jordan Holbridge

Mission: Further Challenges


Lorenz looked at the set of transfer orders on his padd, grinning like an ape. “Doyle, I need Sgt. Maj Woodard and Captain Harrison in here immediately.”

“At once, my liege,” Doyle said, a touch of sarcasm in his voice as he went about his task.

The two aforementioned Marines arrived within five minutes of the summons and took their respective seats opposite of Dave’s at the briefing table. “What’s going on, major?” Woodard asked.

“We won’t be training young Mr. Holbridge after all. I just got word from Fighter Corps Command that JD is being transferred to 900’s Fighter Training Wing, effective immediately.”

“The Hell you say!” Quentin barked, snatching the padd containing the orders from Dave’s hand. “I cannae believe this! We just got the boy!”

Woodard took a sip from his ever-present mug of coffee. “It’s what the boy wanted as his first choice of duty. You think his dad helped move things along?”

Dave shook his head. “Jim has been adamant about not influencing his son’s career the way his father did his. I think that Patrick made some noise about getting a Holbridge in the skies again, and the boy has already proven he has what it takes at the controls of a CSAR runabout and starship.”

Quentin was still glowering. “I dinnae like it!”

“You’re just piossed because you won’t be able to protect him …” Woodard began, only to be stopped short by the murderous glint that had come into Quentin’s eyes.

“That boy is me nephew, if not by blood then by the times we have shared!” Quentin growled.

“We can’t buck this, Colonel Harris and the General signed off on this. Best thing we can do is tell him he’s being transferred ourselves.”

“I assume we will be having our usual fun with him?” Woodard grinned shamelessly.

Even Quentin’s churlish attitude evaporated at the prospect of some subordinate torture. “Let’s do it.”


Lt JD Holbridge entered Lorenz’s office and felt instant apprehension as he came to attention. “Lt Holbridge, reporting as ordered.” He said in a crisp voice.

“At ease,” Lorenz ordered. “We have a report that you want to leave us, son. After one deployment, you want to leave and we want to know why.” Lorenz gestured to Woodard and Harrison.

“Leave, sir?” JD looked puzzled.

“As is depart, vanish, make tracks, hit the trail!” Woodard barked, emphasising Lorenz’s words.

Quentin looked at JD steadily, his eyes drilling holes into the boy’s soul. “Aftyer all we’ve done for ye!”

“I don’t want to leave, sir! I am happy here with you and Uncle...uh, I mean Captain Harrison…”

Lorenz cut him off. “You want to leave us or you wouldn’t have put in a transfer request to the Fighter Corps!” Lorenz cut the boy off. Picking up the padd, he read aloud, “To Major david Lorenz, commanding officer, 3rd Marine Regiment, Starbase 900, blah, blah, blah; Re 2lt Jordan Holbridge and his request for Fighter Corp Operations training, specifically air combat operations. Request for transfer is approved and you are hereby directed to make Lt Holbridge available for fighter combat training as soon as possible. Signed…” Lorenz put down the padd and grinned at the nervous boy. “Congrats, kid, you’re on your way to being a pilot like your old man!”

Harrison’s severe face broke into a grin. “By all the saints, way to go me bucko!” The big man grinned and swept JD up in a bear hug. “I very proud of ye!”

“Put me down, uncle Q!” JD gasped with a laugh. Quentin set the boy down and stepped back. “Another flying asshole! His father was bad enough, but now his clone will be flyin’ too!”

“There goes the universe!” Agreed a smiling Woodard who was busy pouring drinks. Woodard had put an ice ball into four glasses and poured a splash of O’Bannon into each glass. He handed glasses to the other three men, then took his own in hand. “I have been in this man’s Corps for nearly twenty years and if there is one thing I can say it’s that we Marines have lots of traditions; one of which is toasting to the success of a junior officer on his first assignment!”

“I have a toast,” Quentin began. “May the days of your life be long, prosperous, and happy. May the wind be at your back, and may you never know pain or the heaviness of a broken heart.”

The men nodded and sipped their drinks. “I have one; if you fuck up in FCT and bring your sorry ass back here, I will make you the permanent Waste Management Officer!” Lorenz grinned at the boy. “Seriously, I wish you luck and Godspeed, son.”

“Thank you all.” JD smiled and gunned down his liquor.

“You are dismissed, lieutenant.” Dave said softly.

The young man smiled, came to attention, then did a perfect about face and left the office., ;leaving the three men holding their empty glasses. “Secure and carry on,” Dave said softly.


Major David Lorenz

Captain Quentin Harrison

2lt JD Holbridge


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